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Intermediate Video script Unit 7

Making a social arrangement

In a library

K = Karina M = Man

K: Hi Tom. I can't talk I'm in the library. What? What do you mean busy? … Alright then

don't come, I'll go with someone else. Unbelievable.

M: Shh!

K: Hello Josh it's Karina. I'm phoning to ask if you'd like to go to a gig with me tonight.

I've got an extra ticket and well, when you get this message will you give me a call?

Okay, bye. – Bye.

M: I'm sorry, you're not allowed to use a mobile phone in here.

K: Oh this? I'm not using it, I'm just checking the time. Hey excuse me, excuse me, um,

how are you?

M: Ah, fine. I mean …

K: Listen, I've got two tickets to see the Magnitos tonight, would you like to come?

M: Me? Oh sorry I can't, I'm going to my mum's.

K: Your mum's? Oh.

M: But another time maybe, I mean, how about next week instead?

K: Okay see you later.

Hello? Oh hi Josh, thanks for getting back to me. Yeah fine thanks. So did you get my

message? Can you come? Yeah? Really? Oh that's great, and a drink after. Yeah I'd

love to thanks. Oh that's great. Yeah … Yeah. Okay, shall we meet at eight o'clock?

Text me when you get there. Great, I'll see you there. Bye. Yes!

M: Shh!

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2013 Pearson Education

Intermediate Video script Unit 7

Making a social arrangement

Key phrases

K = Karina M = Man

K: I'm phoning to ask if you'd like to …

K: Can you give me a call?

K: Would you like to come?

M: Oh sorry, I can't.

M: How about next week instead?

K: I'd love to, thanks.

K: Shall we meet at eight?

K: I'll see you there.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2013 Pearson Education

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