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Anoushka Kharbanda

Crimson Shadows

Detective James Collins sat in his dimly lit office, his tired eyes fixed on the flickering
computer screen, casting an eerie glow across the worn-out wooden desk. The room
was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, steam curling from the ceramic
cup he held tightly in his hands. The oak chair creaked beneath him as he leaned
back to drink the hot beverage. A shrill ringtone abruptly shattered the silence.

He jolted forward thinking about what was that urgent on Christmas Day, his hand
slipping from the mug, scalding the liquid splashing onto his hand. As he fumbled for
the phone, his gaze was fixed on the caller ID, which displayed an unknown number.
Suspicion mingled as he answered the phone. The receiver trembled in his grasp.
"Detective Collins, we need you urgently in Eastwood, there has been a murder at
Charles Kingley’s mansion,'' the voice filled with anticipation.

James felt a shiver down his spine at the mention of a brutal murder. He tightened
his grip, his mind racing with thoughts.

"I'll be there immediately," James replied, filled with determination.

Arriving, James was met with an eerie scene. The once-vibrant town was now
wrapped in a blanket of tension. James approached the scene, flashing his badge to
gain access.

Approaching the scene, he was greeted by shattered ornaments across the mansion
floor, their beauty ruined by the brutal act. In the centre of the lounge, lay Charles
Kingsley. The room echoed with the sound of flashlights and cameras.

As James examined the dead body, his gaze fell upon a family portrait, which
seemed like the victim's wife and 10 year old daughter.
As he approached the two women, he could sense the heaviness in the room as
they faced the daunting task of discussing the tragedy that had occured in their

"I suppose you must be Mrs Elizabeth and Miss Sarah Kinsley. I understand how
difficult this must be for both of you," James began, his voice filled with empathy.
"But I need your cooperation to uncover the truth and give justice”.

Elizabeth looked up at James, her eyes filled with sorrow. "Detective Collins, we
want nothing more than justice. Charles... he was our pillar of strength….

Detective James Collins leaned forward, his gaze on Elizabeth Kingsley. Were there
any other individuals who had a motive to harm Charles? suspicions or conflicts you

Elizabeth took a deep breath, her voice with sadness. "Detective Collins, there was
one person who had a rivalry with Charles—Richard Thompson. They both had been
competitors in the business world for years”.

It became personal, a battle for power. Charles always approached it professionally,

but Richard...."

"I appreciate your honesty, Mrs Kingsley. Rest assured, we will investigate Richard
Thompson's involvement," James assured her.

Intrigued by this, James arranged a meeting with Richard at his office, prepared to
confront him about his feelings of envy and the potential motive for murder.

"Richard Thompson, I'm here to discuss the rivalry between you and Charles
Kingsley," James stated, his voice firm but open to hearing Richard's side of the
story. "There are claims of animosity between the two of you”.

Richard leaned back in his chair. "Detective Collins, I won't deny that we both had
our differences. We were both ambitious individuals striving for success in business.
But, I have nothing to do with Charles's murder."

James observed Richard, searching for any signs of guilt. "Elizabeth Kingsley
mentioned that you had a grudge against Charles”.

Richard sighed, with regret in his voice. "It's true that I was envious of Charles's
fame. I worked just as hard, but Charles always came on the top."

"I may have been jealous, but I would never lead to violence”.

After a thorough conversation, Detective Collins found no substantial evidence

linking him to the crime.
"Richard, I appreciate your cooperation," James acknowledged, he said with a
neutral tone. "Based on the information, we will continue our investigation but you
will not be a suspect.

As James was leaving, Richard stated about Victor, Charles' close friend and their

Detective James Collins paused, his hand resting on the edge of the chair. He turned
back to face Richard, a glimmer in his eyes.

"Wait, who is Victor?, his voice filled with curiosity.

Richard leaned forward. "Charles and Victor had been friends for years, but their
relationship had been strained recently. Victor Lane, known for his art. He was
known for his artistic creations. However, he has been in debt for a few years, I
overheard them arguing at a gathering just a few days before Charles's murder”. It
was intense, filled with heated words, it seemed like they had reached a breaking

With this knowledge, Detective Collins saw an opportunity to delve into Victor's world
of art, seeking clues that could shed light on the murder Mr Kingsley.

Detective James Collins arrived at Victor’s studio, filled with anticipation. As he

entered the space, he was struck by the abstract paintings adorning the walls.

Victor turned towards James as he entered, a smile on his lips. "Detective Collins,
what a surprise. I assume you're here to discuss Charles's murder?"

James maintained his composure. "That's correct, Victor. I've come to interrogate
you regarding your relationship with Charles."

Victor remained calm, but James sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. "Ah, our
friendship... It was a complex one. Charles was a remarkable individual, our
connection was deep."

“Let's get right to the point, Richard mentioned that there was an argument between
you and Charles a few days ago. More details on that please”.

Victor's eyes sparkled, "Yes, we had a disagreement, a clash of opinions. Charles

couldn't comprehend the artistic vision, and tensions rose.

Pressing further, James asked the question that had been weighing on his mind.
"Victor, were you involved in Charles's murder?"

Victor's composed demeanour faltered. "Detective, I swear, I had no part in his

death. Yes, our friendship had its complications, but I would never lead to violence.
He was my dearest friend”.
Detective Collins leaned in, his gaze piercing into Victor. "The evidence suggests
otherwise, Victor. Your proximity to the crime, the argument with Charles, and the
secrets that have unfolded throughout the investigation."

Victor's voice trembled, a mixture of fear and desperation. "Detective, I never meant
for any of this to happen. It was a moment of weakness, a tragic mistake led by
jealousy and a desire for money.

James's heart sank as the truth unravelled before him. Victor's admission of guilt
confirmed his suspicions, shattering the bond of friendship that once existed
between him and Charles.

Reflection: Crimson Shadows

The main purpose of this narrative is to engage the reader with a suspense based
detective narrative, including the conventions of a crime thriller genre. To illustrate,
this story aims to capture the reader's attention by presenting a murder mystery,
leading them through twists and turns, and revealing the identity of the culprit.
Furthermore, the story creates tension and a desire to uncover the truth, keeping the
reader engaged until the resolution.

Throughout the text there are various language and structural features. Firstly, the
setting (a structural feature) is established through vivid descriptions, such as the
“dimly lit office, the aroma of coffee, and the shattered ornaments in the mansion”.
As a result, these details lead to the overall atmosphere of mystery, adding depth to
the narrative and engaging the reader.

The character voice (structural feature) of Detective James Collins is used

throughout the narrative. To explain, weariness, determination, and empathy has
been portrayed through the character's thoughts, dialogue, and his actions. The
character voice further allows readers to connect with the character (Detective
Collins) and experience the story through their own perspective.

Thirdly, Red herring, a language technique used in crime thrillers is introduced in the
form of Richard Thompson, who is presented as a potential suspect due to his rivalry
with Charles Kingsley. To explain, there is an air of suspicion around Richard,
suggesting that his envy with Charles could have driven him to commit the murder.
However, as the narrative further continues, it becomes pretty obvious that Richard
is not the true culprit. The main purpose of introducing the red herring is to increase
suspense and keep the reader engaged within the mystery. Consequently, by
presenting Richard as a suspect, it adds further complexity to the narrative, making
the reader consider different possibilities and overall, builds tension.

Lastly, the resolution effectively ties up the loose ends of the narrative, providing
closure to the mystery. The confession of Victor Lane and the shattered bond of
friendship between him and Charles create a sense of tragedy and the
consequences of envy and misplaced ambition. The denouement leaves the reader
with a lingering reflection on the themes of friendship, jealousy, and the destructive
power of unchecked emotions.

In conclusion, the narrative effectively uses various language and structural

techniques to create a suspenseful crime thriller. The establishment of setting,
character voice, dialogue, plot twists, and a resolution contribute in engaging the
reader and creating a captivating narrative.

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