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4144 JOHN A.

i A
dubious for such a complex combination of rate
constants. However, i t may be observed that if
the 2' result is not used, an activation energy,
E = E2 +E4/2 - E6, of about 9 kcal./mole is
obtained. Since E2 is about 13 kcal./mole in the
gas phasezo and Ed may be taken as zero and E5
is probably in the range of 0-4 kcal./mole, this
value is reasonable.
Effect of Allyl Alcohol.-The effect of allyl
alcohol, particularly a t 27" where the highest
concentrations were used, shows that the formation
of gaseous products probably proceeds completely
by a free radical mechanism. The virtual elimi-
nation of methane a t an allyl alcohol concentration
of 0.1 111 shows that simple hydrolysis of photo-
excited acetone to yield acetic acid and methane,
which had been assumed by early workersjGcan-
not account for methane formation.



3.2 3.4
An interesting result was the increase in quantum
yield of methane and carbon monoxide a t 2 and
27' for low alcohol Concentrations. This does not
occur at the higher temperatures. A possible ex-
[ 1 / T ) X I03. planation for this phenomenon is that methyl
Fig. 4.--Xrrhenius plot of rate constant ratios derived from radicals in the solvent cage react with allyl alcohol
slopes of Fig. 3 ; upper curve corrected for temperature much more rapidly than do acetyl radicals. This
dependence of diffusion. prevents recombination of acetyl and methyl to
form acetone and allows acetyl radicals to escape
An argument similar to the one we have already the cage and actually obtain a higher concentration
used suggests that 4 log T should be subtracted than in the absence of scavenger. This in turn
from the values of log k5/k2k41/* to account for the favors the disproportionation reaction 5 which
temperature dependence of diffusion, Although has relatively greater importance a t low tempera-
such a treatment tends to correct the apparently ture because of the low activation energy usually
anomalous value a t 2', the adjusted values do not associated with disproportionation reactions.
lead to a linear Arrhenius plot unless the 2' value (20) J. C. Calvert and J. T. Gruver, THIS JOCRNAL, 80, 1313
is neglected. The validity of this calculation is (195s).



The Starch-Iodine-Iodide Interaction. Part I. Spectrophotometric Investigations1

10, 1959

Maltodextrins having six or more glucose units react with iodine-iodide solutions to form complexes which can be detected
spectrophotometrically. Triiodide complexes exhibit absorption spectra essentially identical with the triiodide ion; hence
triiodide complexes are not visually detectable. Dextrins with 9 or more glucose units give polyiodine complexes with en-
hancement of the absorption and shift to longer wave length, thus giving visible colors. Iodide ion was found to be neces-
sary for the formation of blue starch-iodine complexes in aqueous solution. The apparent failure of amylose to form a n io-
dide-free iodine complex suggests t h a t amylose exists primarily as a random coil in aqueous solution.

Introduction tendency to form complexes and (b) the types of

The effect of chain length on the stoichiometry complexes formed.
and absorption spectrum of the starch-iodine com- Recently, maltodextrin saccharides up to
plex is known only semiquantitatively.3,4 This have been isolated by column chromatography on
deficiency has resulted principally from a lack of cellulose columns.G These individual compounds
individual pure or adequately characterized starch afforded an unparalleled opportunity to examine
saccharides, in the chain length range where small definitively the effect of chain length on the starch-
changes in chain length give large changes in (a) the iodine complex.
(1) Journal Paper No. 5-3746 of t h e Iowa Agricultural and Home Experimental
Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Proj. 1116. Supported Materials.-All inorganic reagents were commercial rea-
in part b y grants from t h e Corn Industries Research Foundation and gent grade and used without further purification.
General Foods, Inc.
(2) Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, S e w ( 5 ) G, designates a pure individual linear maltodextrin saccharide
York. Union Carbide and Carbon Fellow 1957-1958. composed of n D-glucose residues.
(3) M. A. Swanson, J. B i d . Chem., 171,825 (1G48). (6) J. A. Thoma, H. B. Wright and D. French, Arch. Biochem. B ~ o -
( 4 ) D. L. Mould, Biockem. J., 68, 593 (1954). phys., 86, 452 (1959).
STUDY 4145

0 3c

K O 2c
$ 0 10
Fig. 1.-Ultraviolet and visible absorption of iodine com-
plexes. Solutions contain 1.2 X M 12, 2.4 X M
K I and in addition 0.40% Glo (curve A ) ; 0.43% Gs (curve
B ) and 0..54y0Gs (curve C). Curve D is a control con-
taining only ISand K I . Light path was 2 mm. Blanks con-
tained equivalent amounts of dextrin in HzO.
Fig. 2.-Ultraviolet and visible absomtion of iodine
Glycogen was purchased from the Nutritional Biochemicals complexes. Solutions contain 2.6 X ill IZ and 1.2 X
Co. When the sample was added t o 12-KI solutions, a visi- M K I and in addition 0.9G7, GII (curve -‘0 .8
; Giz
ble enhancement of the IP spectrum was just perceptible, a n
indication that the sample was highly branched.’ Amylose (curve B ) ; 0.87y0 G9 (curve C ) ; 0.32% mixture of Gls,
was prepared by the procedure of Schocha and three times GIQand GSO(curve D). Curve E is a control containing
recrystallized with 1-BuOH. The isolation by cellulose only IZand K I . Light path was 2 mm. Blanks contained
column chromatography of the maltodextrin saccharides equivalent amounts of dextrin in H20.
which assayed between 87 and 92% carbohydrate with the
anthrone reagent9 has been described in another publications
by the authors. -4mixture of G19,G19and Gza was obtained reagent. The dextrins Gg through GI1 stained
by continued elution of the cellulose column with two liters yellow-brown to brown while the staining capacity
of solvent after the GI8peak appeared.6 The final solvent of G8 was questionable. From G12 to G15the color
contained 42.5y0 H 2 0 , 25y0 EtOH and 32.5% 1-BuOH, by
volume. These saccharides, while not completely resolved changed from brown to reddish purple. This ex-
on the column, could just be resolved by paper chromatog- periment suggested that under favorable conditions
raphy at room temperature on 14” sheets of Eaton and dextrins as small as Gg, and possibly G8, could form
Dikeman 8613 paper, when irrigated 6 times ( b y the asccnd- iodine complexes with enhanced color.
ing technique) with a solvent containing 28% HzO, 37%
EtOH and 3570MeXOn, and then irrigated eight times with a When the ultraviolet and visible absorption
solvent containing 33% H?O, 37% EtOH and 3oy0MeN02. spectra of 0.4-0.5% solutions of Ge, Gs and Glo
The saccharides above G16 showed considerable streaking. in the presence of 12-KI were measured (Fig. l),
These large saccharides were made visible by spraying the only an enhancement of the 1 3 - peaks a t 290 and
papergrams with a solution containing 0.3% of IZand 0.15%
K I in goy0 methanol. This spray had the advantage t h a t 355 m p I 2 was observed. This enhancement un-
the developed papergram could be irrigated again with sol- doubtedly reflects the formation of dextrin Ia-
vent if the saccharides had not been sufficiently resolved, complexes. This conclusion is supported by po-
because the ISmoved with the solvent front. T h e hydroly- tentiometric titrations of the dextrins with I2-KI
sate from which the sugars were isolated, and previously
identified G16, served as reference materials. to be reported in a subsequent paper.” More-
Spectra.-Spectral measurements were made in capped over, spectra of the a-Iz-KI system ( a represents
quartz cells in a Beckman model DU spectrophotometer at cyclohexaamylose) show absorption maxima
room temperature. a t 290 and 353 mp (Fig. 3 , curves C and D) which
Methods.-A nearly saturated stock 12 solution was pre-
pared by shaking IZ crystals in water for a day a t room have been demonstrated by Thoma and French
temperature. The concentration of this solution was de- to result from the formation of an Is- complex.12
termined immediately before use by measuring the optical The additional peak a t 440 mp observed when a was
density of a 1 : 5 dilution a t 460 mM, using er6o = 746.lO added to an 1 2 solution (Fig. 3 , curve D) was shown
Other solutions were prepared by appropriate dilution of
weighed amounts of reagents. I2 solutions substantially to result from the formation of an 1 2 complex.12
free of I - were prepared by dissolving 1 2 crystals in 0.2 M The a13- peaks a t 290 and 353 nip could be re-
aqueous HIOX. pressed by adding HC103 to the system.12
I n an effort t o detect spectrophotometrically the
Results and Discussion visible iodine complexes with the larger dextrins,
Ma1todextrins.-In a preliminary experiment to the dextrin concentrations were increased to ap-
determine the approximate chain length required proximately 1% and the ratio of 1 2 t o K I was
for the formation of colored iodine complexes, 2% changed from 1: 2 t o 2 : 1, a condition conducive
solutions of dextrins, Gq through G16,were spotted to polyiodine formation. The dextrins Gg, G11
on filter paper and sprayed with the bleOH-12-KI and G12 enhanced only the ultraviolet 1 8 - spectrum,
(7) A. M. Liddle and D. J. Manners, J. Chem. Soc., 3432 (1957). but a visual enhancement was observed with the
(8) T. J. Schoch, Advances i n Carbohydrate Chem., 1, 247 (1945). G18, G19, Gzo mixture in Fig. 2 , curve D. Other
(9) S. Siefter, S. Dayton, B. h-ovic and E. Muntwyler, Arch. Bio- spectra u-ere not run a t these low 12-KI concentra-
chem. B i o g h y s . , 96, 191 (1950).
(10) A. D. Awtrey and R. E. Connick, T H I S JOURNAL, 73, 1842 (11) J. A. Thoma and D. French, nianuscript in preparation.
(1951). (12) J. A. Thoma and D. French, THIS J O U R N A L , 80, 6142 (1958).
FRENCH Vol. 82

tions because of the small quantities of material When formation of I - by the hydrolysis of Iz
available. was repressed by the addition of HI03 to an amylose
From these data, it appcarcd that a t low 12-KI -I2 solution, the resulting spectrum was essentially
concentrations (cu. or below) a chain length identical with that of I:! in HI03 (Fig. 4, curve D).I5
of about 18 glucose units was required for the
production of visual iodine coniplexes. Con-
siderably different conclusions were arrived a t by
Swanson3 who examined iodine-staining properties
of amylose hydrolysates.
The Gls-iodine complex (Fig 3, curve B) ex-
hibited an enhancement in the visible region of the
spectrum. Although this enhancement was dc-
tectable spectrophotometrically in the more con-
centrated L-KI solutions, it was almost completely
masked to the eye by the intense Is- absorption.

Fig. 4.-Ultraviolet and visible absorption of amylose

and glycogen-Iz-HI03 systems. Solutions contain 0.1670
glycogen, 5.2 X l o w 4Jl 12, 0.2 M HI03 (curve A ) ; 0.16%
glycogen, 2.0 X M 1 2 (curve B ) ; 0.0S70 amylose, 5 X
loF6 M I Z (curve C ) ; 0.08% amylose, 1.3 X M IP,
0.2 M H I 0 3 (curve D). Light path was 10 mm. Blanks
contained equivalent atnounts of glycogen and amylose in
When production of I- was not repressed, the char-
acteristic blue starch-iodine complex resulted (Fig.
4, curve C). This experiment, in addition to
demonstrating the requirement of I- for the for-
mation of the starch-iodine complex in aqueous
solution, suggested that aqueous, uncomplexed
Fig. 3.-Ultraviolet and visible absorption of iodine amylose is not predominantly in a helical configura-
complexes. Solutions contain 4.4 X M 1 2 , 0.25 A4 K I tion. If it were helical, one would expect a shift
(curve A ) ; 4.4 X A4 Iz, 0.25 ill K I , 7.0 mg. Gp per ml. in the 1 2 spectrum upon addition of amylose similar
(curve B ) ; 1.1 X M Is, 2.5 X M K I , 1.2 X to the shift observed when the cyclic a-dextrin was
Ma! (curve C ) ; 2.6 X 114 12, 4.8 X i l l o r (curve D). added to 12-HI03.12 By studying the physical
Light path was 0.5 mm. for curves X and B and 10 mm. for properties of amylose in a number of solvents,
curves C and D, HzO was the blank. Everett and Foster'e have demonstrated that
amylose exists as a random coil. HolM and Szej-
Although this small visible enhancenient is tli,17 on the other hand, investigating the vis-
probably caused by a diiodine complex (I6=, dem- cosity of amylose-iodine solutions as a function of
onstrated potentiometrically in a forthcoming bound iodine, concluded that native amylose exists
paper") present in small amounts, the visible predominantly in a helical configuration.
maximum which appears to be in the region of 400 In an attempt t o explain the high binding capaci-
to 440 mp is certainly different from the visible ties of amylopectin and glycogen a t high iodine
maximum a t 510-520 mp for complexes which also concentrations, it has been proposed that molecu-
contain two moles of iodine per mole of dextrin lar Iz and even I4 may be b o ~ n d . ~A* priori
observed by Mould. The most plausible explana- this conclusion can be challenged because the high
tion of these observations is that two diiodine com- iodine binding is only achieved in iodide-rich sys-
plexes are formed, one associated with one I- a t tems where the iodine exists primarily as triiodide
low I- concentrations and one associated with two
I-'s a t high I- concentration. The uptake of versity, 1951. Forster did not add enongh HIOa to prevent t h e forma
tion of I - by t h e hydrolysis of 18.
I- as well as 1 2 undoubtedly will be modified con- (14) R . E. Rundle and D. French, TIIISJOURNAL, 65, 1707 (1943).
siderably by the chain length. (15) When t h e Ig-HIOs reagent was added to amylose solutions, a
Amylose and Glycogen.-Numerous investiga- small amount of rose-colored complex formed which slowly disappeared.
tors have implicated I-' in the formation of the To prevent formation of t h e colored complex, the amylose solutions
were made 0.2 M in HI03 prior t o mixing.
starch-iodine complex. Nevertheless, the abso- ( l G ) W. W. Everett ana J. F. Foster, Trrrs J O U R N A L , 8 1 , 3404
lute dependence of the formation of colored com- (1959).
plexes on I- has not been demonstrated, and some (17) J. Hollir and J. Szejtli, Perioiiica Polytech., 2 , 25 (lo.-&): C. A , ,
authors13*14have proposed that I- is not manda- 52, 18231 (1958).
(18) F. J. Hybnrt. unpublished P1i.D. dissertation, University of
tory for the formation of a colored complex. Birmingham, 1952.
(13) E. 0. Forster, unpublished Ph.D. dissertalion, Columbia Uni- (19) R. S. Higginbotham, .5'hirky Znstilule Memoirs, 23, 171 (1849).

ion. In systems containing amylopectin or glyco- glycogen-12 solution (Fig. 4, curve B) was similar
gen, iodide would compete with polysaccharide for to that of the a 1 2 solution (Fig. 3, curve D).
the available "molecular" iodine ( 1 2 or 1 4 ) . Al- Although there is a significant amount of glycogen
though an,ylopectin or glycogen do not bind 1 3 - complex formed, the small shift in the I2 spec-
significant amounts of iodine from iodide-free trum ( 3 to 5 mp) was not significant. This visible
solutions, i t is conceivable that the changes in maximum when corrected for absorption by glyco-
configuration of the polysaccharide resulting from gen 1 3 - (assuming €18- equal to that of glycogen
triiodide complex formation may condition the 13-) produced a peak identical to that produced
polysaccharide for adsorption of molecular iodine. by Iz within experimental error (Emax 1 2 = 460 mp)
Rased on experience with the Schardinger dex- and suggested that 1 2 was not bound by glycogen,
trins,'* it was our expectation that the absorption a t least not as a helical complex. When €€IO3
of 1 2 by starch should bc accompanied by a meas- was added to a glycogen-Iz solution (Fig. 4, curve
urable shift of the I2 spectrum. Manners7 has A), no spectral shift of Iz was encountered. Thcre-
reported that a number of highly branched glyco- fore, spectral shifts reported to accompany the
gens had visible absorption maxima ranging from addition of glycogen to Iz solutions may most likely
420 to 470 nip. be attributed to the formation of glycogen Is-
In the absence of HI03, the spectrum of the or polyiodide complexes.



Reactivity of Sulfhydryl and Disulfide in Proteins. V. Reversal of Denaturation of

Bovine Serum Albumin in 4 M Guanidine Hydrochloride or 8 M Urea and of Splitting
of Disulfide Groups in 4 M GHCl
JANTTARY 25, 1960

The protein obtained after denaturation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 4 M guanidine hydrochloride or 8 M urea at
pH 5 a t 25" and appropriate dilution has the same viscosity, specific optical rotation and reactive disulfide (zero) as native
protein, provided the dilutions are made within one hour of standing of the denaturation mixtures. This reversibility is in-
stantaneous upon dilution of the denaturation mixture in 4 i l l GHCl b u t is attained only after 15 minutes upon dilution of a
denaturation mixture in urea. After longer times of standing exchange reactions between sulfhydryl and disulfide make the
denaturation irreversible with regard t o the above properties. I n 4 Jf GHCl a t pH 5 the reaction between BSA and sulfite

p<(:) m + =
p<("-sso3- ),(Q
tn - n
mas allowed to proceed t o the right and then from right to left by removal of sulfite (or bisulfite). The reversal was found
quantitative, a11 disulfide groups were reformed and by extrapolation the intrinsic viscosity was found the same 3s that of
untreated BSA in 4 df GHC1, provided the protein concentration was less than 0 Z E I ~ ~ At. higher concentrations crosslinking
reactions occur during the reversal.

Part of the work described in this paper deals

with the reversal to the native state of bovine
reaction RSSR + SOs' F? RSS03- RS- is re-+
~ersible.~,b The breaking of all 17 or part of the
serum albumin (BSA) after denaturation in 4 M disulfide bonds in denatured BSA with sulfite is
guanidine hydrochloride (GHCl) or 8 M urea and accompanied by a very marked structural change as
dilution to such a concentration that the GHCl evidenced by a large increase of the intrinsic vis-
or urea has no measurable denaturing effect. In ~ o s i t y . ~If, ~the reaction could be forced back
addition to viscosity and optical rotation the re-
activity of disulfide groups with sulfite served as
indicators for the degree of reversal from the de-
natured to the native state. I n previous papers2,3
it has been shown that after denaturation of BSA quantitatively from right to left, it is hardly to be
in 4 M GHCl or 8 M urea and appropriate dilution expected that the S-S bonds can be reformed in
the sulfhydryl group is not oxidized by oxygen or the original position. In the present study di-
ferricyanide while it is oxidized readily in the sulfide bonds were broken a t @H5 and the reaction
denatured state. Since sulfhydryl is not oxidized reversed quantitatively by removing sulfite (for
in the native state, the denaturation can be re- convenience sulfite refers to all charge forms of
verted as far as this property is concerned. sulfurous acid), using a procedure described in the
A more extensive study has been made of the experimental part. The intrinsic viscosity and the
reversal of the splitting of disulfide groups with optical rotation of the reverted protein were com-
sulfite in BSA a t p H 5 in 4 M GHCl solution. (4) W. Stricks and I. M . Kolthoff, ibid.,73, 45FY (1951).
For low molecular weight disulfides (RSSR) the ( 5 ) C. Cecil and J . R. McPhee, Biorhrnr. J . , 69, 234 (1955); 60, 490
(19%); McPhee, i b i d . , 64, 22 (1933).
(1) On leave from S. A. Farmitalia, Milano, Italy. (6) I. M. Kolthoff, Ada Anastasi and B. H. T a n , THISJ O U R N A L , 80,
(2) I. M. Kolthoff, Ada Anastasi, W. Stricks, B. H. T a n and G . S. 3235 (1958).
Deshmukh, THISJ O U R N A L , 79, 5102 (19571. (7) I . M. Kolthoff, Ada Antistasi and B. H. T a n , i b i d . , 81, 2047
(3) I . M. Kolthoff and Ada Anastasi, ibid.. 80, 4248 (1958). (1959).

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