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SUMMARY:" Are We Alone in the Universe?

NASA Calls for

New Framework"

In February 2017, NASA made a groundbreaking discovery - seven Earth-sized

planets orbiting the star TRAPPIST-1 within the habitable zone. But how do we
interpret such findings? NASA scientists propose a scale to assess and
contextualize discoveries related to the search for extraterrestrial life.
This scale comprises seven levels, guiding us from initial hints of biologically
relevant molecules to a confident confirmation of life beyond Earth. It's not a race
but a meticulous process of accumulating evidence.
Level 1: Hints of biologically relevant molecules, like potential life-related molecules
on Mars. Level 2: Ensuring the detection isn't influenced by Earthly contamination.
Level 3: Demonstrating the presence of biological signals in analogous
environments, like ancient lakebeds. Level 4: Adding evidence that the
environment could support life, ruling out non-biological sources. Level 5:
Obtaining a second independent detection of life-related indicators. Level 6:
Achieving high confidence through diverse, independent measurements. Level 7:
Confidently confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life.
This scale applies not only to our solar system but also to the vast exoplanets
beyond. With over 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, the quest for life demands
advanced missions and technologies, like the James Webb Space Telescope.
This framework emphasizes the importance of a methodical, evidence-based
approach and encourages collaboration within the scientific community. It's a step
towards answering one of humanity's most profound questions: Are we alone in the

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