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The 5 steps of risk assessment are a systematic process for identifying, analyzing, and controlling

hazards and risks in the workplace. According to the web search results, the 5 steps are:

Identify the hazards. This means looking around the workplace and finding out what could cause harm
to people or property. Examples of hazards are chemicals, electricity, machinery, noise, etc.

Decide who might be harmed and how. This means thinking about who could be affected by the
hazards and in what ways. Examples of people who might be harmed are employees, contractors,
visitors, customers, etc. Examples of how they might be harmed are injuries, illnesses, stress, damage,

Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions. This means assessing how likely and how severe the
harm could be from each hazard, and what measures can be taken to eliminate or reduce the risk.
Examples of precautions are eliminating the hazard, substituting a less hazardous material or process,
isolating the hazard, using personal protective equipment, etc.

Record your findings and implement them. This means writing down the results of your risk
assessment and putting the precautions into practice. You should also communicate the findings and
actions to the relevant people and provide training and supervision as needed.

Review your assessment and update if necessary. This means checking if your risk assessment is
still valid and effective over time, and making changes if new hazards arise or existing ones change.

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