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Choose T if You Think The Statement is correct, and F if the statement is wrong

1. T – F The relevant of the matter is explained clearly.

2. T – F Its effective cannot be achieved easily

3. T – F A folk song is a popular music

4. T – F Friendship is important

5. T – F His performance last night was very impressive

6. T – F Their perceive on those cases was not right

7. T – F The out standing achievement in the international competition was given to the
Indonesia students

8. T – F Phenomenon of social condition in Indonesia are worrying

9. T – F That manager has already managed the corporate very well

10. T – F My strength point will be discussed, clearer

11. T – F The information given was too short

12. T– F We need accurate data to support our analysis.

13. T – F Your answer toward those questions were absolutely correct

14. T – F In my opinion, it is too rudeness to give such a comment

15. T – F Those systems used were very precise

16. T – F Some people do not use a lot of wise considerations before deciding their ideas

17. T – F There are not much interesting subjects to talk about

18. T – F I thinK he is very thirsty, there’s only little water left in his glass

19. T – F Our three first arguments were well accepted

20. T – F Those second three opinions have already been well understood

21. T – F Every student must have the very strength willingness to complete their study on
22. T – F Dahlan Iskan needs to completed clarifty his statement about the black mail to

23. T – F Reading can wider your horizon

24. T – F Computer is a very advanced technology almost everybody use a lot

25. T – F That student was expelled from school due to his misbehavior

Andi zulfikar


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