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Nama : Muhammad Tegar Nasyid

NIM : A021211145
Fundamental Management

Company that has been existed for more than 500 years and why they still survive until

1. The Beretta firearms company, which was founded in Italy in 1526 and is still
family-owned and operated today. They have survived by adapting to changing
technologies and diversifying their product lines.

2. The Kongō Gumi construction company in Japan, which was founded in 578 AD and
operated continuously until 2006 when it was absorbed into a larger construction
company. They survived for so long by specializing in temple construction and
maintaining close ties with the Buddhist community.

3. The Royal Mint in the UK, which has been producing coins since the 9th century and
is still in operation today. They have survived by modernizing their processes and
expanding into other areas such as commemorative coins and bullion.

4. The Monnaie de Paris, the French mint, which was founded in 864 and is still
producing coins today. They have survived by adapting to changing technology and
shifting their focus from producing currency to producing high-end collector coins
and medals.

In general, companies that have survived for over 500 years have done so by adapting to
changing times and circumstances, diversifying their product lines, maintaining strong
relationships with their customers and stakeholders, and having a strong sense of tradition
and culture. They have also typically been family-owned and operated, which has allowed
them to maintain a long-term focus and a strong sense of identity.

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