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Thai Nguyen

Incident Report

Date: [Date of the Incident]

Time: [Time of the Incident]

Job Title: [PR or CS]

Incident Description:

[Provide a brief overview of the incident, including what happened and the sequence of
events. Be concise and factual.]

Standard Task Procedure:

[Describe the nature of the task.]


[If applicable, describe the extent and nature of the damages caused.]

Immediate Actions Taken:

[Describe the immediate actions taken to address the incident at the time it occurred,
including the immediate corrective measures implemented.]

Contributing Factors:

[Identify any factors that may have contributed to the incident, such as unsafe
conditions, equipment failure, internet, stress related or human error. Provide relevant
details or observations.]


[Provide actions on how to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.]


[Provide recommendations on how to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the

future. Suggest corrective actions, safety improvements, or procedural changes.]

Reported by: [Name of the person reporting the incident]

Date: [Date of report submission]

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