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Presented by: Group 8

An incident report is a formal document used to record
information about an unexpected event, accident, or
incident that has occurred in a particular setting, such
as a workplace, school, or public space. It typically
includes the following elements:

1. Date and Time: The exact date and time

when the incident occurred.

2. Location: The specific location or area

where the incident took place.
3. Description of the Incident: A
detailed and objective account of what
happened. This should include who
was involved, what actions were taken,
and any relevant circumstances
leading up to the incident.
4. Witness Statements: Statements from any
witnesses who observed the incident. These
statements can provide additional context and
support the accuracy of the report.
5. Injuries or Damages: If applicable,
document any injuries to people or damage to
property resulting from the incident.
6. Actions Taken: Describe any immediate
actions taken in response to the incident, such
as providing first aid, notifying authorities, or
implementing safety measures.
7. Recommendations: Suggest any
preventative measures or changes that could
help avoid similar incidents in the future.
8. Signature and Date: The report should be
signed by the person who witnessed or responded
to the incident and include the date of completion.
9. Attachments: Include any relevant
photographs, diagrams, or additional documents
that support the report.
The purpose of an incident report is to maintain a record of the event for
documentation, investigation, and analysis purposes. It can also serve as a
basis for taking corrective actions to prevent similar incidents from
occurring in the future. The format and specific details included in an
incident report may vary depending on the organization and the nature of
the incident.

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