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Company: Swasthya Ghar

Target Market: Rural population only

Products: A range of affordable and high-quality healthcare products, including over-the-counter

medicines, personal care products, and basic medical equipment.

Marketing Strategies:

 Physical stores: Swasthya Ghar has a network of physical stores in rural villages across India.
These stores are staffed by trained pharmacists who can provide advice and support to

 Mobile vans: Swasthya Ghar also operates a fleet of mobile vans that travel to remote
villages where there are no physical stores.

 Door-to-door marketing: Swasthya Ghar sales representatives visit rural homes to promote
its products and collect orders.

 Community engagement: Swasthya Ghar also works to build relationships with rural
communities. The company sponsors community events and health awareness campaigns.

Comparison with HUL and Amul

Factor HUL Amul Swasthya Ghar

Urban and rural Urban and rural Rural only

Products Consumer goods Dairy products Healthcare products

Premium pricing Affordable pricing Affordable pricing

Television, print, digital media, Local media, village fairs and Physical stores, mob
Marketing social media, local media, village festivals, door-to-door vans, door-to-door
channels fairs and festivals, door-to-door marketing, close relationships marketing, commun
marketing with rural retailers engagement

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HUL, Amul, and Swasthya Ghar are all examples of Indian companies that have successfully marketed
their products and services to rural consumers. However, their marketing strategies differ in a
number of ways to reflect the different needs and preferences of their target audiences.
HUL and Amul are both large consumer goods companies that target a wide range of consumers in
both urban and rural markets. Swasthya Ghar is a smaller company that focuses on providing
affordable and high-quality healthcare products to rural consumers.

All three companies use a variety of marketing channels to reach their target audiences. However,
Swasthya Ghar's focus on physical stores and mobile vans is unique. This allows the company to
reach rural consumers who may not have access to other marketing channels.

Swasthya Ghar is a good example of a company that is corporating only in rural marketing. The
company's products and services are specifically designed to meet the needs of rural consumers.
Swasthya Ghar's marketing strategies are also focused on reaching rural consumers and making its
products available and affordable.


Key differences in marketing strategies:

 Target market: HUL targets a wider range of consumers in both urban and rural markets,
while Swasthya Ghar focuses only on rural consumers.

 Products: HUL offers a wide range of consumer goods, including soaps, detergents, personal
care products, and food and beverages. Swasthya Ghar focuses on providing affordable and
high-quality healthcare products.

 Pricing strategy: HUL uses a premium pricing strategy, while Swasthya Ghar uses an
affordable pricing strategy.

 Marketing channels: HUL uses a variety of marketing channels to reach its target audience,
including television, print, digital media, social media, local media, village fairs and festivals,
and door-to-door marketing. Swasthya Ghar focuses on physical stores, mobile vans, door-to-
door marketing, and community engagement.


HUL and Swasthya Ghar are two examples of Indian companies that have successfully marketed their
products and services to rural consumers. However, their marketing strategies differ in a number of
ways to reflect the different needs and preferences of their target audiences.

HUL's marketing strategies are focused on building brand awareness and loyalty. The company uses a
variety of marketing channels to reach its target audience and invests heavily in research and
development to create new products and improve existing ones.

Swasthya Ghar's marketing strategies are focused on educating rural consumers about the
importance of healthcare and making its products available and affordable. The company uses a
variety of marketing channels to reach rural consumers, including physical stores, mobile vans, door-
to-door marketing, and community engagement.

Both HUL and Swasthya Ghar are successful examples of companies that are targeting the rural
population. However, their different marketing strategies reflect the different nature of their
products and services.

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