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here goes round 4:

1. (deja vu) ten seniors who share a house, decide to exchange

graduation presents. each of them put their name into a hat, mix
the name cards thoroughly & draws a card out at random. what is
the probability that none of the 10 people draws his or her own
name ?

2. suppose you are a participant in a prize winning tv show. the

host shows you 3 closed doors & tells you that behind one of
them, there is a prize; there's nothing behind the other two
doors. you select one of these doors, but before you open it, the
host continuosly picks up a remaining empty door & shows that
there is nothing behind it. the show host offers you a chance to
switch doors with the remaining closed doors. should you stick to
your decision ?

3. ten people consisting of mlas & mps of a particular political

party attended a meeting. (the mlas always tell the truth & the
mps always lie ). it is also known that there were more mlas than
mps. a logician ,who accidentally walked into the meeting, wanted
to find out which of the people are mlas & which are mps. to do
this he can ask anyone a question of the type : " who is the
person x : a mla or a mp ?" ( the person x may also be the person
who is being asked the question ). how many questions does the
logician need to find out who is a mla & who a mp ?


1. this puzzle makes u think randomly and reach at a normal

solution with ((..) normality yea ). it seems the normal distribution
prompts us to go for a .63 probability.

2. when there was a prob. of 1/3 the participant wins through and
makes it 1/2, then why should n't he stick to .

3. here the clue is the max no. of mps-ie.4 . any one

particular person is selected and the rest is being enquired
about his status if he is mp or mla, the answers will be either yes or
no; one of which can go up to a max no. of 4. if any particular
answer (yes or no ) is exceeding 4nos. means , that group is of
mlas and their answer is just an aproval of what the actual fact is.
obviously the min no. of ?s required is 8 if the selected
person is a mp and is 9 if the selected person is a mla.
so for the worst case its 9.�
here goes r-5:

1. three people a,b,c are each given 2 colours, for a total of 6

colors ( blue, green, orange, purple, red & yellow ). in
comparing the colours they received, b makes the following
observation " the number of common letters between the two colours
is one less than the number of a's common letters & one more
than the no. of c's common letters." find the colours each person
received . ( can there be more than one answer ?)

2. a pirate ship captures a treasure of 1000 golden coins. the

treasure has to be split among 5 pirates on the ship. these
pirates are a bit too much concious of their status. the booty
will be shared in order of their rank 1,2,3,4 & 5. the pirates
have the following 3 characteristics : infinitely smart,
bloodthirsty & greedy.
starting with pirate 5 they can make a proposal on how to split
their treasure . this proposal can either be accepted or else
the pirate will be thrown overboard. a proposal is accepted if &
only if a majority of the pirates agree on it. what proposal
should the pirate 5 make ?

expecting your enthusiatic response....

the brain cell.


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