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2G Interview Question
Q1: -What is the abbreviation of GSM
Q2:- How many Band 2G have.
Ans:- There are Two bands
1) 2G 900 / Gsm 900 / G 900

2) 2G 1800 / Gsm 1800 / G1800

Q3:- What is the ARFCN Range For GSM 900.

Ans:- GSM 900 Band ARFCN Range is from = 0, 1, 2, 3---124

Q4:- What is the ARFCN Range For GSM 900.

Ans:- GSM 1800 Band ARFCN Range = 512, 513, 514---885

Q5:- CGI Stand for.

Ans:-CGI (cell Global Identity)

Q6 CGI Consist of Which Parameters

Ans :- CGI Consist of MCC, MNC , LAC , CI

MCC = Mobile Country Code

MNC = Mobile Network Code

LAC = Location Area Code

CI=Cell Identity

Q7:- BCCH Stand for?

Ans:- BCCH = Broadcast Channel

Q8:- ARFCN Stand for

Ans:- ARFCN = Absolute Radio Frequency Chenal Number

Q9 :-What is Swap

Ans:- SWAP:-The conflict between the actual site & the planned site is called swap.

Q10:- What are the type of Swap.


Ans:- There is two type of Swap.

Type of swap:-
Full Swap
Partial Swap

Full Swap: - When in front of Sec A, Sec B are serving & In front of Sec B, Sec A are serving is called Full

Partial Swap: - When in front or in main loop of Sec A, Both A& B are serving & same situation, in front
of Sec B Both A & B are serving called partial swap.

Q11:- What does MAIO Indicate Us?

MAIO Mean Mobile Allocation Index Offset, it show us, on which trx our call is setup or established.

Q12:- What is Trx?

Ans:- Trx is basically Hardware which is consist of timeslots, In one trx there are 8 time slots, one TRX
entertained 8 users.

• 1 TRX = 8 Time Slot (1 Time Slot Entertain one user at a time )

• 8 TX = 8 * 8 = 64 User

Q13:- what is interference.

Ans:-Interference: - mean unwanted signals. The BCCH different must be 3. To avoid interference.

Q14:- What is Co Channel Interference.

Ans:- Co Channel Interference: - when same BCCH used by neighbor, the interference generated is
called Co channel interference.

Q15:- What is Overshooting ?

Ans:- Over shooting: - when in front / main loop of our site, there are neighbor site is we called it neighbor site cell is overshooting.

Q16:- what action we take to reduce To reduce overshooting?

Ans: To reduce overshooting to perform changes in Tilt, we make changes in Mechanical Tilt or Electrical
Q17:- what is GPRs ?
Ans:- GPRS: - Mean General Packet Radio Service

DL & UL Depend on Time Slots.

1 time slot 12.5 kbps


4 time slot 50 kbps

3 time slot UL 39 kbps.

Q18:- what is the procedure of 2G SSV or What Testing we are performing in 2G SSV.
Ans:- SSV Stand for Single Site Verification.

1) Confirm Azimuths (confirmation of Sec A, B & C Azimuths as per SCO= )

2) Swap/Cross Check/Cross Feeder Check (Swap = Full Swap / Partial Swap)

3) Coverage ( Idle + Ded )

4) TRX Testing ( MOC, MTC )

5) Data testing ( EGPRS / GPRS )

6) Cell reselection ( 2G to 3G / 2G to 4G )

Q19: - which parameter we observe/ see during 2G DT.

Ans: -2G Parameters which we see/ observe / focus during DT


• Rx Level

• Rx quality

• Cell Identity ( CI )

Q20: - What is the Ranges of Rx Level.


Q21:- What are the ranges of Rx Quality


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