Six Sigma Notes-2

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Day 2



1) Project Identification
- Identify the customer
- Capture VOC
- Priortisation
- Kano Model
- Affinity diagram

- VOC to CTQ---- Quantifyable

- Priortisation

2) Management Approval
3) Process understanding

KANO Model

1) Car breaking down 500 Kms----------------------------1000 Kms

2) fuel efficency 20 KMPL-----------------------------30 KMPL
3) 30000 Rs --- Insurance cover of 5 years
60% -----------------------------90%

BODy--- 700 resources * 3

Root cause is not known

1 Day----200 cars were manufactured-- 2 Shift.. 100 per shift

Stopped the production---- 15 Days

2000 * 15 * 10000= 300,000,000

5000 Cars -- dispatch pad---


67 Days--

17 Resources--- 9 Months---- 5000 cars-- Rework

1LAc----- 3.75 Lac

1- Dimentional Area-- Competitive priority

Affinitisation=== Likelines--- commonalities---

10 VOC

HR (10)
Finance (20)
30 (Management)----- Priortized focus area
20 (Maintenance)
20 ( Logistics)

Not dealing/ with COST\Frequncy-


Customer--- intenral

VOC--- Pay is not goood

CTQ----- Pay- (Quanityfyable)

How much revenue lost

Happy customer (%)
Sales per day (50000)
Queue Lengh-- (5)A time to serve customer

- business is not goign good
- Revenue is not great------------- (

# of customers
Average order value
integrity issues (# case....)
- inventory issues
-Seeling price
- Table TAT--- Customer sits onhe table----- Customer
levas the table

- cUSTOMER tat
- Service Time----
- Capacity utilisation / resource utilisation

THUMB RULE--- Most close to the Core oprations

# number of customer---- which process? Customer TAT

Average order value------
# invenotry-----

TABLE TAT---- BEST METRIC---- Closest to the core operations

Service time

Table TAT---

- not able to pay bills

- High waiting time
- Longer queue

89C----106 C


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