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Krisha Tenegra BPEd 3-B

PED 206

The comparison of the PE and Health curriculum in Philippines to other


In the Philippines, Physical Education (PE) is a mandatory subject from

Kindergarten to Grade 12. The PE curriculum aims to develop physical fitness, motor
skills, and social skills among students. It also teaches values such as sportsmanship,
teamwork, and discipline. On the other hand, the Health curriculum in the Philippines
aims to promote health and well-being among students. It covers topics such as
personal hygiene, disease prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices.

In comparison to other countries, some differences may exist in the scope and
depth of the PE and Health curriculum. For instance, some countries may prioritize
competitive sports and athletic training in their PE curriculum, while others may focus
on recreational and leisure activities. Some countries may also have a broader focus on
the Health curriculum, covering topics such as mental health, sexuality education, and

Moreover, the implementation of the PE and Health curriculum may also vary
across countries. Some countries may have more resources and facilities for physical
education and sports programs, while others may face challenges in providing access to
these resources. Additionally, some countries may have more comprehensive and
effective health education policies and programs than others.

Overall, while the PE and Health curriculum in the Philippines may share
similarities with other countries, it is important to note that differences in cultural
values, educational systems, and resources may also impact the implementation and
content of these subjects.

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