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Abstract class in java

An abstract class in java is a class that is a non-concrete class. By means of

non-concrete is something that is not complete. You must think what’s the
meaning of not complete? How we can say the class is incomplete?
The answer is here if a class contains an abstract method then the class is
known as non-concrete (incomplete class). In this article, we will discuss the
use of abstract class in java and java abstract class example
Here is the table content of the article will we will cover this topic.
1. What is an abstract class in Java?
2. Properties of an abstract class?
3. What is the abstract method in java?
4. Rules of abstract method in java?
5. Purpose of Abstract method?
6. How abstract method works with the final keyword?
7. How abstract method works with the private keyword

8. How abstract method works with the static keyword?

9. How abstract method works with the synchronized keyword?
10. How abstract method works with the strictfp keyword?
11. How to create an Abstract class in java?
12. Why can’t we create the object of an abstract class?
13. How to use abstract classes and abstract methods in Real life?
14. When to use the abstract class?
15. Can an abstract class be final in java?
16. Can we create an instance of an abstract class?
17. Can an abstract class have a constructor?
18. Why can an abstract class have constructors in Java?
What is an abstract class in Java?

A class that is declared with an abstract keyword is known as an abstract

class. An abstract class can have abstract methods (methods without the
body) and concrete/non-abstract methods (Methods with the body) also. A
normal class can’t have any abstract method.

The abstract class provides the abstraction level from 1 to 100%. The level
of abstraction is totally depending upon the abstract methods. If an abstract
class has an abstract method and non-abstract method, then the abstraction
level lies between 1 to 100. But if an abstract class contains only abstract
methods then it provides 100% abstraction. We can use any number of
abstract methods in the abstract class as per the use.

Properties of an abstract class

1. An abstract class is always declared with an abstract keyword. If a class

is declared with an
abstract keyword then JVM considers it as an abstract class.
2. If we are declaring an abstract method in any class then it must be an
abstract class otherwise it gives a compilation error. Because this is the
general rule of the abstract class.
3. We can’t create an object of the abstract class. It means we can’t
instantiate the abstract class.
4. It can contain abstract methods and non-abstract methods.
5. It can contain constructors and static methods.
6. It can contain final methods.
7. If you are declaring a class an abstract class, then there must be a class
that extends it and
provide implementation to abstract methods in it.
8. If you inherit an abstract class in the Concrete class then you must need
to provide
implementations to all the abstract methods in it. Otherwise, it gives a
compilation error.
9. If you inherit an abstract class in another abstract class then it depends
upon the developer whether he wants to provide the implementation in this
class or later.

What is the abstract method in java?

An abstract method in java and the use of abstract method in java. Many
programmers have a common question if there is an abstract method in a
class then? So let’s start, The abstract method is part of abstraction in java.
A method declared without a body within an abstract class/interface is an
abstract method. We declare the abstract method only when we require
just method declaration in Parent classes and implementation will provide by
child classes. We can declare an abstract method by use of the abstract
keyword. This is a special type of method because it doesn’t have a body. An
abstract method is declared either within the abstract class or interface. You
can’t declare an abstract method in concrete class. To declare an abstract
method, we have to follow the syntax:

// This is an abstract method

abstract return_Type methodName();

To make an abstract method you must provide an abstract keyword at the

time of declaration.

Rules of abstract method in java

● To declare the method as abstract, use the abstract keyword.

● You must place the abstract keyword before the method name
while you are declaring the method.
● An abstract method does not contain a method body.
● Instead of curly braces, an abstract method will have a semicolon
(;) at the end.

// This is an abstract method without implementation

public abstract void calculates();

Purpose of Abstract method

Let’s discuss a java abstract method example If a programmer doesn’t want

to provide an implementation of the method at the time of declaration. And
he/she wants to provide the implementation in the derived class. This can be
achieved by specifying the abstract keyword. Sometimes, the programmer
doesn’t know what will be the implementation of the method in different
scenarios. So, it will be the derived class’s responsibility to provide an
implementation of abstract methods.

abstract class Data

abstract void showData();
class NationalSchool extends Data
void showData()
System.out.println("This is National School's data");
class IndianSchool extends Data
void showData()
System.out.println("This is Indian School's data");
public class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Data obj = new NationalSchool();
Data obj1 = new IndianSchool();

Output: This is National School’s data

This is Indian School’s data

Explanation of Example: Let’s say a programmer want to print the data from
different school but he doesn’t know want will be output from different schools.
So, he/she declares an abstract method in an abstract class. So that each
derived class can provide implements its body according to its functionality. In
this example we have three classes, one is abstract class Data and two class
is Concrete/non-abstract. Data is an abstract class having one abstract
method showData().

So, when a programmer extends the Data class, It is the programmer’s

responsibility to provide an implementation of the showData() method in
derived classes.

How abstract method works with the final

An abstract method can’t declare as final.
Reason: abstract and final terms are opposite to each other. An abstract
method says you must redefine it in a derived class. A final method says you
can’t redefine this method in a derived class. Let’s see how the use of
abstract methods in java.

abstract class Data

abstract final void showData();
class NationalSchool extends Data
void showData()
System.out.println("This is National School's data");
class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Data obj = new NationalSchool();

Output: This will show compile time exception.

How abstract method works with the
private keyword?

An abstract method can’t be private because a private method is not

accessible outside the class.
Reason: An abstract method says programmers have to provide the
implementation in the derived class. The programmer provides
implementation only if it is accessible from outside the class. A private
method is not accessible from outside the class. So, we can’t use the private
keyword with abstract methods.

abstract class Data

abstract private void showData();

class NationalSchool extends Data

void showData()
System.out.println("This is National School's data");
class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Data obj = new NationalSchool();

Output: This will show compile time exception.

The abstract method showData() in-type Data can only set a visibility
modifier, one of public or protected.

How abstract method works with the

static keyword?

An abstract method can’t be static because we can’t override a static

Reason: If Java allows us to create an abstract static method(Method without
body) and someone calls the abstract method using the class name(because
the static method can access directly by class name), then What would
happen? Because it will be an incomplete method.

abstract class Data

static abstract void showData();

class NationalSchool extends Data

void showData()
System.out.println("This is National School's data");
class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Data obj = new NationalSchool();

Output: This will show compile time exception.

How abstract method works with the

synchronized keyword?

An abstract method can’t be synchronized because a thread gets a lock on an

object when it enters the method.
Reason: A thread that enters the synchronized method must get the lock of
the object (or of the class) in which the method is defined. We can’t create an
abstract class so there is no object with the lock.

abstract class Data

Abstract synchronized void showData();
class NationalSchool extends Data
void showData()
System.out.println("This is National School's data");
class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Data obj = new NationalSchool();

Output: This will show compile time exception.

How abstract method works with the

strictfp keyword?

An abstract method can’t be strictfp.

Reason: Strictfp is a modifier and as you know we can change the modifier of
an overridden method (method of parent class) while overriding the method in
the child class. It would make no sense to make an abstract method strictfp.
That is, methods do not inherit modifiers.

NOTE: No modifiers are allowed on abstract methods except public and

protected. You’ll get a compile-time error if you try.


abstract class Data

Abstract strictfp void showData();
class NationalSchool extends Data
void showData()
System.out.println("This is National School's data");
class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Data obj = new NationalSchool();

Output: This will show compile time exception.

How to create an Abstract class in java?

//Declaration of the abstract class by using abstract keyword
abstract class className
//abstract method because its hasn’t body
abstract access_Specifier methodName();

abstract: It is a keyword that must be used at the time of declaration.

class_Name: You can provide class names according to your


abstract method: Each abstract class has at least one abstract method.

//Declaration of the abstract class by using abstract keyword

abstract class ExampleOfAbstractClass
//This is abstract method because it hasn’t body.
abstract void sound();
abstract class Course
public void courseDetail()
System.out.println("Course name: MCA");
System.out.println("Course Duration : 2020 - 2023");
public abstract void studentData();
class StudentRecord extends Course
public void studentData()
Student student = new Student(1, "Ram", "MCA");
System.out.println("RollNo: "+student.getRollNo());
System.out.println("Name: "+student.getName());
System.out.println("Class Name: "+student.getClassName());
class HostelRecord extends Course
public void studentData()
Student student = new Student(2, "Krishan", "MCA");
System.out.println("RollNo: "+student.getRollNo());
System.out.println("Name: "+student.getName());
System.out.println("Class Name: "+student.getClassName());

public class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
StudentRecord studentRecord = new StudentRecord();
HostelRecord hostelRecord = new HostelRecord();
class Student
int rollNo;
String name;
String className;
public Student(int rollNo, String name, String className) {
this.rollNo = rollNo; = name;
this.className = className;
public int getRollNo() {
return rollNo;
public void setRollNo(int rollNo) {
this.rollNo = rollNo;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getClassName() {
return className;
public void setClassName(String className) {
this.className = className;

Output: Course name: MCA

Course Duration : 2020 – 2023
RollNo: 1
Name: Ram
Class Name: MCA
Course name: MCA
Course Duration : 2020 – 2023
RollNo: 2
Name: Krishan
Class Name: MCA

Why can’t we create the object of an

abstract class?
Abstract classes are not complete because they have abstract methods and
abstract methods don’t have a body. If java allows the creation of an object
of the abstract class, then it will lead to two problems:
1. The first problem occurs because the abstract method has nobody. If
someone calls the
abstract method using that object, then What would happen?
2. Abstract classes are only like a template, to create an object of class the
class should be
concrete. because an object is a concrete.

How to use abstract classes and abstract

methods in Real life?

Let’s say, I am the principal of a college and I want details of each department
of the college. My college has various departments like Art, science,
commerce, etc. I want to know the department name, how many teachers are
in each department(mandatory information), and some additional information.
So, I will create a structure that will be followed by each department. I will
create an abstract class with an abstract method that will be inherited by
each department. So each department must provide the implementation of the
abstract method.
Here we have three classes one class is abstract (Department) and the other
two are concrete classes(Art class and science class). These concrete
classes inherit the abstract class so they must provide the implementation of
abstract methods.

abstract class Department

String collegeName = "KUK";
public void collegeName()
System.out.println("Name of college = "+ collegeName);
//abstract methods
public abstract void deptName();
public abstract void noOfTeachers();
class ArtDepartment extends Department
public void showData()
System.out.println("This is Art department's data");
public void deptName()
System.out.println("Department name is Art");
public void noOfTeachers()
System.out.println("Number of teacher are 10");
class ScienceDepartment extends Department
public void getStudentsData()
System.out.println("This data is belongs to science students");
public void deptName()
System.out.println("Department name is Science");
public void noOfTeachers()
System.out.println("Number of teacher are 20");
class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
// Displaying information of different departments
ArtDepartment artDepartment = new ArtDepartment();
ScienceDepartment scienceDepartment = new ScienceDepartment();

This is Art department’s data
Department name is Art
Number of teacher are 10
Name of college = KUK
This data is belongs to science students
Department name is Science
Number of teacher are 20
Name of college = KUK

When to use the abstract class

Every programmer knows abstract class in java is used to achieve

abstraction in java. But only a few of them know when to use abstract
class in java? You can’t use such things in your program if you don’t know
when we should use them?

Suppose we want to maintain the data of a Company. A company has

different types of employees in different departments like Software developer,
IT, and Management. Each employee has different personal information and
salary. So, we need to create a class Company and some subclasses that
inherit the method of the Company class.

Firstly, we will discuss the problem area. After that we will find the solution with
abstract class.
Let’s say we have a class Company that has two methods companyDetail()
and employeeDetail(). The companyDetail() method contains information
about the company that is common for all employees and employeeDetails()
method contains information about employees which differs for every
employee. We have three subclasses for employees that are Developer,
Manager and IT. Since each employee has different personal information and
salary. So, every subclass overrides the employeeDetails() method to give
the details of its own implementation. Here you must have noticed, the
employeeDetails() method in Company class (Parent class) is not creating
any value because every child class overrides the method.

class Company
public void companyDetail()
System.out.println("Company name : Final Rope");

System.out.println("Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx");

public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : Ram");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 101");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
class Developer extends Company
public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : Sham");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 201");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
class Manager extends Company
public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : Krishan");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 301");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
class IT extends Company
public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : John");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 401");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
public class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Developer developer = new Developer();
Manager manager = new Manager();
IT it = new IT();

Output: Company name : Final Rope

Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx
Employee name : Sham
Employee ID : 201
Employee Salary : XXXXX
Company name : Final Rope
Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx
Employee name : Krishan
Employee ID : 301
Employee Salary : XXXXX
Company name : Final Rope
Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx
Employee name : John
Employee ID : 401
Employee Salary : XXXXX

There is no point to implement the employeeDetails() method in Company

class. Hence, we should make the employeeDetails() method an abstract
method. By making this method abstract there is no need to give any
implementation in parent class. The abstract method(employeeDetails()
method) forces all the sub-classes to implement this method. If any sub-class
will not provide the implementation to this abstract method, then it will show a
compilation error.

abstract class Company

public void companyDetail()
System.out.println("Company name : Final Rope");
System.out.println("Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx");
public abstract void employeeDetail();
class Developer extends Company
public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : Sham");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 201");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
class Manager extends Company
public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : Krishan");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 301");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
class IT extends Company
public void employeeDetail()
System.out.println("Employee name : John");
System.out.println("Employee ID : 401");
System.out.println("Employee Salary : XXXXX");
public class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
Developer developer = new Developer();
Manager manager = new Manager();
IT it = new IT();

Output: Company name : Final Rope

Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx
Employee name : Sham
Employee ID : 201
Employee Salary : XXXXX
Company name : Final Rope
Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx
Employee name : Krishan
Employee ID : 301
Employee Salary : XXXXX
Company name : Final Rope
Company GST : 123xxxxxxxxxx
Employee name : John
Employee ID : 401
Employee Salary : XXXXX

As we have seen above example in detail. Now we can predicate the

scenarios and think in a better way and discuss when to use abstract class
in java?

Can an abstract class be final in java?

No, An abstract class can’t be final because the final and abstract are
opposite terms in JAVA.
Reason: An abstract class must be inherited by any derived class because a
derived class is responsible to provide the implementation of abstract methods
of an abstract class. But on another hand, if a class is a final class, then it
can’t be extended(inherited). So both concepts are opposite to each other.
abstract final class Department

String collegeName = "KUK";

public void collegeName()

System.out.println("Name of college = "+ collegeName);

//abstract methods
public abstract void deptName();
public abstract void noOfTeachers();
class MainClass extends Department
public static void main(String arg[])
MainClass obj = new MainClass();
public void deptName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void noOfTeachers() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Output: This will show exception at compilation time.

As you can see in the above example, We are trying to use two opposite
keywords (abstract and final) for a single class. In this case, the compiler
shows an error compile-time, because Java doesn’t permit it.

Because if the compiler works according to the final keyword then the
Department class must not be extended by any other class. But the abstract
keyword is vice-versa. It means according to abstract keyword the
Department must be extended by some other class. To remove this ambiguity
of compiler, Java doesn’t permit it.

Can we create an instance of an abstract


No, we can’t create an object of it. As know abstract class is not a complete
class. because an abstract class has abstract method (Methods without body).
Although an abstract class has a constructor if you will try to create an object
of it, It will throw compile time exception.

abstract class ExampleOfAbstractClass

public abstract void showData();
public class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
ExampleOfAbstractClass object = new ExampleOfAbstractClass();
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
Cannot instantiate the type ExampleOfAbstractClass at

You have seen in the above example the compiler throws the exception at
compile time. The exception message is not directly saying that you can’t
create an object it. It just says “Cannot Instantiate The Type
ExampleOfAbstractClass”, which means that you cannot create an object of

You must think about the constructor of the abstract class. If we can’t create
the object of it then what is the use of a constructor in the abstract class? The
constructor of the abstract class is to initialize the fields which belong to the
abstract class. But this constructor is invoked from a concrete subclass as part
of creating an instance of a concrete subclass in Java.

Why we can’t create an object abstract class?

If java allows creating an object of it, then it will lead to two problems:

1. The first problem occurs because the abstract method doesn’t provide the
body of the method. They are just declared in the abstract class. If someone
calls the abstract method using that object, then What would happen?

2. Abstract classes are only like a template, to create an object of any class,
the class should be concrete because an object is concrete.

Can an abstract class have a


An abstract class can have abstract methods and we can’t create its object.
You can read “Why we can’t create an object of the abstract class?” But
here a question strike in mind, Can abstract class have a constructor? If
yes, then why and what is the use of constructor in abstract even we can’t
create the object of an abstract class. Here we will discuss it in detail.
Yes, an abstract class can have a constructor in Java. The compiler
automatically adds the default constructor in every class either it is an
abstract class or concrete class. You can also provide a constructor to
abstract class explicitly. The constructor is always used to initiate a class or
use it to create an object of the class. But we can’t instantiate it with the new()
operator or any other ways.

Why can an abstract class have

constructors in Java?

To support the chaining of the constructor

By default, JVM is dealing with the constructor chaining because if you are
creating an object by a new keyword then JVM invokes the constructor of
that class and that constructor invokes the superclass constructor. If you want
to know how constructor chaining works, then read the article.

To use an abstract class in Java, we use the concrete class that extends the
abstract class and provides the implementation to the abstract methods.
When we use the constructor of the child class, the constructor of the parent
class invoked by child class constructor either implicitly or explicitly. This is
one of the reasons abstract class can have constructors in Java. Suppose if
JVM doesn’t provide the default constructor to an abstract class then JVM not
able to support constructor chaining.

To initialize the fields of abstract class

As you know a constructor is used to initialize the fields of the class. Suppose
we want to set some common behavior for all the child classes and some
behavior depends upon the subclass implementation. Then we can use the
constructor of the abstractor class to initialize the fields.

Let’s suppose we have an abstract class Car that has some common
properties. These common properties will be common for each subclass that
extends the Car class. We can initialize these fields in the Constructor of
abstract class so, when you instantiate the constructor of child classes then
the parent constructor will be called, and the fields will be initialized.

abstract class Car

String model;
String brand;
public abstract void addFeatures();
this.model = "X5";
this.brand = "BMW";
class SportCar extends Car
boolean nitro;
public void addFeatures()
this.nitro = true;
public void showDetail()
System.out.println("Model :"+ model);
System.out.println("Brand :"+ brand);
System.out.println("Nitro :"+ nitro);
public class MainClass
public static void main(String arg[])
SportCar sportCar = new SportCar();
Output: Model :X5
Brand :BMW

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