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The Branches of Science

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

The Physical Sciences

 Physics: The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them. Physicists
study such subjects as gravity, light, and time. Albert Einstein, a famous physicist,
developed the Theory of Relativity.
 Chemistry: The science that deals with the composition, properties, reactions, and the
structure of matter. The chemist Louis Pasteur, for example, discovered pasteurization,
which is the process of heating liquids such as milk and orange juice to kill harmful
 Astronomy: The study of the universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere.
 See also: Chemistry Science Projects for Beginners, Chemistry Science Projects:
Intermediate-Level, and Chemistry Science Projects: Advanced-Level
 See also: Physical Science Projects for Beginners, Physical Science Projects:
Intermediate-Level, and Physical Science Projects: Advanced-Level

The Earth Sciences

 Geology: The science of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth, and the physical,
chemical, and biological changes that it has experienced or is experiencing.
 Oceanography: The exploration and study of the ocean.
 Paleontology: The science of the forms of life that existed in prehistoric or geologic
 Meteorology: The science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena, such as
weather and climate.
See also: Earth Science Projects for Beginners, Earth Science Projects: Intermediate-
Level, and Earth Science Projects: Advanced-Level

The Life Sciences (Biology)

 Botany: The study of plants.
 Zoology: The science that covers animals and animal life.
 Genetics: The study of heredity.
 Medicine: The science of diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness, disease, and
a. After doing the experiment Mario have found out that the result does not conform to what
he expected but manage to communicate exactly what has happened in the result.
b. While investigating the development of a butterfly, Maria records every details of her
observation in her journal and tries to ask several questions why such phenomenon
c. Mia is struggling to solve the information is of truth or not.
e. We should not confine ourselves from our own views and opinion, sometimes opinions
coming from others would be of great help to improve the things we know.

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