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Senior High





Show Respect to Others in Words,
Actions, and Objective View

We are in an era where everything is at the tip of one’s

fingertips. Everything is accessible from the food we eat,
clothes we wear, even on how we pay our bills.
Technology really made life easier. However, as
technology advances, morals and values are being
Nowadays, it is such a normal scenario to see an older woman
standing while a young person is comfortably sitting. Proper
decorum is indeed fading. The lack of decorum among young
people is a manifestation that good manners and right conduct
are slowly deteriorating.
With the passing for revival of Good Manners and Right Conduct, it is a timely response that once
again school as second home of the students has duty to educate and inculcate values among the
youth. Learners must cope and be responsive to the ever changing demands of learning today by
uplifting its values and decorum as well.

What I Need to Know

This module will serve as a competency based learning material which will guide
you in understanding the target competency:
• show respect in others through action, word, and objective view. (HGSPS–Ig–8)
Activities and exercises in this module are developed to meet the following objectives:
• identify respectable behavior on others;
• explain the concept of respect in treating others;
• apply respectable attitude to others in words, actions, and objective view based on given
scenarios; and
• reflect on the importance of respecting others.

What I Know

Before you proceed, let us test first how much you

already knowabout this lesson. Please take note of the
items that you will notbe able to answer correctly.
you will find out the correct onesas you go along your
learning journey.
Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

_________1. Respecting others is by virtue of extreme obedience and compliance to the person.
_________2. It is respectful when you recognize someone when they speak to you.

_________3. You are open minded when you are willing to hear others and learn from them
despite of your opposing sides.

_________4. Learning about someone else’s beliefs is a respectable trait.

_________5. Dressing appropriately based in country’s culture shows respect to that country’s
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

6. As a student, how can you show respect to others?

A. By using inappropriate language to express my sentiment and opinion.
B. By using kind words to my classmates such as saying thank you as a sign of gratitude.
C. By respecting school properties and following school rules. D. By acting as if others didn’t

7. Which of the following BEST describes respect?

A. It is about treating others of how they treat you.
B. It is how you should treat others the way you want to be treated.
C. It is based on treating yourself on how you want to be treated.
D. None of the above

8. What should be the proper words or phrases to say if you disagree to someone?
A. I don't give a cent on your opinion.
B. I respect your opinion but I disagree.
C. I don't like your sentiment and I don’t understand. D. Mind your business, I disagree.

9. Which of the following shows respect to teachers, EXCEPT:

A. Using loud voice when I’m asking permission to make it clear.
B. Raising my hand to be noticed in class.
C. Listening and taking notes while the teacher is teaching.
D. Both a and b
10. Which of the following BEST shows that there is respect in your relationship with other
A. You feel safe being around people closer to you.
B. You can openly talk and not afraid of humiliation.
C. When you feel disagreement they listen to you and try to be patient.
\ D. All of the
What’s In

Teaching respect in the classroom setting is a teacher’s everyday task to inculcate values among
the students. As part of classroom guidance, students will be encouraged to learn and apply what
constitutes respect to others, what are the ways they can show respect, and why is it important to
develop a good attitude and respectable behavior in their interaction with other people.
In the previous lesson, you have learned about respecting individual differences by demonstrating
acceptance of others without discrimination. Now the first activity will assess your understanding
about respect.

Activity 1: Word Hunt

Directions: Look at the list of words below. Identify at least five words that you think are
synonymous with the word respect. Write your answer on your notebook.

politeness fondness appreciation consideration devotion

reverence courtesy disdainful

attentiveness assurance tolerance upright

Guide Questions:
1. What does respect to others mean to you?
2. Do you consider yourself as respectable person? Why or why not? How do you show respect
to others?
3. How do you feel when someone judges you without knowing you or giving you a chance to
prove your words and actions?

What’s New

Activity 2: Approve or Disapprove

Directions: Check if the box beside of the given statement/phrase refers to a respectable behavior
towards others and put a cross if it is not

1. Learning how to use appropriate words in apologizing to avoid

unnecessary drama.
2. Respecting other’s personal space.
3. Controlling someone to change his/her behavior for the better.
4. Respecting classmate’s sexual orientation to promote gender equality.
5. Making yourself a priority above all.
6. Learning to communicate assertively.
7. Complying and respecting school laws and regulations.

8. Gently putting a hand on someone’s shoulder to get his attention.

9. Accepting others as who you want them to be not for who they are.

10. Showing interest in others about how they feel and what they think.

What is It
As the saying goes, “You cannot give what you do not have”. It is
indeed right that if you want to know how others treat you, then
pay attention to how you treat others. Respect and self-respect
are always interconnected with each other. According to ELA
and Life Skills Program on Developing Healthy Communication
published in 2016, respect—for oneself and others—is part of the
foundation for healthy behaviors and healthy relationships.
But first, let’s go back by defining what respect is. Respect is due regard for the
feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others (MerriamWebster Dictionary).
In respecting others, we are promoting love, compassion, and tolerance. But is it possible to
genuinely show respect for someone whom we don’t share the same opinion? How about the
undeserving ones? They said respect is something earned not easily given. But then again in
respecting others we accept that every human is imperfect. This world is cruel enough, the least
we can do is to make this world a little more humane.
There are a variety of ways on how we can show respect to others. First, through words and
objective views. Humans are born unique. Each of us has innate individual differences. Our
perspectives and opinions are different based on our freedom to think, evaluate, and analyze
things. However, that freedom is not absolute. As what the famous maxim had said ‘your right ends
where the rights of others begin’. It means a person’s freedom to speak freely must not prohibit
another person’s right to express themselves. In short, there is a responsibility attached to
expressing our point of view. We have to express it without harming other's freedom.
Here are some of the important things to remember about how to respect others:

1. Be open-minded. It is a willingness to accept other’s opinions even to the ones you don’t agree
with. By not changing their opinion, we are seeing a new perspective. We are learning about
them. That action alone will earn us respect for building connections and respect.
2. Listening attentively. It is focusing closely on what the other person is saying. It is one of the
best ways to show respect. By listening, we allow another person to be honest with us. With that,
we are building trust.

3. Ability to understand. It is supporting them and not being judgmental. Their past is part of
them. Each one of us has inner battles and issues. By listening, we are trying to understand their
side. It is when you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or
you don’t agree with them.
4. Treat with kindness. It is the greatest gift we can give to someone. It is the truest form when we
don’t expect something in return.
Second, respect in actions. Through our actions, we can show respect by showing gestures and
efforts, following laws, paying tribute to landmarks and temples. We can choose appropriate
clothing and behaviors that respect others' cultures or beliefs. We can read books to understand
their perspectives and experiences. Respect in action varies in many forms.
All in all, respect is important in building relationships. It embodies feelings of trust, safety, and
wellbeing. It is not something that comes naturally rather it is something we learn.
What’s More

Activity 3: Scenario
Directions: Read each scenario below. Then write down
how you would respond to the scenario demonstrating
the words and actions of respect.

1. You are attending a youth seminar about environmental protection. It starts at exactly 8 am.
Unfortunately, you woke up late so you arrived 20 minutes late at the venue. Upon arrival in the
conference room, you see that all seats are occupied and the only remaining vacant seat is on
the left side of the speaker. The speaker is thoroughly discussing the topic at the moment.

What are you going to do not to disturb the speaker while he’s discussing to occupy the vacant
2. Amie is one of your classmates. She’s one of the timid and shy students in your class. While
browsing the internet you see her new post regarding her new profile picture and it becomes a
subject to online bullying. You have seen comments such as she’s ugly and better to take it

As her classmate, what are you going to say?

3. Your brother and younger sister are having an argument. Both of them are hostile and shouting
already. You know that being aggressive isn’t going to force each one of them to stop, it’s just
going to escalate the situation.

As an older sister, what are you going to do to lessen the tension and cool down their argument
What I Have Learned
Activity 4: Answer Me
Directions: Answer the guide questions based on what you
have learned from the lesson.

Guide Questions:

1. If I said “I respect your culture” – what would that look like?

2. How could you tell “I respect your culture by my actions/words”?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of treating each other

with respect?
4. What is the difference between respecting others in words and respecting others in actions?
Elaborate your answer.

5. How important is respect in our lives?

6. What I Can Do
Activity 5: Identify Me

Directions: Identify who is that person who deserves your

respect and give ways on how you can show respect in words
and in actions.

List of person whom

Words Actions
you can show respect
1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.


Activity 6: Reflect!

Directions: Read the quotation below, reflect on the message it tries to convey.

“We hate someone because we do not know them; and will not know
them because we hate them.”
- Charles Caleb Colton

Based on the quotation, I realized that


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the

chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following BEST describes respect?
A. It is about treating others of how they treat you.
B. It is how you should treat others the way you want to be treated.
C. It is based on treating yourself on how you want to be treated.
D. None of the above

2. Supposed that your friend Mikaela is speaking in front of you, which do you think BEST
shows that you are listening to her?
A. Language B. Posture C. Eye contact D. Expression

3. As a student, how can you show respect to others?

A. By using inappropriate language to express my sentiment and opinion
B. By using kind words to my classmates such as saying thank you as a sign of gratitude.

C. By respecting school properties and following school rules

D. By acting as if others didn’t exist

4. Jane was your best friend. She was humiliated publicly by one of your

classmates. What is the appropriate thing to do to amend the situation?

A. I will take revenge on what happened.

B. I will talk to my classmate who humiliated her and warn her to suffer the same situation.
C. I will report to our adviser to take appropriate action.
D. I will talk to both of them and try to help settle their ruined relationship.

5. Which of the following shows respect to teachers, EXCEPT:

A. Using loud voice when I’m asking permission to make it clear.
B. Raising my hand to be noticed in class.
C. Listening and taking notes while the teacher is teaching.
D. Both A and B
6. Which of the following BEST shows that there is respect in your relationship with other
A. You feel safe being around people closer to you.
B. You can openly talk and not afraid of humiliation.
C. When you feel disagreement they listen to you and try to be patient.
D. All of the above

7. Which of the following words is an example of respectful language? A. I will B. Go

away c. Thank you d. I adore you

8. What should be the proper words or phrases to say if you disagree to someone?
A. I don't give a cent on your opinion.
B. I respect your opinion but I disagree.
C. I don't like your sentiment and I don’t understand.
D. Mind your business, I disagree.

9. Respect and self-respect are interconnected with each other. As the saying goes, ‘you
cannot give what you do not have’.
A. Only the first statement is true and correct
B. Only the second statement is true and correct
C. Both statements are true and correct
D. Both statements are untrue and incorrect

10.By listening attentively, we are focusing closely on what the other person is saying.
We allow another person to be honest with us. A. Only the first statement is true and correct
B. Only the second statement is true and correct
C. Both statements are true and correct
D. Both statements are untrue and incorrect

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