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Rodrigo R. Duterte 9/10

he did an amazing job during his 6 years of presidency but , there's some flawa too
during his presidency.during his presidency he conducted the war on drugs the anti
terrorism and corrupton.

During his presidency he has many project ,like build3x,national Id and job for the
filipinos and so filipino loves him for his jokes and cursing during his presidency.

rodrigo R. Duterte's goverment has been rated 9 of 10 for infastructure development

and economic growth.however,human rights violations,such as thousands of deaths
due to duterte'a war on drugs,have been criticized golbally,press freedom issues have
been raised due to harrasment and threats towards critical journalists.Duterte's foriegn
policy stance,for particularly his shift to china has been praised and criticized,with
somes arguing its a pratical measure for commercial invesments.

he is the best president beacause he made so many changes in this country and
captured many drug addict,and he even add the K to 12 system.

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