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Tugas Tutorial 1

Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Niaga / ADBI4201


NIM : 044402622

Please read the following situation below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3 paragraph.
Elaborate your own opinion with the references related to situation given.

Export and import are two things that are interrelated. Please explain the condition of export
and import in a country which has a healthy economic condition. You can also add the
examples to support your ideas.
Export and import are two things that are interrelated

Export and import are two interrelated components of international trade that have a
significant impact on a country's economy. In a country with a healthy economy export and
import activities tend to be balanced. This means that the value of goods and services
exported is equal to the value of goods and services imported. This balance is important for a
country's economic growth as it indicates that the country is producing goods and services
that are in demand in the international market while also fulfilling domestic demand through

For the example, China is a country with a healthy balance of export and import
activities Even surplus that causes China to benefit from international trade. China is known
for its manufacturing capabilities and exports a wide range of products, including electronics,
machinery, textiles, and furniture. At the same time, China also imports raw materials and
resources like iron, copper, and crude oil, which are used in its manufacturing processes. This
balance of exports and imports has contributed significantly to China's economic growth and
success, making it one of the world's largest economies.

In conclusion, a healthy balance of export and import activities is crucial for a

country's economic growth and success. When a country is producing goods and services that
are in demand in the global market and is also able to fulfill domestic demand through
imports, it is likely to have a thriving economy. The example of China's successful export
and import activities serves as an excellent example of how a country can leverage its
strengths to become a dominant player in the global market.


Kebijakan Perdagangan Internasional Bidang Ekspor dan Impor |

Potensi Komoditas Ekspor Impor China, Lengkap! - Misterexportir

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