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In healthy economic conditions, exports and imports are usually in balance or an export

surplus. This shows that the country is capable of producing high-quality products that are
competitive in the international market and are able to meet domestic needs through imports.
The export surplus basically leads to the inflow of funds from abroad into a country's
economy, which has a positive impact on economic growth, infrastructure development, and
improving people's welfare. Japan, for example, is a country with a large export surplus,
especially in the automotive and electronics industries.
However, an export surplus that is too large will also cause problems such as export
dependence and trade imbalance. Therefore, a country must value and manage exports and
imports to achieve an optimal trade balance.
In addition, in healthy economic conditions, import and export activities can also increase
product diversification and open up investment opportunities in industries that have the
potential to produce quality products in the global market. However, an export surplus that is
too large will also cause problems such as export dependence and trade imbalance. Therefore,
a country must value and manage exports and imports to achieve an optimal trade balance. In
addition, in healthy economic conditions, import and export activities can also
increase product diversification and open up investment opportunities in industries
that have the potential to produce quality products in the global market.

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