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PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE QUITO LEVEL B14 NAME:ERICK NARANJO Second conditional if (unreal situations) 1. If had more money, | would buy a new car. 2. If knew how to cook, | would prepare a delicious dinner for my friends. 3. Ifitwere Saturday, | would go to the park to enjoy the sun. 4. If could fly, | would travel all over the world non-stop. 5. If studied more, | would get better grades on tests. 6. If! found a better job, | would quit the current one. 7. Ifitrained, we would stay at home watching movies. 8. If knew how to play the guitar, | would form a band with my friends. 9. If lived on the beach, I would surf every day. 10. If | won the lottery, | would donate part of the money to charity.

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