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PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE QUITO LEVEL B14 NAME:ERICK NARANJO- Academic writing evaluation LIFE AS A FOREIGNER AND AN ARCHITECTURE STUDENT An architecture student's life at the Catholic University of Quito undergoes a significant change as they, a foreigner, become an outsider, living alone in the lively La Floresta neighborhood. This shift contrasts their previous coastal experience, making them a foreigner in the urban mountains. Their days begin early, filled with demanding classes and captivating design sessions that offer opportunities to express creativity and understand architecture's essence in diverse Quito. Beyond classrooms, visits to iconic sites enrich their education. Embracing city life brings newfound independence in managing responsibilities Quito's cultural diversity exposes them to varied traditions and thinking, while bonds with classmates provide vital support. In summary, the student's life is a mix of challenges and opportunities, shaped by the contrast between the coast and urban mountains. Each day contributes to personal and professional growth, immersing in student life and Quito’s rich culture,

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