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Vocabulary list

Ravage/ Destruir: To cause severe damage or destruction.

Clamour/Clamar :To make a loud and persistent noise, typically in protest or outcry.
Tributaries/ Afluentes: Small streams or rivers that flow into a larger one.
Slaughter/ Matanza: The killing of a large number of people or animals.
Logger/Leñador: Someone who cuts down trees for wood.
Dredge up/Rescatar: To bring something back from the past, often with difficulty.
Resurgent/Resurgente: Experiencing a revival or renewal.
Indigenous/Indígena: Native to a particular place or region.
Enmeshed/Enredado: To become entangled or caught in a complex situation.
Concessions/Concesiones: Something that is granted or yielded, often in a negotiatio
Straightforward/Directo: Direct and clear in communication or action.
Dump/Tirar: To dispose of something no longer needed or wanted.
Deterrent/Disuasorio: Something that discourages or prevents a particular action.
Scramble/Competir: To compete or fight eagerly for something.
Solidarity/Solidaridad: Unity or cooperation among individuals with a common purpose.
Fret/Preocuparse: To worry or be anxious about something.
Teething problem/Problema inicial: Initial issues or difficulties encountered when starting
something new.
Tweak/Ajustar: To make minor adjustments or modifications.
Sneaky/Astuto: Deceptive or sly in a cunning way.
Stall/Fallar: To stop or cease functioning, often suddenly.

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