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The following are the procedures followed in the conduct of the

After getting the needed permission to conduct the study, the
researcher scheduled the time to try out the instruments to
gather the needed data.
The target population was identified and the sample size was
determined. Reliability testing was conducted to see to it that
the instruments were valid and reliable.
Enough copies of validated instruments were prepared ready to
be administered to the identified final samples of the study.The
researcher contributed them personally and gathered them at
the same.
Based on the data gathered, the following findings were
1. The mean obtained to find out the extent, the different
instructional strategies were used by the teacher in
teaching English were 4.178 in Cooperative Learning, 4.042
in Problem solving3.958 in Classroom Demonstration,
3.816 in Discussion and 3.94 in Student Research.
2. The Reading Achievement Level of Grade VII students
were found that there were 4 percent out of 100 students
involved were on Outstanding Achievement level ,6 or 5
percent were Very Satisfactory, 24 or 23 percent were fair
and 57 or 57 percent were poor.
3. The obtained Chi-Square test value to determine whether
the instructional strategies significantly influenced the
reading achievement level of Grade VII students was
13.173 tested at .05 level, with df equals 4, the required
value of significance is 9.49, thus the null hypothesis was
In the light of the findings formulated, the following were
the conclusions made
1.The teachers often used varied instructional varied
instructional strategies but the most dominant was Cooperative
2.Majority of the pupils were poor in reading and they are
expected to learn in the grade level they were presently
3. The instructional strategies were used by teachers in
teaching English influenced the reading achievement level of
their pupils. These two variables are significantly affecting each

Out of the results of the study, it is recommended that
1. School administrators should continue encourage teachers
to use varied instructional strategies to suit the varied
instructional needs of their students during the teaching-
learning activities that happened while they are teaching
English. They could discuss during post conference after
supervisory visits the importance of using varied
instructional strategies not only in English but also on
some other learning areas.
2. Teachers could use any of the instructional strategies that
are suited to the topic or subject matter they are teaching.
They are encouraged to shift from one study to the other
while doing the learning activities to maintain the interest
and attention of their students to avoid boredom in the
3. The researcher should continue emphasizing the varied
instructional strategies not only in teaching English subject
as one of the learning areas considering as a tool in
learning other subjects but also in Mathematics and
Science which were taught in the English language.
4. Other researchers could utilize the data in undertaking
future investigation related to instructional strategies. It
was found out in this research that the most dominant
instructional strategy used in teaching were Cooperative
Learning, Class Demonstration and Discussion and in what
other learning areas could Problem Solving and Student
Research be dominant. These related topics are
recommended for further studies.

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