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Portfolio AG 01

Unit 2:Past time

A few years ago when I was a teenager, I was studying my last year of
school where I met my best friend and the person I consider my soul mate,
Ximena and I have become good friends since that day. I thought that this
was going to be the best year of my life, my friends and I used to think that
we would take a promotion trip to a fun and cute place. At first we had
been doing activities for days to get money. By February we had been
working for 2 months because we really wanted to go. We looked for an
agency and even paid for part of the trip, by the time our trip arrived, the
company had everything prepared, but unfortunately, a month later the
government announced a global health emergency, we were sad cause we
were working long hours to get money and also the teachers told us that
we would take virtual classes, I was very frustrated because I didn't know
what to do I didn't understand virtual classes, anyway ways I was studying
for many hours to finally understand the classes by myself because I used
to think that I would be good for math. I finally managed to pass my
courses, my friends and I did not have a party or promotion trip due to the
arrival of the pandemic but we learned that the most important thing is to
have our family with us and also to have good health to be happy and have
peace of mind, the pandemic killed many people we loved and I think we
should value each moment as if it were the last.

Past progressive Past time: Habitual or repeated Past perfect progressive

simple past past perfect present perfect future in the past
Unit 6: The Crime: The kid in the box

I know about the crime of the Kid in the Box is a crime that has not been
solved and I know some details that the police delivered to the people to
help find those responsible . The boy was between four and six years old
when this happened to him, the crime was being investigated by the police
but they could not find any trace of the murder because he did not leave a
trace of him. The boy was found in a box by a college boy who was walking
through woods in Philadelphia. The body was found without hair in a box
where he had been for a long time, so investigators did not have his DNA,
in addition, the body was injured which made recognition more difficult
because the face was swollen.They tried to find his parents because the
case should not be reopened in the future for identity protection but some
crimes never get solved by the authorities because they didn´t find any
evidence or DNA. In this case, they had not the evidence to lock up a
person, nobody was caught, and the killer was not found. People were very
disappointed that the investigation has not been reopened, and until now
they are afraid that the murderer will appear again, this case is still a
mystery because we had the evidence checked but no conclusión because
nobody recognised the body of the kid.

Passive verb forms:Present perfect Passive verb forms :Past progressive

Passive verb forms:Simple past the passive with modals Passive senteces
the passive causitive

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