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Worksheet 8.

0: Flux of Energy in the

Ecosystems Fundamentals of Life
. 2023
Name: ID:

PART 1. Food chain.

Draw a food chain with the biotic factors written in the answer box. Your chain has to show the flux of matter and
flux of energy through the trophic levels. For each level, indicate if it's an autotroph or heterotroph as well as if it is
a producer, primary consumer, secondary or tertiary consumer.

arenques zooplancton león marino tiburón blanco fitoplancton

PART 2. Write down the percentage of energy that passes to the following trophic levels. Then, calculate
the units of energy for each level calcula la cantidad de energía química que pasa al siguiente nivel
trófico a partir de la energía calorífica captada por los autótrofos.
Tertiary consumer: 0.1% 20 energy units

Secondary consumer: 1% 200 energy units

Primary consumer: 10% 2, 000 energy units

Producer: 100% 20, 000 energy units


Is human intervention in food webs a positive action to the Ecosystems? Why? Also, Write 1 real life
example in which you clarify your opinion remarking the effect on a sustainable ecosystem. Indicate the
geographical location of this ecosystem (all the countries where it is found) and infer whether the damage
or benefit is local or international.

In my personal opinion, I don´t think human intervention in food webs is a good idea and it won't have a

positive effect on the environment (ecosystem). If we interfere (take any type of action in any way), then

we´ll have an impact on the natural course of life. There will be an imbalance, especially some food

sources will be lacking.

Us humans have BIG impact on the ENTIRE planet. The poor air quality, the lack of drinking water, the

climate change, deforestation; it´s all our fault. Because of the overpopulation, we consume more food

(animals) causing animals (those we don´t eat) to have nothing to eat, ending in starvation.


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