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Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 1 My Sister and I
Translate the sentences.

1. Hi, I am Jonas Clark.

2. I am 10 years old.

3. I am tall.

4. This is Erica Clark.

5. She is my sister.

6. She is 8 years old.

7. She is short.

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 2 My Friends
Translate the sentences.

1. Come meet my friends.

2. This is Jack.

3. He is my best friend.

4. His hair is brown.

5. He is kind.

6. Margot is my classmate.

7. Her hair is blonde.

8. She is funny.

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 3 See My School Things
Translate the sentences.

1. Here are my school things.

2. This is my backpack.

3. It is red.

4. That is my notebook.

5. It’s blue.

6. These are my pencils.

7. They are black.

8. Those are my crayons.

9. They’re red and blue.

10. I use them all!

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 4 My Classroom
Translate the sentences.

1. This is my classroom.

2. This is the teacher’s desk.

3. There is a whiteboard.

4. There’s a pencil sharpener.

5. There’s a trash can.

6. There are desks.

7. There are chairs.

8. There are bookcases.

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 5 Let’s Eat Lunch!
Translate the sentences.

1. It’s time for lunch!

2. Let’s eat.

3. I like fruit.

4. I like apples and bananas.

5. I like meat, too.

6. I like bread most.

7. I do not like vegetables.

8. No salad for me, please.

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 6 Take Me to the Toy Store!
Translate the sentences.
1. We are at the toy store!

2. Erica likes games.

3. She wants a new game.

4. She doesn’t want a doll.

5. I like sports.

6. I want a ball.

7. I don’t want a model.

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 7 Let’s Play!
Translate the sentences.

1. Let’s play at the playground.

2. Erica is on the swing.

3. Jonas is in the castle.

4. Jack is near the slide.

5. Margot is in the sandbox.

6. Where is Sam?

7. He’s at home.

8. Come out, Sam!

Translation Sheet

Class Name
Unit 8 My Colorful Clothes
Translate the sentences.

1. Hi, I’m Angela.

2. My bag is yellow.

3. My jacket is green.

4. My dress is orange and white.

5. This is my red hat.

6. These are my purple shoes.

7. They are my colorful clothes!


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