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1) Where did you go?

 I went to a beautiful coastal town called Huaral.
2) When did you go?
 I went during the winter holidays, last June.
3) Who did you go whit?
 I went with my best girldfriend, Lucia. We have been planning this trip
for months.
4) Where did you stay?
 We stayed in a cozy beachfront cabin. It had a fantastic view.
5) What was the weather like?
 The weather was amazing! Almost every day it was sunny and a gentle
sea breeze blew.
6) What did you do during the day?
 During the day we explored the city, visited the local market and spent
hours on the beach building sand castles.
7) What did you do in the evening?
 In the evening, we enjoyed delicious seafood at a seaside restaurant and
watched the sunset. Later we took a walk along the boardwalk.
8) Did you have a Good time?
 Yes, I had an amazing time! It was one of the best vacations of my life.
9) Did you have any problems?
 Fortunately, we didn't have any major problems.

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