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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SORSOGON CITY OFFICE OF THE SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT 29 AUG 2023 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 234 _s. 2023 CREATION OF LEARNING RESOURCES QUALITY ASSURANCE EVALUATORS To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chiefs, CID, SGOD Public Schools District Supervisors Education Program Supervisors School Heads All Public School Teachers 1, In preparation for the evaluation of learning resources aligned with the MATATAG Curriculum, and following DepEd Memorandum 217, s. 2016, Screening and Selection of Potential Learning Resources Evaluators, the Schools Division of Sorsogon City calls for the submission of applications for potential Learning Resources Evaluators (LREs} 2, The pool of Learning Resources Evaluators (LREs} shall be composed of learning area, curriculum, content, and technical experts who will pass the evaluation to be conducted by the Division Screening and Selection Committee. (Enclosure 1) 3, Selected Learning Resources Evaluators will be part of the Division Technical Working Groups (TWGs) which will ensure that the learning resources acquired are accurate in content, aligned with learning competencies, compliant with DepEd standards, error-free, and free from copyrighted materials. 4. Application is open to all teaching and non-teaching employees of this Schools Division Office with a Master’s Degree or higher or holder of a Master Teacher position. The deadline for online submission of the application is on September 8, 2023, at 5:00 PM. Send the applications to using your DepEd email. (Enclosure 2 - List of Requirements) 5. For information and guidance. [ DePaRTWENT oF EDUCA N SOREN NSA RE Se JOSE L. DONCILLO, CESO V Schoola Division Superintendent/ ‘Adres: City Hall Compound, Cabid an, Sorsogon Gy, Sorsogon Telefax No (056) 311-2445 Emal Address: sreoson cli daped gov ph MATAT Website: depedsorsogoncity.m! ee ae Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SORSOGON CITY, Enclosure No. 1 to Division Memorandum 231 s. 2023 ‘Composition of Learning Resources Division Screening and Selection Committee (Department Memorandum 217, s. 2016) [Chairperson ELENA D. HUBILLA Chief Education Program Supervisor_ ‘Co-chairperson Education Program Supervisors + DIVINA M. DIAZ EPS- Araling Panlipunan * CLEOFED.ARIOLA —_EPS- English + JORGE M. VILLAREAL —_ EPS- Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao + RICO P. ESTUR EPS- MAPEH + ANTONIO J. JINTALAN EPS-Mathematics © BENJIE L. CADAG EPS- Science | + BEVERLEY P. BABAGAY EPS- Filipino + LOURDES C. EGAY EPS- EPP/TLE/TVL/SPTVE | + MICHAEL M. UY EPS- Kindergarten | | Education Program Specialist II | | + ESMERALDA M. BAUTISTA- EPS II- ALS + RIAE, SEECHUA- EPS Il- ALS Member GEORGE D. PAGUIO Education Program Supervisor I Learning Resources Management Section _ ‘Secretariat CHRIS D. SESBREWO Project Development Officer II Learning Resources Management Section LLEWELYN G. GREFALDEO | Librarian II | Learning Resources Management Section List of Requirements (Department Memorandum 217, s. 2016) 1. Application Letter signifying interest to serve as LRE addressed to the Schools, Division Superintendent, Curriculum Vitae, Scanned copy of the transcript of records for Bachelor’s and Master's Degrees, ‘Scanned service record or appointment as Master Teacher, and ‘Scanned certificates relative to learning resources development or quality assurance. sees -nothing follows- ‘Address: City Hall Compound, Cabid-an, Sorsogon Cty, Sorsogon “Telefax No.: (056) 311-2445, Email Address: Website: depedsorsogoncity ml

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