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GAC008 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay


Hidden Disease Causes Oxygen


Student’s Name: Kirstien Sudjaja

Student ID #: GA80022

Teacher: Theresia Hayuning Wilujeng, S.Pd.

Due Date: 21 May 2022

Word Count: 1745

GAC008 AE#4 Kirstien Sudjaja GAC20022

Question: What is meant by ‘hypoxia’? Explain with reference to the severity of the problem your

own country.

Do you know that hypoxia is caused by humans themselves? Based on Cleveland Clinic (2022), Hypoxia

is a condition caused by a lack of oxygen in the body and is an increasingly important man-made

environmental issue. The first incident occurred in 1945, but the effects of oxygen deficiency on living

things appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Therefore online research was conducted to look for the

origins of "hypoxia" (Jean & Richalet, 2021). Happy hypoxia is a condition where oxygen levels in the

body drop drastically. Happy hypoxia is a term for people who are positive for Covid-19; hypoxia can be

experienced without symptoms. Therefore, the term happy hypoxia appears (RSUD Puri Husada

Tembilahan, 2020). There are several symptoms, effects, causes, types, diagnoses, and some cases of


People infected with hypoxia will also experience different initial symptoms. Even though the symptoms

appear different for each person, it still needs to be watched out for. The first is that the patient will

experience a headache. The second patient will experience tachypnea. tachypnea is breathing faster than

normal (Fadli Rizal, 2020). Based on (2021) noted this disorder is caused by a buildup of carbon

dioxide in the lungs, which causes a buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. Hypoxia patients will

experience the effect of discoloration on the skin, nails, and lips caused by:

A lack of oxygen in the blood. When the amount of oxygen in the blood is very low, the color of

the blood will change from bright red to darker. This is what makes the skin and lips look bluish or

also known as cyanosis (Agustin, 2022).

Another effect of hypoxia is heart rate, meaning that "Acute hypoxia produces an acceleration of the heart

rate. As the barometric pressure decreased, the heart rate proportionately increased. The pulse rate will also

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vary according to the activity of the patient" (Cafaro, 1960: 5). Basically, Digianto and Schulman (2022)

noted the average adult resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). Regular resting

heart rate for children can be higher than for adults, depending on age and activity level. While everyone's

heart rate will be different, and this needs to be considered and guarded because it is dangerous. So it is

very important to know the symptoms of hypoxia, namely headaches, tachypnea, and the effects of hypoxia

are changes in the color of your skin and increased heart rate.

Hypoxia is mostly caused by decreased oxygen saturation levels. Based on Gotter and Yetman (2021), the

oxygen saturation level of each person should be between 92% and 98%, if it is below 92%, the person is

considered hypoxic. Oxygen levels that are too low will make it difficult for the person to breathe and

because no oxygen enters the human body, this can lead to death. Based on Irawan Fery (2020) noted, the

hypoxic conditions associated with being at altitude are usually referred to as altitude sickness or mountain

sickness. Difficult breathing symptoms at high altitudes can appear because the body is trying to adjust to

the air pressure and oxygen at that altitude. In addition, symptoms are often seen when humans exercise

physically, such as when climbing stairs or trying to exercise, but shortness of breath can also occur even

at rest. Hypoxia is arguably a problem for mountain climbers. Another cause is the low blood supply to the

brain. Low blood supply can occur when a blood vessel is blocked or partially blocked, as is often the case

with a stroke. It can affect certain brain regions and interfere with the functions regulated by those regions

(, 2020).

Four recognized types of hypoxia can be classified according to the mechanism by which they occur. The

first one is the hypoxemic or hypoxemia type, the most common variation of hypoxia hypoxemia is a low

amount of oxygen in the blood. This variation of hypoxemia is usually caused by lung and heart disease,

congenital heart defects, and medications that slow breathing. Traveling to high altitudes, such as mountains,

where oxygen levels are lower, can also cause hypoxemia (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). The second one is the

anemic type, anemia hypoxia can occur when humans don't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen

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from the lungs to other tissues. Humans can become anemic if the human body does not make enough red

blood cells or there is not enough red blood in the human body (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). The third one is

the stagnant type, poor blood flow means that less oxygen is available to the working tissues and the lack

of oxygen in these tissues results in them being unable to work optimally. This can occur in one specific

area or all over the body (Eldridge, 2022). The last one is the histotoxic type, this type of hypoxia means

that humans have an insufficient amount of oxygen to pump and distribute throughout the body. However,

the body tissues cannot use or receive oxygen because the tissue is damaged. For example, humans are

exposed to poison, which can contaminate the cells or tissues of the body (Shoreline Sober Living, 2021).

So there is not only one type of hypoxia, but four types of hypoxia can be identified.

To diagnose hypoxia, one can visit a doctor and have a physical exam where they will check the condition

of the heart and lungs. Several additional tests can be used to assess oxygen level and breathing. The first

is an oximetry test, which uses a device placed on a finger or body to check and measure the level of oxygen

in the blood (Eldridge, 2022). The second one is to do X-rays or CT scans of the chest and airways.

According to Schulman (2019) noted, doing X-rays or ct scans can help check or find out the cause of

hypoxia such as lung conditions whether there is an infection or not. The last one is to do an arterial blood

gas test. Blood tests can help diagnose hypoxia and check the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the

blood. This test is taken using a needle to draw a blood sample from an artery (Schulman, 2019).

The problem of hypoxia can already be said to be worldwide, similar to Covid-19, because the symptoms

are similar to Covid-19. How common are happy hypoxia cases, especially in Indonesia? Based on the

explanation from the Chairman of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) Dr. Agus Dwi Susanto,

initial reports of happy hypoxia initially occurred in 18.7 percent of Corona patients in Wuhan. Initially,

the term used was silent hypoxemia but it changed to happy hypoxia. It is called happy hypoxia because

the patient does not experience shortness of breath, so he continues to carry out normal activities without

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knowing there is insufficient oxygen in his blood. Meanwhile, if seen from the existing data at the

Friendship Hospital, it was found that 1.7 percent of Corona patients experienced symptoms of happy

hypoxia. In Indonesia, happy hypoxia in Covid-19 has been found since March 2020.

However, cases in general that occur in Indonesia related to happy hypoxia were first discovered in

Tangerang, Indonesia. Initially, a 48-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital on March 28 2020

with symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath for 8 days before hospitalization. The patient has a

history of hypertension on therapy and mild cardiac septal defect. The patient looks clinically healthy

because he only complains of mild dyspnea, and can still move independently, chat with doctors, and scroll

through his cellphone, which is called a happy hypoxia condition. The patient was recently discharged from

the hospital on day 41 and a recent chest X-ray showed massive right lung fibrosis and right pleural

thickening. Over the next 2 weeks, chest X-ray showed residual right lung fibrosis that was improving and

right pleural thickening.

In patients who experience happy hypoxia, oxygen gas is often very low, but the patient appears normal

and completely unaffected, even looking fine. In COVID-19 patients who are affected by happy hypoxia

have an oxygen saturation between 70-80%, even if the case is drastic it can be below 50%. Where in

normal conditions, oxygen saturation is 95-100%. According to the Lung Doctor at the Friendship Hospital,

Dr. Andika Chandra Putra, Ph.D., SpP suspects that happy hypoxia in Covid-19 patients is caused by

obstructions in inhaling oxygen into the lungs, starting from oxygen entering its use in our bodies. In

addition, there are abnormalities in the brain stem that regulate oxygen. Based on the explanation from Dr.

Erlina Burhan MSc, SpP (2020), normally a body that lacks oxygen will send signals to the brain while

happy hypoxia occurs due to damaged nerves that deliver tightness sensors to the brain.

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GAC008 AE#4 Kirstien Sudjaja GAC20022

Based on Radar Banyumas (2020), noted total positive confirmation of COVID-19 in Indonesia as of

Wednesday, 16 September 2020 has reached 228,993 cases. This has added 3,963 people and 135 people

have died. So that the total reaches 9,100 cases. Judging from the addition of positive confirmations, the

highest province was DKI Jakarta (1,294 cases), then there were East Java (372 cases), Central Java (340

cases), West Java (293 cases), and East Kalimantan (217 cases). As a result of Corona, most of the patient

deaths are due to happy hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen in the blood. However, not followed by shortness

of breath.

“Normally, people who lack oxygen in their blood will experience shortness of breath. Because

the brain sends signals to the body to take as much oxygen as possible. In COVID-19 patients, because

there is brain damage, no signals are sent to the body," said University of Indonesia (UI) lung specialist

Erlina Burhan in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/9).

In conclusion, Hypoxia is caused by a decrease in oxygen levels in the body. A reduced amount of oxygen

causes happy hypoxia in the body without causing symptoms, and happy hypoxia is a symptom of covid-

19. The different types of hypoxia are hypoxemic, anemic, stagnant, and histotoxic. There are several ways

to diagnose hypoxia: oximetry tests, CT scans, and arterial blood gas tests. In Indonesia, happy hypoxia

was first discovered in March 2020. The total positive confirmation of COVID-19 in Indonesia as of

Wednesday, September 16 2020 reached 228,993 cases, and the highest number of additional cases were

in the province of DKI Jakarta with an additional 1,294 cases.

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Admin. (2020, September 17). Jangan Sampai Happy Hypoxia, Total Positif COVID-19 Capai

228.993 Kasus – Radar Banyumas - IAIN PAREPARE MEDIA. IAIN PAREPARE



Cafaro, R. P. (1960, April 1). Hypoxia: Its Causes and Symptoms. PubMed Central (PMC).

Davis, J. (2020, August 7). What Is COPD Hypoxia? WebMD.

DiGiacinto, J. (2023, May 17). What is a Dangerous Heart Rate? Healthline.

Doyle, G. R. (2015, November 23). 5.4 Signs and Symptoms of Hypoxia. Pressbooks.

Eldridge, L., MD. (2022). Hypoxia: Types and Overview. Verywell Health.

Fkui, I. (2020, September 17). Di Indonesia, Happy Hypoxia pada COVID-19 Sudah Ditemukan

Sejak Maret 2020 – Info Sehat FKUI.


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Gotter, A. (2023, April 24). What Can Cause Shortness of Breath and What Does It Feel Like?


Halodoc, R. (2020). Hipoksia merupakan kondisi saat jaringan tubuh memiliki kadar oksigen

yang berada di bawah batas normal. Ini y. Halodoc.

Harsono, F. H. (2020, September 7). Dokter Paru Ungkap Terjadinya Happy Hypoxia atau

Hipoksia pada Pasien COVID-19.


Headache: What It Is, Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic.

Huizen, J. (2022, April 28). What to know about hypoxia.

Hypoxia: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, Diagnosis & Treatment. (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic.

Irawan, F. (2022). Apa Penyebab Kesulitan Bernapas Saat Berada di Ketinggian? •


Kahn, A. (2023, April 18). Tachypnea: What Is Rapid, Shallow Breathing? Healthline.

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Living, S. S. (2021). Effects of Hypoxia on the Body. SHORELINE Sober Living - San Diego,


Mengenali Dugaan Penyebab Happy Hypoxia | Indonesia Baik. (n.d.).

Seladi-Schulman, J., PhD. (2023, April 26). What Is Hypoxemia? Healthline.

Team, S. (2020). Warning Signs of a Serious Spinal Contusion. Spinal Cord Inc.

Widysanto et al. (2020). Happy hypoxia in critical COVID‐19 patient: A case report in

Tangerang, Indonesia. Physiological Reports, 8(20).

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GAC008 AE#4 Kirstien Sudjaja GAC20022

First Draft

Do you know that hypoxia is caused by humans themselves? Based on Cleveland Clinic (2022), Hypoxia
is a condition caused by a lack of oxygen in the body and is an increasingly important man-made
environmental issue. The first incident occurred in 1945, but the effects of oxygen deficiency on living
things appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Therefore online research was conducted to look for the
origins of "hypoxia" (Jean & Richalet, 2021). Happy hypoxia is a condition where oxygen levels in the
body drop drastically. Happy hypoxia is a term for people who are positive for Covid-19 hypoxia can be
experienced without symptoms. Therefore, the term happy hypoxia appears (RSUD Puri Husada
Tembilahan, 2020). There are several symptoms, effects, causes, types, diagnoses, and some cases of

People infected with hypoxia will also experience different initial symptoms. Even though the symptoms
appear different for each person, it still needs to be watched out for. The first is that the patient will
experience a headache. The second patient will experience tachypnea. tachypnea is breathing faster than
normal (Fadli Rizal, 2020). Based on (2021) noted, this disorder is caused by a buildup of carbon
dioxide in the lungs, which causes a buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. Hypoxia patients will
experience the effect of discoloration on the skin, nails, and lips caused by:
A lack of oxygen in the blood. When the amount of oxygen in the blood is very low, the color of

the blood will change from bright red to darker. This is what makes the skin and lips look bluish or

also known as cyanosis (Agustin, 2022).

Another effect of hypoxia is heart rate, meaning that "Acute hypoxia produces an acceleration of the heart
rate. As the barometric pressure decreased, the heart rate proportionately increased. The pulse rate will also
vary according to the activity of the patient" (Cafaro, 1960: 5). Basically, Digianto and Schulman (2022)
noted the normal adult resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). Normal resting
heart rate for children can be higher than for adults, depending on age and activity level. While everyone's
heart rate will be different and this needs to be considered and guarded because it is dangerous. So it is very
important to know the symptoms of hypoxia, namely headaches, tachypnea, and the effects of hypoxia are
changes in the color of your skin and increased heart rate.

Hypoxia is mostly caused by decreased oxygen saturation levels. Based on Gotter and Yetman (2021), the
oxygen saturation level of each person should be between 92% and 98%, if it is below 92% the person is
considered hypoxic. Oxygen levels that are too low will make it difficult for the person to breathe and
because no oxygen enters the human body, this can lead to death. Based on Irawan Fery (2020) noted, the
hypoxic conditions associated with being at altitude are usually referred to as altitude sickness or mountain
sickness. Symptoms of difficulty breathing at high altitudes can appear because the body is trying to adjust
to the air pressure and oxygen at that altitude. In addition, symptoms are often seen when humans exercise
physically, such as when climbing stairs or trying to exercise, but the shortness of breath can also occur
even at rest. Hypoxia is arguably a problem for mountain climbers. Another cause is the low blood supply
to the brain. Low blood supply can occur when a blood vessel is blocked or partially blocked, as is often
the case with a stroke. It can affect certain brain regions and interfere with the functions regulated by those
regions (, 2020).

Four recognized types of hypoxia can be classified according to the mechanism by which they occur. The
first one is the hypoxemic or hypoxemia type, the most common variation of hypoxia hypoxemia is a low
amount of oxygen in the blood. This variation of hypoxemia is usually caused by lung and heart disease,
congenital heart defects, and medications that slow breathing. Traveling to high altitudes, such as

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mountains, where oxygen levels are lower, can also cause hypoxemia (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). The second
one is the anemic type, anemia hypoxia can occur when humans don't have enough red blood cells to carry
oxygen from the lungs to other tissues. Humans can become anemic if the human body does not make
enough red blood cells or there is not enough red blood in the human body (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). The
third one is the stagnant type, poor blood flow means that less oxygen is available to the working tissues
and the lack of oxygen in these tissues results in them being unable to work optimally. This can occur in
one specific area or all over the body (Eldridge, 2022). The last one is the histotoxic type, this type of
hypoxia means that humans have an insufficient amount of oxygen to pump and distribute throughout the
body. However, the body tissues cannot use or receive oxygen because the tissue is damaged. For example,
humans are exposed to poison, which can contaminate the cells or tissues of the body (Shoreline Sober
Living, 2021). So there is not only one type of hypoxia, but there are four types of hypoxia that can be

To diagnose hypoxia, one can visit a doctor and have a physical exam where they will check the condition
of the heart and lungs. Several additional tests can be used to assess oxygen level and breathing. The first
is an oximetry test, a test that uses a device placed on a finger or body to check and measure the level of
oxygen in the blood (Eldridge, 2022). The second one is to do X-rays or CT scans of the chest and airways.
According to Schulman (2019) noted, doing X-rays or ct scans can help check or find out the cause of
hypoxia such as lung conditions whether there is an infection or not. The last one is to do an arterial blood
gas test. Blood tests can help diagnose hypoxia and check the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
blood. This test is taken using a needle to draw a sample of blood from an artery (Schulman, 2019).

The problem of hypoxia can already be said to be worldwide, similar to Covid-19, because the symptoms
are similar to Covid-19. How common are happy hypoxia cases, especially in Indonesia? Based on the
explanation from the Chairman of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) Dr. Agus Dwi Susanto,
initial reports of happy hypoxia initially occurred in 18.7 percent of Corona patients in Wuhan. Initially,
the term used was silent hypoxemia but it changed to happy hypoxia. It is called happy hypoxia because
the patient does not experience shortness of breath, so he continues to carry out normal activities without
knowing that there is not enough oxygen in his blood. Meanwhile, if seen from the existing data at the
Friendship Hospital, it was found that 1.7 percent of Corona patients experienced symptoms of happy
hypoxia. In Indonesia, happy hypoxia in Covid-19 has been found since March 2020.

However, cases in general that occur in Indonesia related to happy hypoxia were first discovered in
Tangerang, Indonesia. Initially, a 48-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital on March 28 2020
with symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath for 8 days before hospitalization. The patient has a
history of hypertension on therapy and mild cardiac septal defect. The patient looks clinically healthy
because he only complains of mild dyspnea, and can still move independently, chat with doctors, and scroll
through his cellphone, which is called a happy hypoxia condition. The patient was recently discharged from
the hospital on day 41 and a recent chest X-ray showed massive right lung fibrosis and right pleural
thickening. Over the next 2 weeks, chest X-ray showed residual right lung fibrosis that was improving and
right pleural thickening.

In patients who experience happy hypoxia, oxygen gas is often found to be very low, but the patient appears
normal and completely unaffected, even looking fine. In COVID-19 patients who are affected by happy
hypoxia have an oxygen saturation between 70-80%, even if the case is drastic it can be below 50%. Where
in normal conditions, oxygen saturation is 95-100%. According to the Lung Doctor at the Friendship
Hospital, Dr. Andika Chandra Putra, Ph.D., SpP suspects that happy hypoxia in Covid-19 patients is caused
by obstructions in the process of inhaling oxygen into the lungs, starting from oxygen entering its use in
our bodies. In addition, there are abnormalities in the brain stem that regulate oxygen. Based on the
explanation from Dr. Erlina Burhan MSc, SpP (2020), normally a body that lacks oxygen will send signals
to the brain while happy hypoxia occurs due to damaged nerves that deliver tightness sensors to the brain.

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GAC008 AE#4 Kirstien Sudjaja GAC20022

Based on Radar Banyumas (2020), noted total positive confirmation of COVID-19 in Indonesia as of
Wednesday, 16 September 2020 has reached 228,993 cases. This has added 3,963 people and 135 people
have died. So that the total reaches 9,100 cases. Judging from the addition of positive confirmations, the
highest province was DKI Jakarta (1,294 cases), then there were East Java (372 cases), Central Java (340
cases), West Java (293 cases), and East Kalimantan (217 cases). As a result of Corona, most of the patient
deaths are due to happy hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen in the blood. However, not followed by shortness
of breath.
“Normally, people who lack oxygen in their blood will experience shortness of breath. Because
the brain sends signals to the body to take as much oxygen as possible. In COVID-19 patients, because
there is brain damage, no signals are sent to the body," said University of Indonesia (UI) lung specialist
Erlina Burhan in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/9).

In conclusion, Hypoxia is caused by a decrease in oxygen levels in the body. Happy hypoxia is caused by
a reduced amount of oxygen in the body without causing symptoms, and happy hypoxia is a symptom of
covid-19. The different types of hypoxia are hypoxemic, anemic, stagnant, and histotoxic. There are several
ways to diagnose hypoxia, namely doing oximetry tests, CT scans, and arterial blood gas tests. In Indonesia,
happy hypoxia was first discovered in March 2020. The total positive confirmation of COVID-19 in
Indonesia as of Wednesday, September 16 2020 reached 228,993 cases, and the highest number of
additional cases were in the province of DKI Jakarta with an additional 1,294 cases.

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GAC008 AE#4 Kirstien Sudjaja GAC20022

Essay Outline
No Elements Scaffolding
1. Topic Hypoxia
2. Thesis/ Write your background knowledge based on the topic, make it simpler
Introduction (e.g. what is digital era?),
• History about hypoxia
• What is hypoxia?
• What is happy hypoxia?
3. Thesis Write a sentence to point out what you are going to write in the next
statement paragraphs.
• There are several symptoms, effects, causes, types, diagnose, and
some cases about hypoxia.

4. Body of Write your 1 body of paragraph based on the thesis statement.


paragraph 1 • Topic sentence: Symptoms and Effects of Hypoxia

• Supporting detail 1 (Fact toward the main idea): Headache ( Resource
from: )
• Supporting detail 2 (Fact toward the main idea): Tachypnea ( Resource
breathing )
• Supporting detail 3 (Fact toward the fact): Changes in the color of
your skin, start from blue to cherry red ( Resource
from: )
• Supporting detail 4 (Fact toward the main idea): Increased heart rate
( Resource from:
rate )
5. Body of Write your 2 body of paragraph based on the thesis statement.

paragraph 2 • Topic sentence: What may triggers hypoxia and cause of hypoxia
• Supporting detail 1 (Fact toward the main idea): Decreased oxygen
saturation levels ( Resource
shortness-of-breath-feel-like#causes )
• Supporting detail 2 (Fact toward the fact): Low blood supply to the
brain ( Resource from:
hypoxia-and-why-is-it-so-dangerous )

6. Body of Write your 3 body of paragraph based on the thesis statement.


paragraph 3 • Topic sentence: Various types of Hypoxia

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• Supporting detail 1 (Fact toward the main idea): the hypoxemic type
( Resource from : )
• Supporting detail 2 (Fact toward the fact): the anemic type ( Resource
from: )
• Supporting detail 3 (Fact toward the main idea): the stagnant type
( Resource from:
symptoms-and-causes-2248929 )
• Supporting detail 4 (Fact toward the fact): the histotoxic type
( Resource from:
hypoxia-on-the-body/ )

7. Body of Write your 4 body of paragraph based on the thesis statement.


paragraph 4 • Topic sentence: Diagnose hypoxia

• Supporting detail 1 (Fact toward the main idea): Oximetry test
( Resource
2248929 )
• Supporting detail 2 (Fact toward the main idea): X-rays or CT scans of
the chest ( Resource
from: )
• Supporting detail 3 (Opinion toward the fact):Arterial blood gas
( Resource from : )

8. Body of Write your 5 body of paragraph based on the thesis statement.


paragraph 5 • Topic sentence: Cases of Happy Hypoxia in Indonesia

• Supporting detail 1 (Fact toward the main idea): Happy hypoxia found
in Indonesia ( Resource from:
2020/ )
• Supporting detail 2 (Fact toward the main idea): First Cases of happy
hypoxia in Indonesia ( Resource
from: )
• Supporting detail 3 (Fact toward the main idea): Causes of happy
hypoxia or hypoxia in Covid-19 patients in Indonesia ( Resource from:
ungkap-terjadinya-happy-hypoxia-atau-hipoksia-pada-pasien-covid-19 )

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GAC008 AE#4 Kirstien Sudjaja GAC20022

• Supporting detail 4 (Fact toward the fact):Happy hypoxia in Kalimantan

( Resource from:
satu-gejala-pasien-covid-19/ )
9. Conclusion Write a conclusion in a simple sentence or point
• In conclusion, Hypoxia is caused by decreased oxygen levels in the
body. while happy hypoxia is caused by a reduced amount of oxygen in
the body without causing symptoms, where happy hypoxia is a symptom
of covid-19. The various types of hypoxia are hypoxemic, anemic,
stagnant, and histotoxic. There are several ways to diagnose hypoxia,
namely doing oximetry tests, CT scans, and arterial blood gas tests. In
Indonesia, happy Hypoxia was first discovered in March 2020.

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