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Somnoroase păsărele de Mihai Eminescu

Somnoroase păsărele
Pe la cuiburi se adună,
Se ascund în rămurele -
Noapte bună!

Doar izvoarele suspină,

Pe când codrul negru tace;
Dorm şi florile-n grădină -
Dormi în pace!

Trece lebăda pe ape

Între trestii să se culce -
Fie-ţi îngerii aproape,
Somnul dulce!

Peste-a nopţii feerie

Se ridică mândra lună,
Totu-i vis şi armonie -
Noapte bună!

Colinde, colinde! de Mihai Eminescu

Colinde, colinde!
E vremea colindelor,
Căci gheaţa se-ntinde
Asemeni oglinzilor
Şi tremură brazii
Mişcând rămurelele,
Căci noaptea de azi-i
Când scânteie stelele.

Se bucur’ copiii,
Copiii şi fetele,
De dragul Mariei
Îşi piaptănă pletele,
De dragul Mariei
Ş-a Mântuitorului
Luceşte pe ceruri
O stea călătorului.
Iarna de Natalia Poşa

Unde-s oare florile?

Le-au gonit ninsorile?
Iarna albă, iat-o, vine!
- Hai copii, cu toti la mine!
Aveţi sănii şi patine?

Ce-ţi doresc eu ţie, dulce Românie de Mihai Eminescu

Ce-ţi doresc eu ţie, dulce Românie,

Tânără mireasă, mamă cu amor!
Fiii tăi trăiască numai în frăţie
Ca a nopţii stele, ca a zilei zori,
Viaţa în vecie, glorii, bucurie,
Arme cu tărie, suflet românesc,
Vis de vitejie, fală şi mândrie,
Dulce Românie, asta ţi-o doresc!


I eat apples crunch, crunch ,crunch,

I devour sandwiches munch, munch ,munch,
I eat lolipopes lick, lick, lick,
But I enjoy the ice cream quick, quick, quick.

Happy Birthday, mother dearest!

Happy birthday, mother dearest!

We made breakfast just for you,
A watermelon omelette,
And a dish of popcorn too,
A cup of milk and sugar,
And a slice of blackened toast,
Happy birthday, mothet dearest,
You're the one we love the most!
Little cat

Little Cat,
Little Cat,
As you sat
On the mat
Did you dream
Of a mouse,
Or a great rat?"
" Oh no!
Not so!
For I always dream
Of a dish
Full of fish
And a bowl
Full of cream."

Little mouse


" Little mouse little mouse

Where is your little house?"
"Here is the door,
Under the floor!"

One ,two,three

One ,one ,one

please cat run.
the dog is after you.
three birds are on the tree.
four cats are on the floor.
The Animals

-It's four o'clock,

Says the cockrel.
-I want to sleep
Says the sheep.
-Where and how?
Says the cow.
-In the house
Says the mouse.
-Of course!
Says the horse.
-It's too big!
Says the pig.
-I like that
Says the cat.
-The dog says:"woof-woof"
It's too late now.

Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
ntruction :
Orange thread :
R1 : Make ch14, joint with sl st to make a ring
R2 : ch1, 21 sc in the ring, joint with sl st at the first ch1
R3 : ch3, dc at the same st, 2dc at each st around, joint with sl st at the first ch3 ( 42 dc )
R4 : ch1, sc at each st around, joint with sl st at first ch1 (42 sc)
R5 : ch1, sc at the same st, *ch3, sk 2 st, sc*, repeat from * to * around. Joint with sl st at
first ch 1. Fasten off.
White thread :
R6 : sl st at the loop, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) at one lp, shell st at next loop, repeat at each loop
around. Joint with sl st at the first ch3. Fasten off.
Orange thread :
R7 : sl st to ch, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) at same place, shell st 3 times again, sk 3 shell st, shell
st 4 times again, joint with sl st at first ch3.
R8 : sl st to ch, (ch3,dc, ch2, 2dc) at the same place, shell st again 7 times. Joint with sl st
at the first ch3.
R9 : sl st to ch, (ch3,dc, ch2,2dc) at the same place, *ch1, shell st*, repeat from * to *
around. Joint with sl st at firsct ch2. Fasten off.
White thread :
R10 : same with R9. Fasten off

Tail :
make sl st at the middle of collar. Ch 24. Turn.
Make sl st from ch4 ( to make a ring ) from the hook across. Fasten off.
Give fringe in the ring.

FINISHED SIZE: 2.35" x 2.75" - 7 x 6 cms

sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
sl st = slip stitcht

WORKING INSTRUCTIONS:Ch 16, sl st to form a ring,

Round 2: sc 16, ending with a sl st.
Round 3: *1 sc, 2 sc in the next st *, repeat from * to *, (24 sc)
Round 4: 24 sc
Round 5: *1 sc, 2 sc in the next st *, repeat from * to *, (36 sc)
Round 6: 36 sc

Round 1: Change color. Attach the white color, make 3 ch, *skip 1 st, 1 hdc, 1 ch*,
repeat from * to * 4 times, skip 9 spaces, and work 1 hdc, this hdc connects the 2 sections
back and front. Work 4 times: 1 hdc, 1 ch, skip 1 st, 1 hdc, 3 ch turn.
Round 2: 1 hdc in each st around, 1 ch. ending with a sl st. Ch 3,turn
Round 3 - 6: *1 hdc, 1 ch, skip 1 st*, repeat from * to *
Border: Attach other color, *3 ch, skip 1 st, 1 sc*, repeat from * to *Put the ribbon, and
stick the magnet on the back.

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