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--------- beginning of main

12-14 20:11:00.555 29739 29819 E lassesomkar.ap: open failed! dlopen -

dlopen failed: library "" not found
12-14 20:11:01.337 29739 29773 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 100,
subErrorCode: 33, errorType: GraphMethodException, errorMessage: Unsupported get
request. Object with ID '2626121727628659' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to
missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API
documentation at}
12-14 20:11:05.353 29739 29739 E StudFragHomeServ: Failed to get data 777
12-14 20:11:24.045 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:0-->1671028884045
12-14 20:12:17.105 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:0-->1671028937105
12-14 20:12:17.106 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:0-->1671028937106
12-14 20:13:12.752 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:0-->1671028992752
12-14 20:13:12.766 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:261-->1671028992766
12-14 20:13:12.780 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992780
12-14 20:13:12.788 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992788
12-14 20:13:12.804 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992804
12-14 20:13:12.822 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992822
12-14 20:13:12.839 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992839
12-14 20:13:12.855 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992855
12-14 20:13:12.873 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992873
12-14 20:13:12.888 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992888
12-14 20:13:12.906 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992906
12-14 20:13:12.924 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992924
12-14 20:13:12.942 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671028992942
12-14 20:13:12.958 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:3-->1671028992958
12-14 20:13:54.476 29739 29739 E SwipeRefreshLayout: Got ACTION_MOVE event but
don't have an active pointer id.
12-14 20:13:54.493 29739 29739 E SwipeRefreshLayout: Got ACTION_MOVE event but
don't have an active pointer id.
12-14 20:13:54.509 29739 29739 E SwipeRefreshLayout: Got ACTION_MOVE event but
don't have an active pointer id.
12-14 20:14:03.137 29739 29739 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
12-14 20:14:09.251 29739 29739 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
12-14 20:14:16.812 29739 29739 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
12-14 20:14:21.708 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:0-->1671029061708
12-14 20:14:21.745 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671029061745
12-14 20:14:21.762 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:2-->1671029061762
12-14 20:14:21.778 29739 29739 E DisableScroll: ACTION:3-->1671029061778
12-14 20:14:38.532 29739 29739 E EISDig_JsonUtil: Exception in converting Json to
Object: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unrecognized token
'SUCCESS': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')
12-14 20:14:38.532 29739 29739 E EISDig_JsonUtil: at [Source: [B@aa3ca7d; line: 1,
column: 9]

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