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Practice [W2] Sky train

First and foremost, people should admit that the sky train has some benefits. A
very important point to consider is that it can help us save a lot of time. This means
that, compared to cars or motorbikes, the sky train tends to be faster. Therefore, we
are able to travel wherever we want and whenever we want. In addition, using the
sky train will reduce the traffic jams during rush hours. Hence, we can go to school
or our companies quickly. To illustrate this point, I would like to mention that
Singapore have fewer congestionshas less congestion because plenty of sky trains
have been functioned functioning in this nation. Another point I would like to make
is that the sky train does not have to require a lot of land. Instead of building the
roads, human beings will use the land to do bussiness business or grow food, so it is
beneficial to the development of a country.
On the other hand, in addition to the important benefits of this problem, it also
has many drawbacks. People have this problem because of a great financial burden
for some developing countries like Vietnam. In factsfact, the government will spend
billions of dollars on materials, engineering, and labor expenses because of the
complex structure of sky trains. Another the obvious disadvantage of this issue is
safety concerns. This can be shown by inconvenience when removing people from
the sky train in the event of an emergency. Because the railroad is high above
Practice [W2] Global warming
First and foremost, people should admit that there are several main reasons for
global warming. A very important issue to consider is the widespread use of private
vehicles. This means that cars and motorbikes emit harmful gases like carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere, and this adversely affects the quality of the air we
breathe. Another cause I would like to make is industrial activities such as power
generation and contrucstionconstruction, which will release noxious emissions into
the air. To illustrate this point, I would like to mention that burning fossil fuels to
generate electricity can emit sulfur dioxide and other greenhouse emissions into the
air, and this is able to contribute to global warming.

However, there are some positive solutions for the pressing issue. Firstly, it is
the responsibility of the government to reduce these emissions by promoting the use
of renewable energy sources intead instead of fossil fuels. Solar, wind, and
hydropower are all excellent alternatives to traditional sources of energy because
they do not reduce nearly as much pollution. Secondly, each person should share
their duty by being mindful of energy usage, reducing our driving, and consuming
fewer resources in general. In other words, this encourages the use of public
transportation, bicycles, or walking to decrease the impact of fossil fuels from
private vehicles on our environment and our health. To exemplify, the government
should invest more money to improve the efficiency of public transportation. This
can be accomplished by better technology, higher quality, and more efficient
design. Gradually, more and more people will choose this environment-friendly

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