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I. Introduction
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) locally known as ‘patatas’
is grown in 130 countries worldwide including the Philippines. It
is grown for its tubers, which are rich in phosphorus and vitamin
B1, B2, and C. Reports showed that a potato crop produces
more edible energy and protein per hectare and per unit of time
than practically any other crops (DOST, 2007).
The major potato production in the Philippines is
concentrated in high elevations particularly in Benguet and
Mountain Province with the temperature below 210C. this
temperature is suitable for growth and development of quality potato tubers. Potato is one of the
important high value crop in Benguet and some parts of Mountain Province. However, at present
Philippines production cannot meet the demand due to the increasing number of fast-food chains,
hotels and local potato-based snacks food manufactures.
Potato is generally a cool-season crop grown in areas with elevation ranging from 1000-
8000 meters above sea level. The growth of potato is greatly affected by temperature, day length,
humidity and soil conditions. Potatoes are used for a variety of purposes, and not only as a
vegetable for cooking at home. In fact, it is likely that less than 50 percent of potatoes grown
worldwide are consumed fresh. The potato grows on a specialized underground stem called a
stolon. So, although potatoes grows underground they are stems, not roots and are known as
II. Discussion
The potato is plant undergoes asexual reproduction via
vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation is the
reproduction process in which new plant offspring can be formed
from vegetative parts of the plant like root, stem and leaves. Potato
contains small eyes/tubers that give rise to leaves in them.
Potato is very important in agriculture, potatoes produces more
food on less land faster than any other major food crops. As a
result, potato crops are an excellent alternative for farmers who
need to feed growing population with limited areas of crop land. In
the Philippines the potato grows about 75-90 days after planting or
when 80% of the leaves of the total plant population yellow.
The potato is about 80% water and 20% solids. An 8ounce
baked or boiled potato has only about 100 calories. The average American eats about 124 pounds
of potatoes per year while Germans eat about twice as much. In 1974, and Englishman named
Eric Jenkins grew 370 pounds of potatoes from one plant.
As the potato plant grows, its compound leaves manufacture starch that is transferred to the
ends of its underground stems (or stollons) The potato or what we call as the scientific name is
(Solanum Tuberosum) is an Herbaceous annual that grows up to 100 cm (40 inches). There are a
lot of Vitamins and Minerals that we can get into potatoes.
This are the Potassium - The Predominant mineral in potatoes, potassium is concentrated in the
skin and may benefit hearth health. Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin B6 and many more.
III. Conclusion
The potato is plant undergoes asexual reproduction
via vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation is
the reproduction process in which new plant offspring can
be formed from vegetative parts of the plant like root, stem
and leaves. Potato contains small eyes/tubers that give rise
to leaves in them.
Potato is very important in agriculture, potatoes
produces more food on less land faster than any other
major food crops. As a result, potato crops are an excellent
alternative for farmers who need to feed growing
population with limited areas of crop land. In the
Philippines the potato grows about 75-90 days after
planting or when 80% of the leaves of the total plant
population yellow.
The potato is about 80% water and 20% solids. An
8ounce baked or boiled potato has only about 100 calories.
The average American eats about 124 pounds of potatoes
per year while Germans eat about twice as much. In 1974,
and Englishman named Eric Jenkins grew 370 pounds of
potatoes from one plant.
As the potato plant grows, its compound leaves
manufacture starch that is transferred to the ends of its underground stems (or stollons) The
potato or what we call as the scientific name is (Solanum Tuberosum) is an Herbaceous annual
that grows up to 100 cm (40 inches). There are a lot of Vitamins and Minerals that we can get
into potatoes.
This are the Potassium - The Predominant mineral in potatoes, potassium is concentrated in
the skin and may benefit hearth health. Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin B6 and many more.
IV. References

I. Introduction
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a fragrant and pungent herbs.
It's from mint or Lamiaceae family that includes many other, like
lavender, thyme and rosemary. It's native to the Mediterranean and
West Asia, but is now cultivated all over the world for medicinal and
culinary uses.
The sprawling, hardly growth and drought tolerance makes it
popular as a low- maintenance grand cover. Oregano is
hardy plant that can tolerate poor soil and dry conditions.
The herb is more drought tolerant than some plants.
Oregano can be propagated from seed but it is also easy
to propagate from cuttings.
II. Discussion
Oregano can be grown cuttings also known as propagating oregano. Propagating is simply
means producing a plant that is identical genetically speaking to it's parents by means of
dividing, taking cuttings and etc.
Oregano can be propagated easily from seeds, cutting or root division. Seeds are fairly easy to
grow, but it takes much longer to get a full sized plant. Cutting and divisions are great for
quickly multiplying and sharing one that you already have.


1. Take tip cuttings in spring. The cuttings should be 6cm long.
2. Pinch your finger over the lower 2cm of the cutting and run your fingers downwards to
remove the lower leaves.
3. Dip the cut end in rooting hormones or cutting gel, and then insert it into a pot filled with
propagating mix.
4. Make a hole using a pencil to prevent loss at the rooting hormones at planting, then insert the
cutting, firm down the soil and water.
5. Place in a bright position and water when dry.
6. Root will develop over the coming 6-8 weeks, at which time the plants can be repotted.

III. Conclusion
When you propagate makes sure your stem of choice
has a length that allows it to be rooted without topping
(cutting off too much at one time). If propagating
several plants, choose about 6-10 growth tips per
cutting enough good for rooting and not to many
crowd the soil. And again, choose stems with healthy
leaves, free of blemishes or signs of infestation. If
you're unsure about the stems healthiness, don't take it
- it won't grow for you. Then cut of all flowers and
flower buds unless your oregano plant needs
rejuvenation. You can cut all flowers until you take all
cuttings, but if the oregano plant needs some
rejuvenating, allow some flowers to remain. Just be
sure to cut them back after rooting your oregano
plants. After cutting, let the stem's dry for an hour or
two (if you can wait that long). This step is necessary
because fresh cut herbs are full of moisture, and their
cells will burst if you plant them immediately. Letting
the stem tissue dries out first protects against rot. After
your oregano cuttings are dry, prepare the cutting soil
by adding some sphagnum peat moss or other organic material to help hold water and reduce
drainage problem. You can also add one-fourth of perlite to improve aeration around the roots,
but it isn't necessary this type of propagation.
IV. References
I. Introduction
Rhizomes are underground stems that grow on
the soil surface. They grow horizontally and
function as the organs of asexual reproduction and
food storage. Rhizomes consist of nodes which
develop roots and shoots that are growing
perpendicularly to the ground. Each piece of
rhizome with a node can grow into a new plant.
Example of rhizome plant that propagate through
vegetative reproduction include ginger.
II. Discussion
- Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant native to Asia
and a family of Zingiberaceae.
- The ginger plant has a thick, branched rhizome
(underground stem) with a brown outer layer and yellow
center that has a spicy, citrusy aroma.
- Most gingers produce rhizomes near the top 3 to 4
inches (8-10 cm.). Rhizomes are underground modified
stems which have growth nodes. It is from these growth
nodes that new plant material will sprout. Therefore, it is the
rhizomes you are harvesting during ginger plant division.
- Ginger is an unfertile species that failed to set seeds. Thus, it cannot be sexually
propagated because it's rhizomes are used for it's vegetative propagation, it means ginger is
reproduce asexually by vegetative propagation.
- Vegetative propagation is a form of asexual reproduction in multicellular plants in which
the new plants are created from the roots, stems ,or leaves of the parent plant.
- Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), originated in the Indo-Malayan region, is now widely
distributed across the tropics of Asia, Africa, America and Australia. It was domesticated in
India and China, which represent the center of origin of the species.

- Ginger attains full maturity in 210-240 days after
planting. Harvesting of ginger for vegetable purpose starts after
180 days based on the demand. However, for making dry
ginger, the matured rhizomes are harvested at full maturity i.e.
when the leaves turn yellow and start drying.
- Rhizomes multiply by forming buds, but you can
basically cut off any part of one and propagate an entirely new
plant. Ginger is often planted on ridges, usually about 30 cm
apart and with 15-23 cm between plants. The crop is planted by setts (small rhizomes) with one
or two buds. Bury your ginger roots two to four inches below the soil at least eight inches apart.
If you're planting ginger in a pot, plant only one piece of ginger because it will need plenty of
space. If any of the roots are sprouting, plant so that the buds are pointing upwards.
III. Conclusion
Rhizomes are underground stems that develop on the soil's surface and serve as the
reproductive systems for asexual organisms. Ginger is an illustration of a rhizome plant that
reproduces vegetatively. Since ginger is an infertile species that does not develop seeds, it
reproduces asexually. It is easy to multiply by simply removing any component and starting a
new plant.
IV. References

- An edible tropical tuber with pinkish Orange, slightly

sweet flesh.

- the central American climbing plant That widely

cultivated in warm countries .

I. Introduction

A horizontal branch From the base of plants From bunds and tips. A from long stem lies
adjacently to the ground which enables rapid vegetative propagation . The production of
Sweet potatoes oriented in the tropical regions of
central and south America.
Christopher Columbus discovered the sweet potato
growing when the discovered the Americans.

Sweet potato is cultivated as a perennial in tropical and subtropical lowland agro
ecologies, although it is well adapted to other zones and can be grown over widely in
different environment.
COMMON NAMES : sweet potato (Eng.) batata ( Spanish), potata (Setswana)
FAMILY NAME: Convolvulaceae

II. Discussion
Sweet potatoes are propagated from sprouts or from slips (vine cuttings); sprouts are
preferred. Sprouts are grown from plant stock selected for it's appearance, freedom From disease
and off - types. Approximately 75kg of planting stock sweet potatoes are needed to produce
enough sprouts to plant one hectare.


Sweet potato originated from tropical central America, Botanically, the underground
Part is classified as a storage root, rather than tuber , as is the white (Irish ) potato
(Solanum tubersum). The most common type of sweet potato found in US market is the " moist
fleshed " type, red skinned with dark- orange flesh. Dry - fleshed type of l. batatas ( yellow,
ivory , or white flesh) are popular among both Caribbean and Asian shoppers - especially in the


III. Conclusion
There are a lot of process in Production, distribution, and Multiplication of sweet potato.
In conclusion,
we must be
careful on how
to handle this
kind of
runner’s plant.
processes are
also important
in preserving varieties of sweet potatoes and, also a way of choosing the best kind.
IV. References

I. Introduction
The term "bulb" is used by most people to refer to
plants that have underground, fleshy storage structures.
Only some of the plants commonly called bulbs
actually are bulbs. The definition of a bulb is any plant
that stores its complete life cycle in an underground
storage structure. The primary function of these
underground storage structures is to store nutrient
reserves to ensure the plants' survival.
Bulbs are modified stems of some plants. The stem is modified to be a storage organ were
plant stores its reserve materials which is would be use in times of need. The bulbs generally
contain scaly outer layers which are usually dry. It will have nodes or internodes and they do not
support leaves. The best example for this would be an Onion (Allium cepa).
Onion (Allium cepa) herbaceous biennial plant in amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae) is
grown for its edible bulb. It is likely native to South Western Asia but, it is not grown throughout
the world. Onion is one of the oldest plant cultivated worldwide that is grown under a wide range
of climates from temperature to tropical and it has great economic importance.
II. Discussion
How do onions multiply?
Onions can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
Sexual reproduction is through seeds, while asexual
reproduction or vegetative propagation is the
multiplication of vegetative parts to grow new onions.
- Bongabon, Nueva Ecija is the Onion Capital of
the Philippines.
- Onions in the Philippines are usually grown
from October to February.
- Peak harvest season starts from March to April
while lean season is June to December.


- The bulb carries nutrients that are required for
flower and seed development. The plant will form a
flower stalk during their second year of growth and this
is called bolting. Once the inflorescence with the
umbel of white flowers develops at the tip of the flowering
stalk, pollination by insects is required to set seeds.


- Onions are tunicate bulbs. Tunicate bulbs are concentric
layers of leaves where the outer layer dries from the
protective tunic or covering. The offsets are produced from
the base of the bulb belonging to the parent plant. Offsets
can be removed from the mother bulb and used to
propagate next season's bulb crop.
- Multiplier onions do not produce seeds but are grown
from bulbs planted in the ground. With multiplier onions,
you plant a single bulb and as they grow they split (or
multiply) into a clump of bulbs. The planted bulb multiplies and is propagated by division. These
easy-to-grow onions rarely (if ever) send up flower stalks. Multiplier onions tolerate and even
thrive in the our region's difficult growing conditions.

Some prefers planting onions set or bulbs over starting them form seeds simply because the sets
establish quickly and easier to plant. As long as you have another onion on hand, you don’t need
to grow them from a seed. By, chopping the bottom of an onion, plant it in soil, you can grow
your own onions from cutting.
III. Conclusion
Onion plants produce seeds through their flower stem, grown above ground. While onion
bulbs, grown below ground, do not have seeds.
In order to collect onion seeds, you need to know that bulb onion plants are biennial plants
so they will flower in their second year of growth. After flowering, the onion plant sets seed.
Bulb onions are actually botanically known as Allium cepa and part of the genus Allium.
Close plant relatives include shallots, chives, leeks, scallion, garlic and Chinese onion.
Now you know the different ways in which new onions are produced from the old ones.
You also found out the different ways in which you can propagate them in your garden. While
many gardeners prefer growing onions from sets since it’s easier and faster, you can also try
growing seeds to explore some exciting, new flavors.
IV. References

I. Introduction
One of the most significant tropical fruits traded
commercially is the banana. According to ancient
revelations, Eve used banana leaves to conceal her
modesty while she was in the Garden of Paradise. Banana
is so referred to as the "Apple of Paradise." It is also
referred as "Adam Fig." The fruit known as a banana
comes from herbaceous plants in the genus Musa.
Musa species may grow in a variety of habitats and
are used by humans for a variety of purposes, including
the production of cold-hardy fiber and ornamental plants
as well as the edible bananas and plantains of the tropics.
Despite being primarily consumed locally in the Pacific
region, the fruit has a sizable global export market. They
are grown mostly for their fruit, with some also used as
aesthetic plants and for the production of fiber. When ripe, bananas can be found in a range of
sizes and hues, such as yellow, purple, and red. Plantains and green cooking bananas are mostly
produced for local use because ripe dessert bananas are easily harmed in transit.
Suckers, also known as pups, are the primary means of reproduction for banana trees.
These pups develop adjacent to the mother tree and appear to be different, smaller trees, but they
are actually a branch from the parent tree's roots. This indicates that they are a single plant joined
at the roots. Pups are produced by banana trees both as a means of reproduction and to increase
the plant's overall surface area, which allows it to absorb lighter and water.
These pups can be separated from the adult plant once they reach a height of three to four
feet. The puppies can be placed on their own after
being separated. They'll carry on developing into
adult plants that will ultimately bear fruit and have
puppies of their own.
II. Discussion
A sucker is a branch that grows from the ground
typically close to the base of the plant and grows
from a lateral bud on the root. The banana plant
reproduces asexually or vegetatively, making it
perennial. Suckers sprout and ensure a more or less continuous supply of branches, each capable
of forming an inflorescence. Since the beginning of domesticated, they have been separated from
the mat and moved to a new area to be used as quality seeds.
Both developed and wild banana plants generate suckers. A mat is the agricultural name for
the group of shoots and the rhizome that connects them. Genet and ramet are the botanical names
for a mat and the above-the-ground ground shoots, respectively.
A switch is required to kick start growth in order for a lateral bud to mature into a sucker, and
carbohydrates are required to keep things moving. The switch is assumed to be a flush of
gibberellin, but the bud also needs to be open to the gibberellin flush.
How do Banana reproduce?
Banana trees mainly reproduce through suckers, also called pups. These pups appear to be
separate, smaller trees growing next to the adult tree, but they are an offshoot from the roots of
that tree. This means they are the same plant attached at the root.
III. Conclusion
After 10 to 15 months, the normal banana plant will start to
bear fruit. The plant must first be fully grown and protected
from prolonged exposure to cold temperatures or frost, which
can hinder fruit development or even result in permanent
damage. To enjoy a bountiful yield of tasty fruit, keep a banana
warm, hydrated, well-lit, and healthy.
The ability to produce suckers varies amongst banana
clones and depends on a variety of internal and external
conditions. At the moment of harvest, a mother plant's corm
will have a large number of underdeveloped or immature
suckers that have the potential to develop into good planting material. Techniques for
"invigorating" suckers have been proven to be successful in saving the underdeveloped suckers.
In various places, different sucker activation mechanisms have been used. The most effective
strategy will really combine good bunch yields with high-quality finger characteristics while also
encouraging the generation of the greatest number of high-quality suckers.

IV. References

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