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How To Send BNB From Binance To Trust

1) Copy your BNB address on Trust Wallet
The first step is to copy your BNB address on Trust Wallet.
To begin with, open Trust Wallet and navigate to your wallet.
On your wallet, you’ll see a list of cryptocurrency wallets that you can open.
Tap on “BNB” to open your BNB wallet on Trust Wallet.
2) After you’ve tapped on “BNB”, you’ll land on your BNB wallet.
On your BNB wallet, you’ll see four icons including “Send”, “Receive”, “Buy”

Tap on the “Receive” icon

Tap on the “Copy” icon to copy your BNB address.

This will copy your BNB address on Trust Wallet to your clipboard where
you can paste it later on.

You’re required to paste this address on the “Send BNB” page on Binance.
Navigate to the “Send BNB” page on Binance

In this guide, you’ll need to use the lite version of Binance. If you’re not on
the lite version of Binance, you can enable it by tapping on your profile

After you’ve tapped on your profile icon, you’ll see a “Binance Lite” option.
Tap on the “Binance Lite” option to enable it.
Next, tap on the wallet icon on the bottom navigation bar of the app.
This will open your portfolio.
Under the “Assets” header, tap on “BNB” to open your BNB wallet.

After you’ve tapped on “BNB”, you’ll land on your BNB wallet on Binance.
On your BNB wallet, you’ll be able to see your BNB balance and
transaction history.
Next, tap on the “Withdraw” button to withdraw your BNB.
After you’ve tapped on “Withdraw”, you’ll land on the “Withdraw BNB” page.
On the “Withdraw BNB” page, you’ll see multiple fields.
This includes “Address”, “Network”, and “Amount”.

Firstly, paste your BNB address from Trust Wallet on the “Address” field.
Secondly, make sure that the “Network” field is “BEP20”

If it isn’t, tap on the “Network” field and select “BEP20” click “Cornfirm”
Thirdly, enter the amount of BNB that you want to withdraw.

The minimum amount of BNB that you need to withdraw from Binance is 0.01 BNB.
If you don’t have 0.01 BNB, you need to buy more on the exchange first.
Next, tap on “Withdraw” to withdraw your BNB.
Then, tap on “Confirm” again on the confirmation page.
Lastly, complete the 2-step verification and submit it.

After you’ve completed the 2-step verification, you’ll land on the “Withdrawal
request submitted” page.
The withdrawal process will typically take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

You’ve successfully learned how to withdraw BNB from Binance to Trust Wallet!

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