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ZDM (2020) 52:1–16


Word problems in mathematics education: a survey

Lieven Verschaffel1 · Stanislaw Schukajlow2 · Jon Star3 · Wim Van Dooren1

Accepted: 7 January 2020 / Published online: 13 January 2020

© FIZ Karlsruhe 2020

Word problems are among the most difficult kinds of problems that mathematics learners encounter. Perhaps as a result,
they have been the object of a tremendous amount research over the past 50 years. This opening article gives an overview
of the research literature on word problem solving, by pointing to a number of major topics, questions, and debates that
have dominated the field. After a short introduction, we begin with research that has conceived word problems primarily
as problems of comprehension, and we describe the various ways in which this complex comprehension process has been
conceived theoretically as well as the empirical evidence supporting different theoretical models. Next we review research
that has focused on strategies for actually solving the word problem. Strengths and weaknesses of informal and formal solu-
tion strategies—at various levels of learners’ mathematical development (i.e., arithmetic, algebra)—are discussed. Fourth,
we address research that thinks of word problems as exercises in complex problem solving, requiring the use of cognitive
strategies (heuristics) as well as metacognitive (or self-regulatory) strategies. The fifth section concerns the role of graphical
representations in word problem solving. The complex and sometimes surprising results of research on representations—both
self-made and externally provided ones—are summarized and discussed. As in many other domains of mathematics learn-
ing, word problem solving performance has been shown to be significantly associated with a number of general cognitive
resources such as working memory capacity and inhibitory skills. Research focusing on the role of these general cognitive
resources is reviewed afterwards. The seventh section discusses research that analyzes the complex relationship between
(traditional) word problems and (genuine) mathematical modeling tasks. Generally, this research points to the gap between
the artificial word problems learners encounter in their mathematics lessons, on the one hand, and the authentic mathematical
modeling situations with which they are confronted in real life, on the other hand. Finally, we review research on the impact
of three important elements of the teaching/learning environment on the development of learners’ word problem solving
competence: textbooks, software, and teachers. It is shown how each of these three environmental elements may support or
hinder the development of learners’ word problem solving competence. With this general overview of international research
on the various perspectives on this complex and fascinating kind of mathematical problem, we set the scene for the empirical
contributions on word problems that appear in this special issue.

1 Introduction

Word problems are typically defined as verbal descriptions

of problem situations, presented within a scholastic setting,
* Lieven Verschaffel wherein one or more questions are raised the answer to which can be obtained by the application of mathematical
operations to numerical data available in the problem state-
Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology, ment or on numerical data derived from them (Verschaffel
University of Leuven, KU Leuven, Dekenstraat 2, pb 3773,
3000 Louvain, Belgium
et al. 2000). As such they differ both from bare sums pre-
sented in written (e.g., 4 + 5 = .; 5x + 2 = 22) or oral form
Department of Mathematics, University of Münster,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster,
(e.g., How much is 40 divided by 5?; What is the mean of
Apffelstaedtstr. 21, 48149 Münster, Germany the numbers 12, 17, 17, 18?).
Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, 442
Word problems also differ from authentic problems we
Gutman Library, 6 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138, encounter in daily life. These real-life problems can also be

2 L. Verschaffel et al.

solved by using mathematics, but there typically is less clar- word problems constituting the negative pole, Kaiser’s
ity about the precise nature of the question(s), the numerical (2017) modeling problems forming the positive pole, and
information and/or what operations to be used, the tools that with various kinds of problem situations requiring the use
can be used to solve the problem, the (most) correct answer, of mathematics in between.
etc. (e.g., Which type of loan should we take? Can I drive During the last decades, mathematics educators work-
home from here without filling the tank?). Such real-world ing at all educational levels have made strong pleas for the
or authentic problems often include vague or ambiguous replacement in mathematics lessons or tests of traditional
conditions, which may require demanding transfer processes word problems with problems that are better simulations of
between reality and mathematics and cannot straightfor- the modeling problems people encounter in their personal
wardly be solved by the application of one or more math- or professional lives, in terms of the realism and complex-
ematical operations to numerical data that are given in the ity of the mathematical modeling to be done (Blum 2015;
problem statement, as is the case in word problems (Blum Kaiser 2017; Palm 2002; Verschaffel et al. 2000). The
2015; Blum & Niss, 1991; Kaiser 2017; Palm 2002; Ver- research literature uses different terms to refer to this latter
schaffel, Greer, et al. 2000). kind of mathematical modeling problems used in mathemat-
Within the mathematics education research community ics education: context problems, contextualized problems,
there is no consensus about how to conceptualize the rela- real-world problems, realistic (modeling) problems, authen-
tionship between word problems and real-life or authentic tic (modeling) problems, or—as stated above—modeling
problems. Some authors, such as Kaiser (2017), argue for problems. As indicated by its title, the scope of the present
a clear theoretical distinction between the two. In Kaiser’s special issue—and, thus, also of this Introductory article—is
view, the critical distinction between word problems and on word problems. However, given the great similarities and
real-life problems—or, as she would call them: mathemati- subtle boundaries between (traditional) word problems and
cal modelling problems—is that a word problem does not these more realistic or authentic kinds of modeling prob-
contain a real question or problem of importance in the real lems, the latter types of problems are also addressed in some
world or an authentic context—its solution is only important contributions to this special issue.
in the school context. Therefore, the shortened solution pro- The term “problem” in “word problem” does not nec-
cess of a word problem neither contains an extended phase essarily imply that every task or situation that meets the
of making real world assumptions—as the real world is not above definition of word problem represents a true problem
important—nor is the evaluation or validation phase car- in the cognitive-psychological sense of the word for a given
ried out (Kaiser, 2017). For authors who take this stance, person, i.e., a task for which no routine answer or solution
terms such as “real-life modeling problems” or “authentic method is available and which therefore requires the activa-
modeling activities” do not make sense, because the term tion of (meta)cognitive strategies (Mayer 1998). Whether
“modeling” by definition includes the real-life or authentic- a word problem that a person encounters constitutes a true
ity aspect. Likewise, these authors would object to the use problem depends on his/her familiarity with the problem,
of the word “modeling” to describe the thinking processes his/her mastery of the various kinds of required knowledge
vis-à-vis word problems, because these problems miss— and skills, the available tools, etc. (Verschaffel, Depaepe,
again by definition—the most critical aspects of a situation et al. 2014).
wherein mathematical modeling is at stake. Importantly, this Word problems have always constituted an important part
viewpoint does not exclude the use of modeling tasks within of school mathematics all over the world. Historically, their
mathematics educational settings, as long as the reference to role in mathematics education dates back even to antiquity.
reality is prominently present. One can find word problems almost 4000 years ago in Egyp-
Other researchers—including the authors of this introduc- tian papyri, they figure in ancient Chinese and Indian manu-
tory article—conceive word problems as a specific—some scripts as well as in arithmetic textbooks from the early days
might say: over-simplified—type of mathematical mod- of printing, such as the Treviso arithmetic of 1487, and they
eling problems. According to this point of view, while there continue to fill current elementary and (lower) secondary
always will remain a difference between a word problem school mathematics textbooks (Swetz 2009).
being presented and solved in a school setting and an authen- Throughout their history word problems have been included
tic real-life modeling problem with which one is confronted with the aim of accomplishing several goals, the most impor-
outside school, word problems, if appropriately designed tant one being to offer practice for everyday situations of
and handled in a mathematics educational context, can act applied problem solving and mathematical modeling in which
as accurate and valuable “simulacra” of authentic mathe- learners will need what they have learnt in school (the so-
matical modeling problems one could encounter in real life. called application function of word problems). But they have
Accordingly, all mathematical modeling tasks can be put played, and still play, other goals as well: to motivate learners
on a “reality” or “authenticity” continuum, with traditional to study mathematics, to train them to think creatively and to

Word problems in mathematics education: a survey 3

develop their problem-solving abilities, and to assist in the information-processing paradigm in the 1970s transformed
development of new mathematical concepts and skills (Ver- this topic into a prominent research area.
schaffel et al. 2000). Initially research interest was focused on one-step addi-
Word problems have for a long time attracted the attention tion and subtraction problems involving small natural num-
of researchers in psychology and (mathematics) education bers. A basic distinction emerged wherein three classes of
(Daroczy, Wolska, et al. 2015; Thevenot and Barrouillet 2015; additive problem situations were distinguished: change,
Verschaffel et al. 2000; Verschaffel, Depaepe, et al. 2013). Up combine, and compare problems. Within each of these
to the 1970 s, research on word problems focused mainly on three categories, further distinctions were made on the basis
the effects of various kinds of linguistic, computational, and/ of the nature of the action (increase/decrease) or relation
or presentational task features (e.g., number of words, gram- (more/less) and of the unknown set (e.g., the start, change
matical complexity, presence of particular key words, num- or result rest of a change situation), resulting in 14 different
ber and nature of the required operations, nature and size of types of one-step addition and subtraction problems (Riley
the given numbers) and subject features (e.g., age, gender, et al. 1983; see also Daroczy et al. 2015; Fuson 1992; Ver-
general intelligence, linguistic and mathematical ability of schaffel and De Corte 1997). Numerous empirical studies
the problem solver) on learners’ success rates (Goldin and carried out during this period with children between 5 and
McClintock 1984). With the rise of the information-processing 8 years old demonstrated the psychological significance of
approach, researchers shifted their attention to the underlying this classification scheme, by showing that word problems
cognitive structures and thinking processes, and, accordingly, that can be solved by the same arithmetic operation (i.e., a
their research methods changed as well. Analyses of response direct addition or subtraction with the two given numbers in
accuracies on paper-and-pencil word problem tests were the problem) but that belong to different semantic problem
complemented with analyses of verbal protocols, individual types, yield different degrees of difficulty, different ways
interviews, reaction times, eye-movements, and, most recently, of representing and solving these problems, and different
neuropsychological measurements. Since the 1990 s, insights types of errors (for reviews of this research, see Fuson 1992;
from ethnomathematics and socio-cultural theories have con- Verschaffel and De Corte 1997).
tributed to the insight that classical information-processing Probably because of the greater complexity of the mul-
models are insufficient to grasp the full complexity of learners’ tiplicative conceptual field, research on multiplication and
word problem-solving processes, and that these models need division word problems developed somewhat later, and with
to be enriched with the idea that word problem solving is a less intensity and integration, than that on addition and sub-
human activity situated in the particular microcosm of a math- traction word problems. But based on a review of the work
ematics classroom (Lave 1992; Verschaffel et al. 2000, 2014). done throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, particularly on
The purpose of this introduction to the special issue on earlier classifications of multiplicative problem situations by
word problem solving is to give a brief and global overview of scholars such as Vergnaud (1983), Greer (1992) proposed his
the research on word problem solving of the last five decades, synthesis of types of multiplicative word problems including
by pointing to several major themes, questions and debates that categories such as equal groups, comparison, rectangular
have dominated the field. Our choice of these topics has been area, and Cartesian product. Some of these categories were
influenced by the ones addressed in the contributions to this characterized as “psychologically commutative” (with the
special issue. In doing so, this overview provides an “advanced multiplicand and multiplier playing equal roles in the prob-
organizer” for comprehending, situating, and appreciating the lem’s semantic structure), whereas others were considered
contributions to this special issue, which altogether provide as “psychologically non-commutative” (with both operands
a rather good reflection of today’s international research on playing different roles). With respect to division problems,
this theoretically and practically important research area in for the asymmetric cases two types of division were distin-
mathematics education. At the same time, this introduction guished, namely division by the multiplier (called partitive
offers only a partial and selective overview of the impressive division) and division by the multiplicand (called quotitive
amount of word problem solving research that has been done division). As with the conceptual field of addition and sub-
over the past five decades. traction, accuracy, strategy, and error data provided support
for the validity of the distinctions or characterizations in this
conceptual framework.
2 Word problems as problems Particularly for additive word problems, problem solv-
of comprehension ing models were developed too, some of which were imple-
mented in computer simulation programs (for reviews, see
As explained above, even though word problems have elic- Fuson 1992; Reed 1999; Verschaffel and De Corte 1997).
ited interesting personal observations and reflections and Relying heavily on linguistic theories, particularly the text
more systematic research for a long time, the rise of the comprehension model of Kintsch and van Dijk (1978; see

4 L. Verschaffel et al.

also Reusser 1989), these models assumed that the most with the schematization of their comprehension and solution
critical steps in the solution of a word problem were the con- process of word problems is still an intensively debated and
struction of a mental representation of the problem situation investigated topic today (see also Sect. 5).
(i.e. situational model) and the transformation of that situ-
ational model into a mathematical model. As a more recent
empirical confirmation of this theoretical claim, Schukajlow, 3 Word problems at the transition
et al. (2010) and Leiss, Plath, et al. (2019) found that con- from informal to formal mathematics
structing a situation model is crucial for a correct solution of
the problem and that this step in the solution process gener- Traditionally, word problems are thought of as textual prob-
ally takes about 40% of the total solution time, depending lems that can be solved by means of applying a mathematical
considerably on the linguistic complexity of the task. Moreo- concept, rule or technique previously learnt at school. In line
ver, students’ general and domain-specific reading compre- with this conceptualization, it was assumed, first, that word
hension abilities contribute considerably to the accuracy of problems are also actually solved in that way—namely by
the situation model and the performance in mathematical identifying and applying the mathematical concept, rule or
modeling (Leiss et al. 2010, Leiss et al. 2019). technique being “hidden” in the word problem, second, that
These theoretical models further claimed that schematic word problems therefore can only be solved by learners who
knowledge about these different semantic structures played have already acquired this mathematical knowledge, and,
a crucial role in the construction of the situational model and third, that a word problem is consequently also more difficult
its transformation into a mathematical model. More specifi- than its corresponding symbolic representation.
cally, these theories assumed that a skillful solution process However, another important result of the above-men-
of a word problem involves the selection of the appropriate tioned line of cognitive analyses of elementary arithmetic
cognitive scheme on the basis of cues in the propositional word problem solving was the discovery and systematic
text-base and the instantiation of the empty slots of that analysis of the various informal ways in which children
scheme with the appropriate information elements in the successfully solve these problems, well before being taught
problem statement. Even though these schema-based theo- the corresponding mathematical knowledge and skills in
ries continue to play a prominent role in research on the cog- school. For instance, for the domain of addition and sub-
nitive processes involved in the understanding of word prob- traction word problems, various researchers such as Carpen-
lems, they also have been increasingly criticized because of ter and Moser (1984) and De Corte and Verschaffel (1987)
their inability to account for content and context effects that have provided detailed descriptions and categorizations of
are ubiquitous in word problem solving (Thevenot, 2010; how kindergarten and beginning elementary school chil-
Thevenot and Barrouillet 2015; Vicente, Orrantia, et al., dren solve one-step addition and subtraction word prob-
2007). This limitation prompted the emergence of alterna- lems by means of material and verbal counting strategies
tive theories that are more in line with a theoretical approach that directly model the actions or relations described in the
that considers the representation of a word problem as a problem, before making the step towards mental calcula-
specific and temporary mental structure constructed in work- tion strategies based on known and derived number facts.
ing memory, not dependent on pre-developed schemes, as in Likewise, before children have been instructed in multipli-
Johnson-Laird’s (1983) mental model theoretical framework cation or division, many of them can already solve certain
(for an extensive discussion of these different theoretical problem types involving these operations by means of a
frameworks see Thevenot, 2010; Gros, 2019; Thevenot and variety of informal strategies based on extensive material
Barrouillet 2015). or verbal counting or on repeated addition/subtraction strat-
Inspired by the above-mentioned schema-based theories egies that match the actions or relations described in the
of mathematical word problem solving, various kinds of problem (Carpenter et al. 1997; Kouba 1989; Mulligan and
intervention programs for teaching elementary arithmetic Mitchelmore 1997; Nunes and Bryant 1995). Researchers
word problems were developed and tested, wherein children have further documented how children’s strategy proficiency
were taught to externally schematize the semantic structure gradually develops in two significant directions. One direc-
of a word problem before actually solving it. While some tion is from these informal, externalized, laborious strat-
of these programs focused on learning to select and make a egies towards more formalized, internalized, abbreviated
different schematic drawing for every distinct semantic prob- calculation strategies. The other direction is from having
lem type, others taught learners to (re-)represent all problem a different solution method for each different type of prob-
types in terms of one or a restricted set of more generic lem that is a direct reflection or simulation of the problem’s
schemes, such as the part-whole scheme for all additive word semantics, to a single general method that can be used for
problems (for a review, see Fuson 1992; Verschaffel and De all problems with a similar underlying arithmetic operation
Corte 1997). The question how to optimally help learners (see also Gvozdic and Sander, this issue; Kilpatrick et al.

Word problems in mathematics education: a survey 5

2001). The recognition and appreciation of the educational excellence” (Verschaffel et al. 2000). That is why several
potential of these informal strategies explains why cur- classical intelligence tests contain a subtest consisting
rent constructivist and realistic approaches to (elementary) of mathematical word problems, why in many curricula
mathematics education, such as the “Realistic Mathematics for elementary and secondary school mathematics word
Education” approach (Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen 2001), problems are treated as the most suitable vehicle for reach-
give such a prominent role to word problems as a vehicle ing the educational targets about mathematical problem
for the building of more formal mathematical concepts and solving, and, finally, why so many researchers interested
skills. However, the question how this development can be in mathematical problem solving have used word prob-
optimally enhanced through instruction is still a matter of lems as a preferential field for developing and testing their
serious debate. theories. Importantly, researchers and practitioners who
Somewhat analogous to the major shift that is required are interested in word problems from this point of view
from children who, in the transition between kindergarten focus on another kind of mathematical word problem
and elementary school, have to exchange their informal and than the standard ones that learners typically encounter in
problem-related solution strategies for a more formal-math- their daily mathematics lessons and tests, as these latter
ematical approach consisting of selecting and executing the problems are typically too simple for that purpose. Word
correct arithmetic operation(s) hidden in the problem, when problems that are created and used particularly with this
children make the transition from elementary to secondary “problem solving” goal in mind are built around situations
education they have to gradually replace their concrete, that learners do not encounter in their daily mathemat-
arithmetically-based solution strategies for word problems ics lessons (such as problems built around a Cartesian
with a more general and abstract solution method, namely product situation, which many people do not recognize
the algebraic method. Interestingly, without any knowledge as multiplicative), multi-step problems (that require the
of algebra one can obtain a correct answer to a problem of solver to set up and monitor a plan of the subsequent solu-
the type “Ben is 4 years older than Juan. In 2 years the sum tion steps), problems with irrelevant data (requiring the
of their ages will be 50. How old is each person now?”, solver to decide which numerical and non-numerical data
by applying arithmetic solution strategies that consist of a are needed for the solution), etc. In short, researchers and
sequence of direct operations on either given number of the educators who want to use word problems as exercises
problem or on intermediate values derived thereof (Fuson in (complex) problem solving have tended to rely upon
1992), including a “systematic guess-and-check” strategy or word problems that cannot be solved in a routine way but
by “working backwards”. In both cases, this happens purely require, in addition to domain-specific knowledge and
arithmetically, usually without any formalization of either skills, heuristics and metacognitive strategies (De Corte
the problem situation or the method of solution. However, et al. 1996; Mayer 1998; Schoenfeld 1992; Verschaffel
as stated by Kieran (1992), a drastic turnaround must occur et al. 2013a, b, 2014).
in the thinking of beginning algebra learners when they are Heuristics are cognitive strategies that help to solve a task
asked to solve word problems no longer in terms of solving for which one does not have a clear answer or ready-made
one or more direct arithmetic operations but to set up and solution method. More specifically, heuristics are search
syntactically solve equations containing numbers, variables, strategies for problem analysis and transformation that do
and operations that represent the structure of the problem in not guarantee, but significantly increase the probability of,
an abstract way. During the past decades, many research- finding a correct solution because they induce an active and
ers have analyzed the difficulties experienced by learners systematic approach to the task. Typical examples of heu-
in making this major conceptual turnaround (e.g., Swafford ristics are decomposing a problem into smaller problems,
and Langrall 2000), as well as various ways of attempting to thinking of an analogous problem, making a graphical repre-
help learners in this process of deep conceptual change with sentation of the problem, working backwards, etc. Heuristics
or without the support of Information and Communication can be defined at various levels of specificity. The more spe-
Technology (ICT) (e.g., Yerushalmy 2006). cifically formulated they are, the more successful they tend
to be. But also, the more specific they are, the smaller their
domain of applicability is (Polya, 1945; Schoenfeld 1992).
4 Word problems as exercises in complex Metacognitive or self-regulatory strategies are strategies that
problem solving learners apply prior, during, and after the execution of a
cognitive task to regulate one’s own thinking and learning.
Even though we emphasized at the start of this Introduc- Typical examples of metacognitive strategies are planning
tion that a word problem is not necessarily a true problem one’s own solution or learning process, monitoring one’s
for everyone, historically, word problems have typically own progression, evaluating the outcome, reflecting on the
been considered as a kind of (mathematical) problem “par past solution or learning process, etc. (Schoenfeld 1992).

6 L. Verschaffel et al.

Since the seminal work on heuristic and metacognitive instructional techniques, namely small group work, whole
thinking in mathematical (word) problem solving by Polya class discussion, and individual assignments; (3) the estab-
(1945) and Schoenfeld (1992), many scholars have docu- lishment of an innovative classroom culture through the
mented, especially by means of verbal protocol methods, the introduction of new social and socio-mathematical norms
important role of heuristic and metacognitive processes in with respect to learning and teaching word problem solving.
successful word problem solving, at various levels of educa- The positive effects of the intervention programs of Mevar-
tion (for a review see Mevarech, Verschaffel, et al. 2018). ech and Kraminski (1997) and Verschaffel et al. (1999), and
As far as heuristics are concerned, numerous studies have of many others, on mathematical (word) problem solving are
revealed how the spontaneous use of the above-mentioned documented in numerous studies, from elementary school to
heuristic methods may help to solve unfamiliar and com- higher education (for overviews see Kaiser, 2017; Mevarech
plex word problems as well as challenging real-world mod- et al. 2018; Mevarech and Kramarski 2014). However, these
eling tasks (e.g., van Essen, 1991). Similarly, research by positive effects are typically rather moderate, especially
Lester, Garofalo, and Kroll (1989), Maaß (2006), and Still- when the program was implemented in realistic rather than
man (2011) has amply emphasized the importance of meta- experimental settings.
cognitive activity during mathematical modeling activities
vis-à-vis non-routine, complex problems, especially in the
orchestration of the transitions between the different stages 5 Word problems and their graphical
of the modeling cycle. representations
Moreover, given this well-documented association
between these (meta)cognitive strategies and mathematical Another important topic in word problem solving research
problem solving, researchers have also looked for ways of relates to the role of graphical representations—either self-
improving learners’ mathematical reasoning and problem made or provided ones. Constructing a graphical represen-
solving by teaching heuristic and metacognitive skills. Over tation oneself for a given word problem is to be considered
the years, several such “metacognitive pedagogies” have as a heuristic strategy that the problem solver brings to the
been designed, particularly in the context of mathematical task with a view to reduce the problematic nature of the
word problem solving. For instance, Mevarech, Kramar- task to be solved (see Sect. 4). On the other hand, providing
ski, and colleagues (e.g., Mevarech and Kramarski 1997) the word problem solver not only with a textual but also a
designed and investigated an instructional method the core graphical representation can be considered as an instruc-
of which consists of training learners through a systematic tional decision from the part of the textbook author or the
instructional approach to use four kinds of metacognitive teacher aimed at facilitating the problem-solving process
self-directed questions when confronted with a mathematical in one way or another. Presented representations alter the
(word) problem: (1) Comprehension: What is the problem nature of a mathematical task: tasks with and without exter-
all about? (2) Connection: How is the problem at hand simi- nal representations are different from the learner’s perspec-
lar to or different from problems you have solved in the past? tive, even if the underlying mathematical structures of the
(3) Strategies: What strategies are appropriate for solving tasks are the same. Regardless of who generated the rep-
the problem and why? (4) Review: Does the solution make resentation, the idea is that graphical representations may
sense? Can you solve the problem differently, how? Are you particularly help in the initial phases of the solution process
stuck, why? Likewise, Verschaffel, De Corte, et al. (1999) of a word problem wherein the situational and mathematical
designed a learning environment aimed at upper elemen- model are constructed, by providing an additional relevant
tary school children’s acquisition of competence in math- source of information. Moreover, getting or creating oneself
ematical word problem solving. This environment focused a description of the problem situation may prevent learners
on a set of heuristic strategies (such as: I draw a picture of from running into an impulsive, superficial or mindless solu-
the problem situation, I differentiate between relevant and tion approach (Verschaffel 2016).
irrelevant data…) embedded in a metacognitive strategy for Research on graphical representations revealed wide vari-
problem solving consisting of five stages: (1) I build a rep- ety in representations accompanying word problems. As far
resentation of the problem, (2) I decide how to approach and as the nature of a representation is concerned, Hegarty and
solve the problem; (3) I do the necessary calculations; (4) Kozhevnikov (1999) distinguished between pictorial and
I interpret the outcome and formulate an answer, and (5) I schematic representations. The first kind of representations
control and evaluate the solution. To elicit and support this are characterized as concrete visualizations of objects and
metacognitive strategy, the environment was designed based actions that appear within the problem; the second are of a
on the following three pillars: (1) a varied set of complex, more abstract nature and focus on the significant relations in
realistic, and open problems that elicit the intended heuris- the problem. As far as the representation’s function is con-
tic and metacognitive skills; (2) a balanced set of powerful cerned, a frequently used categorization (Elia and Philippou

Word problems in mathematics education: a survey 7

2004) distinguishes four types of (pictorial) representations: (Berends and van Lieshout 2009). Relying on cognitive load
(1) decorative pictures are pictures that have no relation theory, these authors explained this finding by arguing that
whatsoever with the problem and/or its solution; they sim- the correct answer requires integration of information from
ply decorate the page; (2) representational pictures, in con- two physically separate sources, putting heavy (extraneous)
trast, illustrate the problem partly or entirely, for example, by cognitive load on learners’ limited working memory capac-
providing a picture that portrays the scene being described ity, and thus leaving fewer resources for the original math-
in the problem or a particular part of it; (3) organizational ematical task at hand.
pictures provide directions for drawing or written work that Whereas research on given representations is mainly
support the solution procedure; (4) informational pictures about pictorial representations, research on self-made repre-
provide information that is essential for understanding and/ sentations deals mostly with schematic ones. A smaller part
or solving the problem, such as numerical information that of this research is of an observational nature, linking learn-
is not provided in the problem statement. ers’ use of self-made representations in non-interventionist
Relying on a systematic review of the role of graphi- settings to word problem solving success. Hegarty and Koz-
cal representations in mathematical word problem solving hevnikov (1999) found that the use of schematic representa-
consisting of about 80 entries, Verschaffel (2016) analyzed tions was associated with success in word problem solving,
the impact of given and self-made representations in word whereas the use of pictorial representations was negatively
problem solving. Hereafter we summarize the results of correlated with success. Subsequently, Boonen, van Wesel,
this review for, respectively, given and self-made graphical et al. (2014) commented that the distinction between picto-
representations. rial and schematic representations is insufficient to under-
The results for given representations are mixed and highly stand and predict word problem solving performance. They
dependent on the nature and function of the representations. argued that one has to distinguish between two types of self-
Not surprisingly, even though mathematics textbooks make made schematic representations, namely those in which the
ample use of decorative pictures, empirical evidence for externally represented relationships are complete and correct
their effectiveness is nonexistent. As far as representational (accurate schematic representations), and those in which the
and organizational pictures are concerned, the results are relationships between solution-relevant elements of the word
mixed. Sometimes they turn out to be beneficial, but some- problem text are incorrectly drawn or missing (inaccurate
times they are not. Typically, they are of little or no help, schematic representations). Using this more fine-grained
and even risk slowing down the solution process, when the classification scheme, they found that only accurate sche-
word problems are simple routine problems. On the other matic representations had a positive influence on the correct
hand, when the problems are difficult and non-routine for the solution of a word problem. This is in line with the finding
given learner(s), adding a representational or organizational of De Bock et al. (1998), who also found that only when sec-
representation results in better performance most of the time ondary school students’ self-made drawings were sufficiently
(see e.g., Orrantia, Munez, et al. 2014). However, for a given correct and complete did they lead to better word problem
representational or organizational picture to realize its poten- solving accuracies. Rellensmann, Schukajlow, et al. (2017)
tial added value, it is critical that the learner notices the examined these results for different types of self-made draw-
representation and acknowledges its usefulness. If not, it will ings and investigated the role of knowledge about drawings
be of little or no help simply because it will not get sufficient for modelling. They prompted students to construct both a
and adequate attention from the problem solver, as shown in pictorial and a schematic representation for each problem
studies of De Bock, Verschaffel, et al. (1998) and Dewolf, before solving it. Results showed that, while the accuracy
Van Dooren, et al. (2012). Another important condition for of a schematic representation was strongly positively related
success, which is not always met, is that the picture con- to modelling performance, the correlation between accuracy
tains sufficient extra information about the problem or how of pictorial representation and modeling was much weaker.
it can be solved, compared to the textual information itself. Accuracy of pictorial representation had another important
Although students assign higher utility value to representa- function in students’ solution processes, as it helped con-
tive and informative than to decorative pictures (Böckmann structing an accurate schematic representation and had an
and Schukajlow 2018), they do not necessarily perform bet- indirect effect on modeling performance.
ter when solving rich mathematical modeling problems. So However, the vast majority of the research on self-made
far, the fourth category, informative representations, has representations has been done in the context of studies that
elicited little research. The scarce available research suggests investigate the impact of instructional interventions on
that they also do not lead to better performance, and even learners’ word problem solving performance. Basically,
may tend to lower performance compared to word problems two different instructional approaches can be distinguished
wherein all necessary information is contained in the text or (Verschaffel 2016). In one approach, learners are taught to
accompanied with other forms of graphical representations solve a well-defined set of word problems by identifying,

8 L. Verschaffel et al.

drawing and completing a teacher-imposed schematic dia- refers, first, to learners’ knowledge about various graphi-
gram. Illustrative for this approach is the very productive cal representations, and, second, their ability to select, pro-
line of research by Jitendra and colleagues (e.g., Jitendra duce and use representations in relation to word problems.
and Hoff 1996), who demonstrated the effectiveness of such But, analogous to other competencies, this competence also
a schema-based approach in a wide variety of types of word involves a productive disposition with graphical representa-
problems, age levels, and target groups. In fact, this approach tions, which involves seeing them as beneficial, worthwhile,
essentially also lies at the basis of the so-called “model and sensible for solving word problems, coupled with the
method” or “bar method” for solving word problems, which belief and confidence in one’s own ability to use them. Pre-
plays a pivotal role in the internationally well known “Singa- vious work on meta-representational competence has been
pore Math” (Ng and Lee, 2005). In the alternative approach, done by DiSessa and associates (see e.g., DiSessa and Sherin
called the “schema-broadening approach”, the set of word 2000) and by Verschaffel, Reybrouck, et al. (2013), but in
problems being addressed is not specified and there are no the domain of, respectively, science and music education.
fixed graphical representations that are explicitly taught by During the past few years, researchers have started to apply
the teacher and that have to be practiced by the learners this notion to the domain of mathematics too and examined
under strict control of the teacher. Rather, generalization the importance of knowledge about drawing (Rellensmann
and transfer of the visualization skill as a general or generic et al. 2017), in combination with drawing motivation (costs
heuristic device is the major goal of instruction. Further- of constructing a graphical representation) and drawing-
more, this visualization heuristic is typically embedded in a related emotions (enjoyment of drawing activity), for use
more general metacognitive problem-solving strategy (which of drawings and accuracy in problem solving (Uesaka and
may also contain several other heuristics). Csíkos, Szitányi, Manalo 2012, Schukajlow, Blomberg, et al. 2019b). But,
et al. (2012, in Verschaffel 2016) designed an experimental except for these few studies, research focusing on the role of
program for learners as young as 8–9 years old that is illus- meta-representational competence in the particular domain
trative for this schema-broadening approach. In a follow-up of word problem solving is still very scarce. So, if we want
design study the researchers demonstrated positive effects to develop a better theoretical understanding of the role of
of a teaching method that focuses on constructing graphi- graphical representations in expertise in word problem solv-
cal representations on word problem solving accuracy of ing and if we want to improve the teaching of word problem
9–10 year old students (Csíkos et al. 2012). In sum, both solving, more research on learners’ meta-representational
instructional approaches, the schema-based and the schema- competence is strongly needed.
broadening approach, have their documented successes.
The available research, which lacks direct comparisons
of the two approaches, does not allow for the determination 6 Domain‑general cognitive factors
of which of these two approaches is optimal, and so further affecting word problem solving
research is needed. Possibly, schema-based instruction may
be more successful in an educational setting that aims for In the previous sections, we pointed to the role of various
short-term and specific learning effects tailored to specified kinds of learner characteristics in word problem solving per-
types of word problems, whereas the schema-broadening formance: their knowledge of problem schemata, their rep-
approach may be more promising if one takes a broader edu- ertoire of informal and formal computation strategies, their
cational perspective that capitalizes on adaptive and transfer- mastery of heuristics and metacognitive skills, etc. However,
able learning outcomes (Verschaffel 2016). throughout the history of word problem solving research,
So, according to the current state-of-the-art, the ques- research has documented, typically on the basis of correla-
tion “how effective are graphical representations of math- tional research, the importance of other, more domain-gen-
ematical word problems” cannot be answered in a simple, eral kind of cognitive resources, such as general intelligence
straightforward way. Rather the answer should begin with: It or general level of logico-mathematical development (in the
depends. More specifically, the available research evidence Piagetian sense), or, more recently, working memory and
suggests that the efficacy of a given or self-made graphical inhibition. Hereafter, we briefly review the research related
representation will depend on the complex interaction of the to the latter two subject factors.
features of the representation itself, the word problem to be For a long time, it has been suggested that working
solved, the knowledge and skills of the problem solver, and memory plays a significant role in explaining individual
the broader context wherein the problem-solving process is differences in word-problem competence. In several major
taking place (Verschaffel 2016). theories of mathematical word problem solving, the role of
We end this section with a note on the role of meta-rep- working memory is explicitly acknowledged, particularly
resentational competence in relation to mathematical word in the steps of constructing a coherent representation of the
problems. The term “meta-representational competence” problem situation and its transformation into some kind of

Word problems in mathematics education: a survey 9

mathematical model (see e.g., the computer models of addi- ger—division makes smaller” constructed based on their
tive word problem solving mentioned above). Several studies numerous experiences with operations on natural num-
provided empirical support for the importance of working bers, where this rule does apply (Verschaffel 2019).
memory in mathematical word-problem solving, by show-
ing that good and poor problem solvers differ significantly With a view to measure this general cognitive factor,
on working memory or that individual differences in work- Frederick (2005) composed the Cognitive Reflection Test,
ing memory account for variance in word problem solving comprised of several mathematical problems—mainly word
even after controlling for other cognitive variables (Wang, problems—that have as a common feature that they are
Fuchs, et al. 2016). However, these studies are correlational hard to solve, not because of their linguistic or mathemati-
in nature, which makes it hard to make causal attributions. cal demands but rather because the correct answer requires
Gillard, Van Dooren, et al. (2009) showed that for a set of the inhibition of a very easy, seemingly correct answer. For
non-standard word problems (i.e., problems that superfi- instance, consider the problem “A bat and a ball together
cially looked as if they were proportional but actually needed cost $1.10. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How
a non-proportional solution) the number of erroneous (i.e., much does the ball cost? ___ cents.” The answer 10 cents
inadequate proportional) answers increased when working tends to spring to one’s mind. Only if this response is inhib-
memory was experimentally limited. But even though work- ited will the correct answer, 5 cents, be found.
ing memory has been shown to have a causal impact on word While there is already strong evidence that general math-
problem solving, we are not aware of intervention studies ematics achievement is associated with inhibitory control,
that trained learners’ working memory skills and showed a the relation between inhibitory capacities and the perfor-
resulting improvement in word problem solving. mance on specific mathematical tasks, and particularly on
Inhibitory control—the ability to ignore salient but word problem solving, has been explored much less inten-
unhelpful stimuli and responses—is increasingly consid- sively. Actually, we are not aware of any study that addressed
ered to be important for learning mathematics in general this relationship in a direct and systematic way. The above
and mathematical word problem solving in particular. At examples taken from word problem solving research seem
the end of their review on the literature on inhibitory con- to suggest that inhibition may be a particularly important
trol in mathematical thinking, learning and problem solving, explanatory mechanism as far as word problem solving is
Van Dooren and Inglis (2015, p. 713) conclude that “a great concerned, particularly in the case when learners have to
deal of theoretical work in mathematics education research refrain from starting to conduct well-automatized procedures
seems to reference the notion of inhibitory control, albeit not that are triggered by superficial features of the word prob-
always explicitly”. Indeed, roaming around the research field lem such as its general formulation or key words. Expecting
of word problem solving, one encounters numerous exam- that future research on this topic will yield strong evidence
ples of well-documented persistent errors due to learners’ for the role of inhibitory control in word problem solving
failure to inhibit superficial erroneous response tendencies. performance, several additional questions are waiting for an
This is, for instance, the case for learners’. answer: How to complement correlational research showing
the predictive value of inhibitory capacity by evidence for
• failure to inhibit the strong association between the key the causal nature of this relationship? And if there is a causal
word “more” and the operation “add” in problems such relationship, is it possible, feasible, or educationally relevant
as “Pete has 8 apples. He has 5 more apples than Ann. to train inhibitory skills in order to improve mathematical
How many apples does Ann have?” leading to the errone- learning, rather than devote attention to mathematics instruc-
ous response 13 (instead of 3), tion itself? (Van Dooren and Inglis 2015). With respect to
• erroneous response 24 (instead of 12) to the pseudo-pro- the latter question, mathematics educators might argue that
portional problem “Mam puts 3 towels on the clothesline. when people take into account a task feature they should not,
After 12 h, they are dry. The neighbors have 6 towels on it may be because of their failure to understand something
their clothesline. After how many hours are they dry?” deep at a conceptual level and not primarily because they
due to their inability to inhibit the activation of the pro- are weak on inhibition.
portional reasoning scheme when being confronted with
a word problem with a “proportional” surface structure,
• wrong choice for the operation 55:0,75 (instead of 55 × 7 Word problems as exercises
0.75) when asked to indicate what arithmetic operation in mathematical modeling
with the given numbers will lead to the correct solution
of the problem “Lobster is priced 55 euro per kilogram. As explained in the introductory section of this review,
How much does 0.75 kg cost?”, because of their inability word problems are traditionally considered as an efficient
to inhibit the intuitive rule “multiplication makes big- vehicle to bring learners into real-world problem situations

10 L. Verschaffel et al.

wherein they can apply and practice the mathematics learnt found that most pupils solved these P-items as if there was
in their mathematics lessons. For a very long time, word no realistic modeling issue at all; they simply applied the
problems have played this “application function” without arithmetic operation(s) suggested by the situation described,
much reflection and critical concern. Of course, there always under the assumption that the situation could be straight-
have been individuals showing awareness of the bridging forwardly mapped onto these operations, like one would do
problem between reality and mathematics, and the risks when confronted with an S-item. The authors’ conclusion
involved (Lewis Carroll being a marvelous example), but that most pupils tend to neglect their everyday knowledge
many teachers, textbook writers, and researchers, have been when solving mathematical word problems, was subse-
using, and still use nowadays, word problems as if there was quently confirmed in many other studies (for an overview see
no bridging problem at all (Verschaffel et al. 2000). Verschaffel et al. 2009). For instance, Krawitz, Schukajlow,
During the last 10–15 years, it has been argued by many et al. (2018) analyzed students’ barriers in solving P-items,
scholars from different disciplines such as mathematics edu- by comparing their performance in solving P-items versus
cation, psychology, linguistics, and anthropology, that the related quantitative problems with no numerical informa-
current practice of word problems in school mathematics tion (e.g., “How many centimeters of toothpaste are used
does not foster in students a genuine disposition towards in a month?”). Their analysis revealed that students did not
mathematical modeling (as defined in the first section of notice the missing data in a P-item (e.g., the extra rope for
this Introduction). For instance, in her in-depth linguistic the knots in the P-item rope) and as a result developed unre-
analysis of word problems as a text genre, Gerofsky (1997, alistic solutions.
p. 22, see also Lave 1992) serious questions the “unprob- Several follow-up studies have tested the effectiveness of
lematic acceptance of concepts of separable mathematical variations in the experimental setting on children’s tendency
and real worlds and of word problems as a transparent bridge to solve problems in a realistic way, e.g., by making students
between the two”. Inspired by these theoretical analyses, more alert at the beginning of the test to consider aspects
empirical studies, mostly grounded in socio-cultural and of reality and to legitimize alternative forms of answer-
socio-constructivist theories, showed that after several years ing (Yoshida et al. 1997) or by complementing the text of
of schooling many students have constructed an approach to the P-items with a picture that was specifically designed to
word problems—and to mathematical modeling problems emphasize the realistic modeling complexity in the problem
more broadly—whereby this activity is reduced to the execu- situation (Dewolf, Van Dooren, et al. 2012). However, these
tion of one or more arithmetic operations with the numbers manipulations did not result in a significant increase in the
in the problem, without any serious consideration of possible number of realistic reactions to the P-items in the test.
constraints of the realities of the problem context that may This brings us to the question: How do these non-realistic
jeopardize the appropriateness of their standard models and strategies for school arithmetic word problem develop? The
solutions (for an overview, see Verschaffel et al. 2000 and development of students’ tactics for word problem solving
Verschaffel, Greer, et al. 2009). In other words, they treat is assumed to occur implicitly, gradually, and tacitly through
every mathematical modeling problem as if it was a straight- being immersed in the culture of the mathematics classroom
forward word problem. in which they engage. Put another way, students’ strategies
In an attempt to study more systematically learners’ non- and beliefs develop from their perceptions and interpreta-
realistic approach towards word problem solving, Greer tions of the didactical contract (Brousseau 1997) or the
(1993) and Verschaffel et al. (1994) confronted pupils aged socio-mathematical norms (Yackel and Cobb 1996) that
between 10 and 14 years old with a word problem solv- determine(s)—explicitly to some extent, but mainly implic-
ing test consisting not only of standard problems that can itly—how to behave in a mathematics class, how to think,
be solved by means of a straightforward operation with how to communicate with the teacher, and so on. More spe-
the numbers in the problem (S-items) but also with word cifically, this enculturation seems to be mainly caused by
problems that are problematic from a realistic modeling two aspects of current instructional practice, namely (1) the
perspective (P-items) in the sense that real-life knowledge nature of the problems given and (2) the way in which these
should be taken into account to come to a reasonable or problems are conceived and treated by teachers (Verschaffel
meaningful solution reaction. For example, the P-item “A et al. 2000).
man wants to have a rope long enough to stretch between two Starting from the above criticisms on the traditional prac-
poles 12 m apart, but he has only pieces of rope 1.5 m long. tice surrounding word problems in schools and from the
How many of these pieces would he need to tie together modeling perspective described above, researchers have set
to stretch between the poles?” cannot be solved realisti- up design studies wherein they developed, implemented and
cally simply by dividing 12 m by 1.5. The learner has to evaluated experimental programs aimed at the enhancement
take into account that some extra rope is needed to make of students’ mathematical modeling and problem solving
the knots and to stretch the rope between the poles. They along the lines mentioned above. To mention just a few:

Word problems in mathematics education: a survey 11

Lehrer and Schauble’s (2005) experimental curriculum for Elaborating on Niss’ above warnings about the complex
mathematics and science teaching in young children built and demanding nature of the teacher’s task, Verschaffel
upon the modeling approach, the Jasper studies of the Cog- (2002) raised several questions that pop up when advocat-
nition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1997) wherein ing the modeling perspective towards word problem solving
mathematical problem solving is anchored in realistic con- for serious consideration in real mathematics classrooms,
texts using new information technologies, Verschaffel et al.’s particularly at elementary and lower secondary school lev-
(1999) above-mentioned study about the design and evalu- els. A first critical issue is: how far can and should we go
ation of a learning environment for mathematical modeling in our efforts to make the word problems more realistic or
and problem solving in upper elementary school children, authentic? Stated differently: How much reference to the
or the various design studies on how to promote mathemati- complexity and ambiguity of reality is possible and appro-
cal modeling competences in secondary mathematics class- priate in the classroom context? Second: does the (realistic)
rooms, and various interventions for improving the math- modeling perspective exclude the use of traditional word
ematical modeling skills of secondary and higher education problems in the mathematics classroom? If not, how can we
students designed by scholars active within the International manage the existence of these different kinds of problems in
Study Group for Mathematical Modelling and Applications the classroom? And, finally, is teaching and learning math-
(ICTMA) (Kaiser, 2017; Maaß, 2006; Stillman, 2011). ematical applications according to the (realistic) modeling
A major issue in these intervention studies relates to the perspective important and feasible for all categories of learn-
question as to how the teaching of mathematical modeling ers, including the mathematically weaker ones? To answer
abilities can be optimally designed. Whereas some research- these and other questions, we need more methodologically
ers plea for explicit and separate instructional attention to rigorous and ecologically valid empirical research in the
every subskill involved in this complex and multi-aspectual future (Kaiser 2017; Schukajlow et al. 2018).
ability (e.g., every phase of the mathematical modeling
cycle, every heuristic strategy that may be relevant in a par-
ticular phase,…) in every individual learner, other research- 8 The classroom as a context for word
ers adhere to a holistic instructional approach wherein all problem solving
subskills are taught and practiced in a more implicit and
integrated way. Kaiser and Brand (2015) showed that both Given the complexity of the knowledge, skills, and affects
holistic and atomistic approaches to the teaching of the involved in the solution of word problems, it is reasona-
complex ability of solving modelling problems can improve ble to assume that learners’ competence in solving word
students’ accuracy in solving such problems. A series of problems will depend heavily on the quantity and quality
interventional studies revealed the importance of a teaching of the instruction they received in this topic. In the previous
method oriented toward students’ self-regulation for mod- sections, we have already referred frequently to the role of
elling, motivation, and emotions (Blum 2015; Schukajlow instruction, and this role has already been documented in a
et al. 2012), and that the effects of this teaching method can number of teaching experiments or design studies. In this
be improved by using a designed scaffold such as a stepwise section, we briefly discuss research on the impact of three
solution plan involving several heuristic strategies (Schu- important factors in the teaching/learning environment on
kajlow et al. 2015) or by prompting students to construct learners’ word problem solving development: textbooks,
multiple solutions for modelling problems (Achmetli, Schu- software, and teachers.
kaljlow, et al. 2019; Schukajlow, Achmetli et al. 2019a) (for A first relevant aspect of educational practice with respect
an overview of these intervention studies, see Schukajlow to word problem solving that has received in-depth analysis
et al. 2018). are the mathematics textbooks. This is not surprising, given
In sum, in most of these design experiments positive out- that they are recognized as a major instructional resource
comes have been obtained in terms of performance, under- that is frequently and intensively used by teachers in most
lying processes, and motivational and affective aspects of countries around the world. In this respect, Apple (1992,
learning, although the results were sometimes moderate and/ cited by Hagarty and Pepin 2002, pp. 568–569) pointed
or the research methodology applied in some of these studies out that “the curriculum in most schools is not defined by
do not allow for strong claims. At the end of his review of courses of study or suggested programs, but by […] the
the available research evidence at the time, Niss (2001, p. standardized, grade-level-specific text […], because it ‘dom-
8) concluded that “application and modeling capability can inates what students learn; they set the curriculum, and often
be learnt, and according to the above-mentioned findings the facts learnt, in most subjects”. Various studies have been
has to be learnt, but at a cost, in terms of effort, complexity set up with a view toward analyzing mathematics textbooks
of task, time consumption, and reduction of syllabus in the either in one single educational setting or toward compar-
traditional sense”. Surely, this conclusion is still valid today. ing textbooks from two or more countries or regions and/

12 L. Verschaffel et al.

or with respect to the curricular domain of word problem (mathematics) teachers, the number of studies that actually
solving (e.g., Stigler, Fuson, et al., 1986; Vicente, Rosario focus on the teacher and his/her teaching with respect to
Sanchez, et al., in press). For instance, Stigler, Fuson, et al. word problem solving is relatively small. In some studies the
(1986) compared the nature of addition and subtraction word content and/or pedagogical content knowledge of (future)
problems in first years’ textbooks of children in the U.S. and teachers related to word problem solving was assessed. They
the Soviet Union, and found that the latter children received typically document that a significant number of teachers
a much wider variety of one-step addition and subtraction experience difficulties solving correctly the word problems
problems (in terms of the 14 semantic categories framework they have to teach to their students. For instance, Cramer,
mentioned before) as well as many more two-step problems Post, et al. (1993) reported that almost all US preservice
involving two different one-step problem types from that elementary education teachers in their sample solved the
framework. Palm and Burman (2004) analyzed the realistic following problem by setting up and solving a proportion:
nature of word problems in Norwegian upper elementary 9/3 = x/15; 3x = 135; x = 45 instead of reasoning additively:
school mathematics education by means of Palm’s (2002) “Sue and Julie were running equally fast around a track. Sue
framework for assessing the level of realism of word prob- started first. When she had run 9 laps, Julie had run 3 laps.
lems and came to the conclusion that the vast majority of When Julie completed 15 laps, how many laps had Sue run?”
the word problems simulated the major aspects that are Likewise, Verschaffel et al. (1997) found that, just as upper
assumed to be important in realistic situations according to elementary school children, the vast majority of (future)
that framework. Depaepe, De Corte, et al. (2009) did the Flemish elementary school teachers reacted non-realistically
same for Flemish upper elementary school textbooks, and to a series of P-items mentioned above. Interestingly, these
came to roughly the same conclusion, except that they made authors also found that these future teachers gave higher
the important additional comment that word problems with scores to non-realistic than to realistic responses to these
interesting or puzzling realistic modeling complexities (as P-items in an additional paper-and-pencil questionnaire
the P-items mentioned above) were complete lacking in when they were asked to evaluate various (imaginary) pupil
textbooks. answers. Other studies on elementary or secondary mathe-
Since the introduction of ICT in (mathematics) education, matics teachers have explicitly focused on their actual teach-
researchers have also explored the potential of ICT for the ing with word problems by systematically observing and
learning of word problem solving too. This has resulted in analyzing their instructional practice. For instance Chapman
a variety of lines of research and development, including (2006) and Depaepe, De Corte, et al. (2010a) investigated
(a) classical drill-and-practice programs wherein learners practicing teachers’ ways of handling reality in word prob-
practice certain types of word problems with basic feed- lems, and found that many teachers strongly preferred an
back (right/wrong) and support (e.g., a hint or scaffold, in instructional approach wherein they restricted rather than
case of error) from the computer, (b) intelligent tutoring enriched the problem context paradigmatic rather than a
systems that provide adaptive feedback and support based realistic approach in their word problem solving lessons.
on a cognitive model of learners’ progression (Anderson Analysis of teacher actions while solving modeling prob-
et al. 1995), (c) software that is directly aimed at enhancing lems in a case study demonstrated that teachers intervene
students’ systematic use of a metacognitive approach based into solution processes because of their own claims rather
on the IMPROVE model or a related general model of expert than because of students’ difficulties (Leiss 2010). This and
problem solving (Teong 2003), (d) ICT environments that other results underline teachers’ difficulties in fostering
primarily try to make the word problem solving experience students’ performance in solving rich modeling problems
more personalized or more realistic, as in the famous Jasper that have been pointed out repeatedly (Blum 2015; Kaiser
series of the Cognition and Technology Group at Vander- 2017). Using a multiple-case study approach, Depaepe, De
bilt (1997). Although most of these studies report positive Corte, et al. (2010b) analyzed, during a whole school year,
learning outcomes, their methodological design frequently two upper elementary school teachers’ approach towards
does not allow for the making of valid conclusions of the heuristic and metacognitive skills in word problem solving
unique contribution of ICT on these results. Moreover, to lessons and its relationship with students’ beliefs and prob-
the best of our knowledge, except for the classical drill-and- lem-solving skills. They found large differences between the
practice programs and a few of the other cases (De Kock and two teachers, and although the students in the classroom
Harskamp 2014), many of these ICT environments being more frequently stressing heuristic skills performed better,
developed and tested by researchers have not found their way these differences were not statistically significant. Besides
to real school settings. that case study, we are not aware of studies that directly and
Although many research papers on word problem solv- specifically compared teacher characteristics with student
ing involve explicit or implicit criticisms of the profes- learning outcomes, for the domain of word problem solving.
sional knowledge, beliefs, and/or teaching practices of

Word problems in mathematics education: a survey 13

9 Conclusion Anderson, J. R., Corbett, A. T., Koedinger, K. R., & Pelletier, R.

(1995). Cognitive tutors: Lessons learned. Journal of the
Learning Sciences, 4, 167–207.
The current special issue brings together papers that deal Apple, M. (1992). The text and cultural politics. Educational
with the great variety of issues related to word problem solv- Researcher, 21(7), 4–11.
ing, and mathematical modeling problems more broadly, that Berends, I. E., & van Lieshout, E. C. D. M. (2009). The effect of
illustrations in arithmetic problem solving: Effects of increased
have been addressed in the above review, with learners of a cognitive load. Learning and Instruction, 19, 345–353. https​://
wide age range and from different cultural and educational​instr​uc.2008.06.012.
backgrounds, and with a large variety of research methods Blum, W. (2015). Quality teaching of mathematical modelling: What
and techniques. Several papers focus on young children’s do we know, what can we do? In S. J. Cho (Ed.), Proceedings
of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
use of informal strategies (and graphical representations of (pp. 73–96). Cham: Springer.
simple (additive) word problems (Alghamdi, Jitendra, et al., Blum, W., & Niss, M. (1991). Applied mathematical problem solv-
this issue; Elia, this issue; Gvozdic & Sander, this issue; ing, modelling, applications, and links to other subjects—State,
Powell, this issue; van Lieshout and Xenidou-Dervou, this trends and issues in mathematics instruction. Educational
Studies in Mathematics, 22, 37–68.
issue). Others touch upon a variety of other research top- Böckmann, M., & Schukajlow, S. (2018). Value of pictures in mod-
ics reviewed above, such as how and why various subject elling problems from students’ perspective. In E. Bergqvist,
and task characteristics affect the difficulty of elementary M. Österholm, M. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.), Proceed-
school children’s word problem solving (Pongsakdi, Kaja- ings of the 42th conference of the international group for the
psychology of mathematics education (Vol. 2, pp. 263–270).
mies, et al., this issue), a cross-cultural analysis of how word Umeå: PME.
problems are read using eye-movement tracking (Strohm- Boonen, A. J. H., van Wesel, F., Jolles, J., & van der Schoot, M. (2014).
aier, Schiepe-Tiaska, et al., this issue), the role of students’ The role of visual representation type, spatial ability, and read-
knowledge for solving modeling problems requiring realistic ing comprehension in word problem solving: An item-level
analysis in elementary school children. International Journal
assumptions in Germany and Taiwan (Chang, Krawitz, et al., of Educational Research, 68, 15–26. https​://
this issue), an attempt to improve mathematical word prob- ijer.2014.08.001.
lem solving by means of working memory training (Fuchs, Brousseau, G. (1997). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics.
this issue), and the development and use of a new instrument N. Balacheff, M. Cooper, R. Sutherland, & V. Warfield (Eds. &
Trans.). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
for assessing students’ meta-representational skills in the Carpenter, T. P., Franke, M. L., Jacobs, V., Fennema, E., & Empson, S.
context of word problem solving (Rellensmann, Schukajlow, B. (1997). A longitudinal study of intervention and understand-
et al., this issue). Finally, two studies try to get deeper insight ing in children’s multidigit addition and subtraction. Journal for
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