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Definitions of place branding –

Working towards a resolution
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy (2010) 6, 1–10. doi:10.1057/pb.2010.3

INTRODUCTION image. Any further contributions to this

As readers of Place Branding and Public discussion in the form of papers, opinion
Diplomacy are well aware, the question of pieces, letters or other commentary will
terminology is a vexed one in this field, be most welcome, and, wherever space
and no term seems more problematic than permits, will be published in subsequent
‘brand/branding’ itself. The definition of issues of the journal.
this elusive term, and the appropriateness
of its application to nations, cities and
regions, is a question to which this author
Parallels between places and products
has returned on many occasions in his
go back a long way, of course. Places
own writing.
have been promoting their attractions and
It is also, of course, the central question
their images throughout history, because
of this journal, and it has almost become
they have always needed to attract settlers,
a ‘family joke’ at Place Branding and Public
customers, visitors, traders, investors and
Diplomacy that so many papers submitted
the category of people we today call
to the Journal begin by quoting the
well-known definition of ‘brand’ from the
Perhaps this need was never more
American Marketing Association dictionary
evident, and neither was the rivalry
(‘A name, term, design, symbol, or any
between places more fierce, than in
other feature …’ and so on). Clearly,
North America during the late nineteenth
many of our contributors feel that this is
and early twentieth centuries, as
a new concept that still needs defining.
development spread across the United
It is difficult to see how a field of
States and Canada, and competition for
study or practice can mature unless some
new residents, businesses, and especially
kind of consensus is reached on the
investors in land and property became
definition of the field, so the issue is
vigorous among the smaller settlements.
long overdue for resolution. We need
The great English comic writer, P.G.
to move on.
Wodehouse, for whom such competition
In the hope of starting a process that
between places was an unfamiliar concept,
might result in some such consensus, the
poked fun at American ‘boosterism’ in
editorial preface to this first issue of the
the early years of the twentieth century
sixth volume of Place Branding and Public
(the speaker is his celebrated creation, the
Diplomacy represents an attempt to
valet Jeeves):
resolve some of the confusion surrounding
the use of the term ‘brand/branding’ I happened last night, sir, as you had
in the context of place reputation and intimated that you would be absent from

© 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1751-8040 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol. 6, 1, 1–10

home, to attend a theatrical performance, and today contains the following definition of
entered into conversation between the acts place marketing:
with the occupant of the adjoining seat. I had
Marketing designed to influence target
observed that he was wearing a somewhat
audiences to behave in some positive manner
ornate decoration in his buttonhole, sir – a
with respect to the products or services
large blue button with the words ‘Boost for
associated with a specific place.
Birdsburg’ upon it in red letters, scarcely a
judicious addition to a gentleman’s evening This definition is followed by the rather tart
costume. comment:
Attempts by an individual or organization
To my surprise I noticed that the auditorium
to educate target audiences or change their
was full of persons similarly decorated.
attitudes about a place are not marketing.
I ventured to inquire the explanation, and
was informed that these gentlemen, … with a reference pointing the reader to
forming a party of eighty-seven, are a ‘public relations’ in the adjoining column.
convention from a town of the name The implication appears to be that
of Birdsburg, in the State of Missouri. marketing – the development, promotion,
(Wodehouse, 1917) distribution and sale of products and
services – is a legitimate, tangible and
As marketing matured from art to science measurable activity with direct business
in the consumer boom years following the second benefits, a ‘real job’, one might say, whereas
World War, amateur boosterism gradually brand is an academic construct, a psychological
developed into professional place marketing; and process, a phenomenon for observation rather
the promotion of places has continued to move than a discipline to be practised. In a sense, the
forward in parallel with the promotion of Dictionary does marketing a disservice by
products and services ever since, with place suggesting that attitude and image change are
marketers adopting the new techniques of product alien concepts: the key distinction is surely
marketers, more or less as soon as they appear. whether attempting to bring about attitude
Nonetheless, it took a surprisingly long time or image directly is within the province, or
before place marketers began to apply the notion the capabilities, of marketing. There is no
of brand to their work. doubt or any shortage of proof that changes
Strategic place marketing, a concept of attitude and image can occur as a result
developed by Kotler et al (1993), was among of the successful marketing of products and
the first to take the explicit position that places services: in other words, as an indirect
needed to run themselves like businesses, and consequence of marketing.
market themselves like businesses, if they were City marketers, especially in North America,
to respond adequately to the threats of global have tended to be quicker off the mark
competition, technological change and urban than their counterparts on other continents
decay. when it comes to learning and borrowing
The question of place image is certainly from the newest commercial practices; and
touched upon and its importance acknowledged the administrations and governments of larger
in Kotler’s early work, but place marketing communities such as regions and nations
is still seen fundamentally as a tool for selling have only started to recognise the relevance
the products and services and attractions of these topics to their work much more
of the place more effectively, and not for recently. It is relatively common now for city
tackling the overall image or reputation of governments in richer countries to have an
the place in any direct way. Indeed, the individual or even a department dedicated
American Marketing Association’s Dictionary to the job of promoting the city as a whole

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(as distinct from the tourist board and and the responsibility of the state rather than
investment promotion agency, which are privately owned by the marketer is a mere
usually separated from the executive), whereas detail; in most market economies, the
such roles are still rather rare in national government simply provides an umbrella
governments and administrations. ‘brand’ over the private providers of privately
Thanks to the advance of globalisation, owned and privately marketed services,
competition between places today extends destinations and attractions.
well beyond North America and certainly Seen from this perspective, the transition
affects more than just cities: subnational and from destination marketing to destination
supranational regions, states and provinces, brand is all the more logical because the state
nations, towns and even villages now find or region is generally responsible for the overall
themselves competing for the same people, place image, leaving the marketing of specific
products and capital; their products, services services to the end-user to private operators.
and people also compete externally for If the private operators are the dots, the
consumers, respect and media attention. job of government is to join them up in the
Kotler’s position was prophetic. No place, end-user’s mind.
it seems, can now think of surviving, let alone As Nicolas Papadopoulos noted in his
prospering, unless it knows how to wield the essay in the first edition of Place Branding and
weapons of business. Public Diplomacy (Papadopoulos, 2004), a clear
line can also be drawn from the ‘country
of origin effect’ to place branding (Anholt,
FROM PLACE MARKETING 1998). In a similar way to tourism, export is
TO PLACE BRANDING a sector consisting mainly of private operators
Brand theory appears finally to have reached independently marketing their own goods
the governments of cities and countries from and services directly to consumers, but with
commercial practice, and to have done so an ‘umbrella’ effect provided by the state.
principally through two routes: tourism and For this reason, export marketing forms
export marketing. another bridge between the state and the
It is no surprise if tourism has the strongest private sector, and it is easy to see how
connections with commercial marketing, as expertise in promoting the products of a certain
the tourist board is fundamentally a marketing country leads, via the observation that a
outfit. There has been a lively exchange of positive country image provides a powerful
best practice between commercial marketing brand asset to that country’s exports, to the
and ‘destination marketing’ for many decades, conclusion that the country’s image needs
and indeed the term ‘destination branding’ management just as a corporation’s or product’s
has been in use for at least a decade brand needs management.
(although it is also the cause of considerable Other sectors act in a similar way, such
extra confusion, it is often wrongly as foreign direct investment promotion
conflated with ‘place branding’ or ‘nation (the main difference here being that the
branding’). marketing is exclusively business-to-business),
One could go further and argue that no with the country or region playing the role
transition from ‘private sector’ to ‘public of the ‘corporate’ brand above the level of
sector’ has actually taken place in the case of the individual provider or location; and the
tourism because it is already in the business cultural sector, where services in the form
of promoting and selling services to mass of artistic endeavour, events and entertainment
consumers, both domestic and foreign, in are exported (or foreign consumers ‘imported’
the open market. The fact that the goods to enjoy them), and marketed to those
or services on sale are often the property end-users.

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IS A PLACE NAME A BRAND Greenland, according to one popular

NAME? account, was given its name by Erik the Red
As the cases of tourism and export marketing in order to attract settlers to the territory by
indicate, there is no question that the concept giving it an impression of greater fertility than
of brand is relevant and useful to places, both the place actually possessed, and although the
at the sectoral level and in their roles as region was in fact much greener 1000 years
‘umbrella brands’ providing reassurance, ago than it is today, nonetheless, the deliberate
glamour or status to the products and services attempt to depict the place in an attractive
that are marketed under their aegis. A positive light is undoubted. Formosa, the previous name
place image, in short, makes it cheaper and for the island of Taiwan (meaning ‘beautiful’ or
easier for producers to export and attract. ‘shapely’), Venezuela (meaning ‘little Venice’)
Yet, however logical the comparison of and the many places named Esperanza (‘hope’),
place to product might be, and despite the quite clearly fall into the same category;
evident benefits that competent and professional likewise Liberia (based on the Latin root
management and promotion can bring to the signifying ‘freedom’, an appropriate name for
citizens of the place, the comparison never fails the new homeland of freed American slaves),
to attract its critics and cynics. is quite clearly the deliberate application of a
One fairly straightforward objection to the constructed term onto a place in order to invest
characterisation of places as brands is based on that place with a particular public meaning and
the contention that, although products are attraction. Liberia’s capital, Monrovia, could
deliberately branded for the purposes of sale, equally be described as a branded place, as it is
places are not given their names for this named in honour of James Monroe, the fifth
reason – they are simply called what they are American president and a staunch supporter of
called – and therefore to describe a place-name the colony in its early days. Such places are
as a brand-name is inappropriate and misleading. branded – their names packed with symbolic
This contention, incidentally, rests on a meaning in the hope of influencing the
simple interpretation of ‘branding’ which opinions and actions of both external and
remains very close to the word’s original root: internal audiences – in much the same way
the marking of livestock with the owner’s as the products and corporations of Nike,
name or sign, in which owners actively brand Timberland, EasyJet or Swatch are branded.
their possessions with their name in order to Cities are quite commonly branded in this
establish their ownership and avoid confusion way, usually to immortalise the memory of
with other people’s possessions; such an act, it a founder, conqueror or ruler, and a handful
is argued, cannot (or perhaps should not) apply of countries too, such as Bolivia (but note
to a community of people. that Simón Bolívar’s own name itself derives
But this argument fails on two counts. from the name of a village in Spain where,
Firstly, there are plenty of commercial products presumably, his ancestors came from – so
and corporations, which, like many places, there is a great circle of buried meaning in
have never been deliberately branded, and have the country’s name). The Seychelles were
simply inherited their brand names: Heinz, named after the Finance Minister of Louis XV,
Hewlett-Packard, Black & Decker and Alexandria after Alexander, Colombia after
Waterstones, for instance, are simply makers’ Columbus, America (reputedly) after Amerigo
or founders’ names that became trademarks, Vespucci, the Philippines after Philip II of
and hence brands. Spain, Virginia after the (virgin) Queen
Secondly and conversely, there are plenty Elizabeth I, and a host of other cities,
of places that have been quite deliberately regions and countries after their discoverers
branded in order to sell themselves more or colonisers, or their discoverers’ or colonisers’
effectively to a specific audience. monarchs or patrons; the practice continues

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into modern times with names like Saudi in inverse order, although in these cases the
Arabia and Ho Chi Minh City. These portmanteau names were intended as gestures
‘propaganda names’ are often intended to brand of neighbourly goodwill, rather than statements
the giver of the name more than the place of territorial integrity.
itself, which, arguably, is a very explicit form of It is natural that when a leader or a people
branding in the original sense of the word – it get the chance to rename their country they
is territorial marking as cattle branding is will select or construct a name that contains
property marking, and isn’t much more some branding power – a vision, a purpose,
sophisticated than a dog urinating on a tree. a political direction, an interpretation of
The other common type of colonial name history – whereas a country whose name has
is simply a reminder of home, such as New remained constant for many generations is more
Zealand, New England, New York and the likely to be a non-deliberate one, or at least
vast majority of English town, city and state a deliberate one whose purpose has been
names in North America, Australia, South forgotten or no longer applies (it has been
Africa and New Zealand (not to mention many years since Rubbermaid made rubber
Portuguese names in Mozambique, Spanish products, or people knew what a maid was,
names in Mexico, Dutch names in Indonesia, or why Grape-Nuts contain neither grapes nor
French names in England, Arabic names in nuts, but the loss of these original associations
Spain, and so forth almost ad infinitum). These does little to weaken the two brands).
names also performed a branding role, in that Many older country names are given after
their purpose was often to create an association the people who live there – France (land of
with another more ‘civilised’ place, and thus the Franks), England (land of the Angles),
give reassurance (or perhaps merely hope), both Tajikistan (land of the Tajiks) – whereas
to cheer up lonely pioneers and to attract others are merely functional descriptions of
further colonists. the country’s location – Australia (southern
Some country names, on the other hand, continent), South Africa, Ecuador
are more complex constructs or word games, (equator) – and although such names certainly
carefully designed to communicate some desired acquire brand equity over time, mainly as a
meaning to the attentive observer, Pakistan result of the behaviours of their inhabitants,
being the best example of this category (the they cannot be truly said to be deliberately
name was constructed by Choudhary Rahmat created brands.
Ali in 1933 as an acronym of Punjab, Afghania, Other country names are descriptive of the
Kashmir, Indus Valley, Sindh, Turkharistan, physical aspect that the country first presents
Afghanistan and BalochistaN). to the visitor or colonist, such as Albania (the
Other countries have undergone more white country – referring to its mountain
recent ‘rebranding’ to names that incorporate peaks), the Faroe Islands (the ‘island of sheep’
a special significance, such as Burkina Faso – in Faroese), Anguilla (shaped like an eel),
a word constructed from two of the country⬘s Tuvalu (eight islands), and here it is harder
principal languages, meaning ‘land of upright to be sure that their names were not once
people’, ‘land of honest men’ or ‘land of the deliberate acts of (tourism or immigration or
incorruptible’ (Burkina from the More language investment) marketing.
and Faso from Dioula). Tanzania, more Another category of place name owes
prosaically, simply accreted the names of its two more to superstition, religion and the natural
regions – Tanganyika and Zanzibar – when anxieties of explorers and colonists on lonely
they were united. In a similar way, the city of and dangerous voyages far from home. Many
Mexicali in Northern Mexico, and Calexico, its islands, for example, bear ‘good luck’ names,
near neighbour on the US side of the border, typically the names of gods or saints applied
combine the names of Mexico and California in order to propitiate, thank or honour some

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supernatural being: the numerous Caribbean it or not. The Netherlands is finally giving up
and Pacific islands named after Catholic saints the struggle to be known by its proper name,
by Spanish explorers and colonists are one and has started to accept the rule of the
example, but the habit goes much further back: market – that you are called what people
the Isle of Man, for example, derives its name call you – which in this case is ‘Holland’.
from Manannán mac Lir, the Brythonic and Coca-Cola learned the same lesson many years
Gaelic equivalent of the god Poseidon. The ago – after many years of ignoring, resisting
branding technique is familiar: good luck and even attempting to stamp out the popular
names of this sort are common enough in the nickname ‘Coke’, they finally recognised it for
corporate sphere too, especially in Asia, where what it was – a flattering indicator of the
brand names such as ‘Lucky Boy Chilli Sauce’ intimacy people felt towards the product – and
abound, the idea presumably being that the endorsed it by trademarking (and vigorously
luck of the token will accrue to the user as protecting it) ever after.
a kind of added value for money. In the case
of religiously inspired names, one might IS A FLAG A LOGO?
perhaps argue that this is equally a branding The word ‘brand’ is, of course, just as often
exercise, except that the ‘target audience’ is used to describe the logotype, or the ‘sign or
the deity rather than other humans. symbol’ as the AMA definition has it, as the
Countries, of course, are subject to product’s name. Can such a definition of
rebranding attempts, often following ‘brand’ be equally applied to places?
independence from a colonial power, just as One can make a persuasive case that the flags
products are occasionally renamed when their of many countries, as well as the crests or other
owners change, to ‘reposition’ them in the emblems of many cities and provinces, have
eyes of the world, or to avoid confusion with often been designed to perform a persuasive or
a similar-sounding brand. Examples include communicative function, both internally and
Myanmar, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and a number of externally, which is entirely analogous to the
Indian cities including Mumbai and Kolkata; functions of a brand identity in the commercial
there was even a campaign in Slovenia, some marketplace: flags are usually loaded with
years ago, to rename the country ‘Alpadria’, in national symbolism that sends a message of
an effort to resolve people’s perennial confusion purpose or identity or aspiration both inwards,
between it and Slovakia. to the population, and outwards, to friends
These rebrands are even more difficult and and enemies alike.
expensive and slow to pull off as their And just like the names of places, many
equivalent in the commercial world, no of them are extremely effective vessels for
matter how just (and justly supported) the containing brand image, creating an instant
cause might be. The connection between an and rich emotional response in the ‘consumer’
object – whether place, product or person – and immediately upon sight. The Swiss flag,
its signifier becomes remarkably strong over for example, is a natural ‘logo’ (distinctive,
time, however illogical or inappropriate it graphically simple, instantly recognisable, easily
might appear to be from a certain perspective reproducible and inherently elegant), as are the
(nobody much thinks of ‘Nike’ as a Greek Stars and Stripes, the Union Jack, and the flags
goddess, of ‘Heinz’ as a German surname, of of South Korea, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya and
‘Amazon’ as a South American jungle, of several others. But even certain very generic
‘Starbucks’ as a character in ‘Moby Dick’, or of flags, such as the green, white and red bars
the ‘Carphone Warehouse’ as a warehouse that of the Italian flag, effortlessly trigger all the
sells phones for cars). responses that the thought of the country itself
And in some cases, it is public opinion that tends to trigger in the imaginations of observers
rebrands countries, whether the countries like (the fact that this iconic image is strikingly

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similar to the flags of India, Niger, Senegal, It has long been this author’s contention
Tajikistan, Iran, Hungary, Kuwait, Mali, that it is both logical and legitimate to draw
Equatorial Guinea, Ireland, Mexico, Bulgaria, parallels between the brand image of a product
Madagascar and Ivory Coast only serves to or corporation or service, and the image of
show that a weak logo doesn’t matter much as a country or city or region – because both
long as you have a great brand). depend to a great extent on the health and
It’s easy to see why countries are so often power of that image – but the question of how
tempted to create new logos for themselves to manage or enhance that image is a much
these days. Just as Slovenia wanted to change more complex question, and direct parallels
its name in order to avoid confusion with between commercial practice and the
a similar-sounding neighbour, many countries management of places need to be made with
feel the need for a more distinctive ‘logo’ considerably more caution. The development
than their flag, which may be frustratingly from place promotion to place marketing and
similar to others. The Netherlands is one such thence to place brand are all relatively
example: its flag is, to most people, absolutely straightforward logical transitions; it is the
indistinguishable from that of half-a-dozen transition from place brand to place branding
other countries, and under such circumstances that presents the most serious conceptual and
it’s easy to see the attraction of a tulip logo. practical difficulties.
Most national flags, in any case, were designed The noun ‘brand’, as the American
in circumstances and by people for whom Marketing Association definition shows, is
qualities such as distinctiveness, fast and simple not especially hard to define in the context
communication, memorability, creativity and of products and services, as long as one
so forth were hardly considered pre-eminent. sticks to the non-psychological aspects of the
In our globalised age, in which national profile concept. From this definition, most variants on
has become so important and competition the term spring quite naturally: a ‘branded’
between places the order of the day, something product is one to which such a name or sign
much more like a logo may well seem more has been given, whereas an ‘unbranded’
appropriate. product is one which remains un-named and
un-signed. ‘Brand equity’ is the value inherent
WHAT IS PLACE BRANDING? in the name or sign. ‘Brand loyalty’ is the
So a case can certainly be made that many preparedness of the consumer to give
place names are a type of brand name: people preference to products bearing that name
respond to them as they respond to brands, or sign; and so forth.
they can acquire and lose equity like brands, ‘Brand image’, however, is a concept
and in some cases they are even deliberately that involves straying from observable reality
coined as brands. Without stretching the point into the world of perceptions, and keeping
too far, one can also claim that those place a firm grip on meaning starts to become
‘brands’ are often accompanied by visual harder. ‘Brand image’ is the set of beliefs or
identities, just as product brands have their associations relating to that name or sign
logos. in the mind of the consumer (and here, it
However, when most people talk about should be noted in passing, lies one source
place branding, they aren’t usually talking about of a great deal of confusion: the fact that the
giving a name or a symbol to a place, because word ‘brand’ is often used interchangeably
places already have names and many already with ‘brand image’, even though the concepts
have symbols: they are talking about doing are really rather different, the former being
something to enhance the brand image of the within the domain of the product and
place: place branding is believed to be a way of consequently under the control of the
making places famous. producer, and the latter being within the

© 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1751-8040 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol. 6, 1, 1–10 7

domain of the consumer, and thus outside the context of place branding, and in the view of
direct control of the producer). this author, it is the most problematic, the most
Unfortunately, common usage is always less flawed of all the word’s possible meanings.
precise than dictionary definitions. Outside the
dictionary, the word ‘brand’ tends to be used IS PLACE BRANDING SIMPLY
to mean at least four different things. The first CORPORATE IDENTITY
two are covered by the AMA definition quoted FOR PLACES?
previously: firstly, it can refer to the name of However, before tackling the question of
the product, and secondly to its designed identity whether it is legitimate or meaningful to
(the look of the product itself, its packaging, talk of ‘branding’ a place in the sense of
its logo, its livery, and so forth). Thirdly, enhancing its brand image, there is another
‘brand’ is sometimes used more ambitiously to common interpretation of the verb which
refer to the culture of the organisation behind must be mentioned. This is, like the earlier
the product (as in the phrase ‘living the brand’). remarks about flags as logos, an interpretation
Fourthly, as just discussed, it is often used as based on the idea of brand as ‘sign or symbol’,
a synonym for brand image, referring to the but it is an even more humdrum business
product’s or corporation’s reputation in the which, if it were indeed the only or principal
minds of its target audience (this, incidentally, meaning of the phrase, wouldn’t begin to
is the sense in which this author used the word justify the excitement about ‘nation branding’
in his 1998 paper mentioned earlier, although or ‘place branding’, and this journal would
in hindsight the term ‘brand image’ would certainly have not been able to fill six volumes.
have been a more precise one in this context Countries, through their many state
and might have saved a great deal of confusion agencies, have numerous dealings with various
later on). professional audiences around the world, and
The trouble really starts when verb forms one can certainly argue that it gives a better
are produced from the noun: to brand; or the impression of the country if all those agencies
act of branding; even rebrand/rebranding. use consistent, well-designed materials when
Somehow, a verb constructed on the basis of they carry out their transactions. A single
an imperfectly understood noun appears to logo, a professional ‘look and feel’ on their
compound the misunderstanding, but perhaps stationery, business cards, corporate videos,
one can try to work backwards from the verb information leaflets, communiqués, press
and see which of the common substantive releases, websites and so forth, undoubtedly
meanings it derives from. reinforce the impression of a well-organised,
Thus, one might suppose that branding is modern, self-respecting state with effective and
related to one or another of the four common efficient structures, processes and mechanisms.
usages of ‘brand’ listed above: it is surely If this is ‘nation branding’ then it is indeed
either (a) the business of naming products; or hard to object to it on any grounds: it’s an
(b) designing the livery of products (and these eminently sensible, perfectly achievable standard
first two activities are indeed what a branding to aspire to; all countries should try to do it
agency does); or (c) it has something to do with well; and it’s certainly as important as, for
building or creating an enhanced sense example, making sure that diplomats offer
of corporate culture or ‘mission’ within the the right kinds of canapés when entertaining
organisation (in fact the word is not often foreign heads of state; but it’s hard to
used in this context); or (d) it is the means understand why anybody in their right mind
by which the product acquires its reputation. would want to spend time theorising about it,
As we shall see later, it is this last meaning still less write books about it.
(or supposed meaning), which is tending to The point is that ‘nation branding’ in this
become the pre-eminent meaning in the sense of the term is essentially a passive

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operation: it cannot win any new customers, This assumption overlooks the important
change anybody’s mind, increase market share, question of how international mass opinion
or affect the country’s prospects in any is even going to hear about the exercise, let
significant way. It is simply good practice, alone be swayed by it: but such is the
a useful exercise of reassurance, a piece of confusion and vagueness surrounding the
housekeeping. concept of brands and branding, it is often
So why all the fuss? Certainly, for low-cost, believed that the addition of other so-called
fast-moving consumer products in a busy ‘branding’ techniques, such as advertising,
retail environment, this kind of ‘branding’ can marketing, public relations, web design and
be almost as important as the product itself, social networking, will somehow see to this.
because design is one of the few things that So a lot of deep discussion about the country’s
distinguish a product from its competitors; the identity, followed by the design of a logo,
attractiveness of the product and its wrapper and a campaign of expensive media promotion
may even be a more significant driver of to ‘launch’ or ‘communicate’ the new ‘brand’
consumer choice than advertising. This is is usually sufficient to persuade governments
why branding agencies, accustomed to the that they are on their way to permanently
emphasis placed on brand identity in their improving the international image of their
native field of commerce, talk so impressively country.
about such matters, and public officials are They are, of course, quite wrong, and if
often swayed by their talk. But countries aren’t there were a single instance of a country that
for sale, aren’t easily mistaken one for another, had demonstrably ‘moved the needle’ on its
aren’t fast-moving consumer goods, and international image simply through the creation
certainly don’t come in wrappers, so the and dissemination of a new visual identity,
principles simply don’t transfer. one can’t help feeling that it would be well
It certainly appears to this author that in known. But nobody this author has ever
a great many of the instances in which encountered in 15 years of study and practice
countries and cities claim to be undertaking in this field has ever been able to produce
‘branding’ exercises, what they actually mean such an example, and until such an example is
is nothing more than this modest process of produced, it seems more prudent to assume
livery enhancement and coordination. This that countries are judged as they always have
would be harmless enough if they fully realised been: by the things they do, not by the things
the limited extent of its potential benefits, they say.
but it often appears that they don’t. The fact
that part of the preparatory work towards WHY PLACE BRANDING IS
creating a visual identity or corporate livery A CHIMAERA
often involves a fairly intensive analysis of the The fundamental confusion stems from the
‘core meaning’ or ‘central identity’ of the idea that ‘branding’ means a technique, or set
thing being branded only helps to deepen of techniques, by means of which brand image
the confusion about the importance and scope is directly built or enhanced: ‘Nike’s fantastic
of such an operation. Either through their brand image is the result of fantastic branding’.
own lack of understanding, or through the It is not. Nike’s fantastic brand image is the
persuasive abilities of branding agencies – result of fantastic products sold in fantastically
most likely a combination of the two – many large numbers, accompanied by communications
governments end up believing that the practice that encourage consumers to identify with
of nation branding corresponds to this simple the ‘values’ of the company. This is using
design and print process, but they somehow ‘branding’ as a kind of generalised or collective
also believe that its effect will be to make the term to embrace all the techniques used to
place more famous. enhance brand image – PR, advertising, design,

© 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1751-8040 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol. 6, 1, 1–10 9

sales promotion, direct marketing and so forth results in brand equity. This natural, indirect
– but this is not correct: the correct process can sometimes be enhanced by public
portmanteau word for such activities is surely relations – by influencing the media in such
‘marketing communications’ or ‘promotional a way as to reinforce the sense that the
activities’. consumer experience is positive and
Brand building is primarily achieved through shared – but this is no short cut to changed
product development and marketing, and has perceptions.
relatively little to do with branding (except, Similarly, good products, services, culture,
as mentioned before, if branding means logo tourism, investments, technology, education,
and packaging design for certain consumer businesses, people, policies, initiatives and
goods, in which case it certainly helps the events produced by a good country also acquire
marketing process along). If people buy a a positive brand image, which eventually
product and find it good, this will begin to reflects on the country, and perhaps also
create a powerful brand image for the product; becomes its principal asset.
the product will earn a good reputation. This The message is clear: if a country is serious
reputation gradually spreads to non-users; even about enhancing its international image, it
people who haven’t bought the product will should concentrate on the national equivalents
know, or feel they know, that it is a good of ‘product development’ (and the effective and
product. The reputation spreads, drives up sales, professional marketing of those ‘products’)
and increases the value of the corporation. It is rather than chase after the chimaera of
certainly one of the most significant factors of branding.
business success. There are no short cuts. Only a consistent,
But the use of the term ‘branding’ to imply coordinated and unbroken stream of useful,
some distinct and direct method for building noticeable, world-class and above all relevant
brand equity (as opposed to a general term ideas, products and policies can, gradually,
covering all marketing communications enhance the reputation of the country that
techniques) is both incorrect and unjustifiable; produces them.
there is simply no such method. Good products
and services produced by a good corporation
acquire a positive brand image, which
American Marketing Association Dictionary, see http://www
eventually reflects on the corporation and
becomes its principal asset. Anholt, S. (1998) Nation brands of the twenty-first century.
Branding, in other words, is a process Journal of Brand Management 5(6): 395–406.
Kotler, P., Haider, D.H. and Rein, I. (1993) Marketing Places:
that goes on largely in the mind of the Attracting Investment, Industry and Tourism to Cities, States
consumer – the accumulation of respect and and Nations. New York: The Free Press.
liking for the brand – and cannot be seen as a Papadopoulos, N. (2004) Place branding: Evolution, meaning
and implications. Place Branding 1(1): 36–49.
single technique or set of techniques that Wodehouse, P.G. (1917) Jeeves and the hard-boiled egg. The
directly builds respect or liking. Marketing Strand Magazine, London.
communications create interest, which results
in sales, which results in consumer experience of Simon Anholt
the product, which, if satisfactory and shared, Managing Editor

10 © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1751-8040 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol. 6, 1, 1–10

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