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Manarat Dhaka International School and College

QA (Assessment-1)
Subject-Islamic Studies

Suratul Maidah-90
Meaning & word meaning are to be learnt from the book
1. What four things are made haram in thisayah?
Answer- Four things made haram in this ayah are
a) Khamr-wine,
b) Maysir- gambling,
c) Ansab-sacrificing to stones
d) Azlam-divination by arrows
We must avoid these four things in order to keep on
the right path.
Explain the term 'khamr'.
Answer-The word khamr is related to the verb 'khamara' which
cover. And 'khamr" means wine, alcohol, intoxicants. This is means to
because when one drinks wine; it covers or beclouds the called khamr
are many things which are although not mind. Clearly, there
alcohol, have the samne effect.
Therefore Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) applied the prohibition of
khamr to all intoxicants.He has said,
Every intoxicant is khamr, and every khamr is
prohibited. (Muslim)
3. Explain the term 'nmaysir'.
(gambling) literally is a means of getting something too
getting a profit
without working for it, hence, maysir is gambling.
The form most familiar to the Arabs was
gambling by drawing arrows.
Explain the term 'ansab'.
Answer-Ansab or nusub were stone altars or stone columns at fixed
or graves where upon people would places
pour oil for consecration or slaughter
animals on certain occasions in the name of idols,
tohonour them or toexpect some angels, saints etc in order
altars or any practices like this andbenefits from them. Sacrificing animals to
the animals sacrificed on altars are-haram

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Muslims. This is one kind of shirk to sacrifice animals in the name of
anything other than Allah.
5. Explain the term 'azlam'.
Answer-Azlam literally means arrows: here it means divination by arrOws.
Ihey were a formn of superstition. Muslims are asked to obey the
of Allah instead of following superstitions.
6. Describe the teachings of suratu! Ma'idah-90
Answer- This is an ayah of suratul Ma'idah., which is a Madani surah. In this
ayah, addressing believers, Allah has said that four things khamr-wine,
maysir- gambling, ansab- sacrificing to stones and azlam- divination by
arrows are an abomination of the shaytan's task. khanr' means wine,
alcohol, intoxicants which becloud our mind and lead us to sin. Maysir
literally is a means of getting something too easily. getting a profit without
working for it, hence, maysir is gambling. Ansab or nusb were stone altars
or stone columns at fixed places or graves where upon people would pour oil
for consecration or slaughter animals on certain occasions in the name of
idols, angels, saints etc in order to honour them or to expect some benefits
from them. Sacrificing animals to altars or any practices like this is shirk.
Azlam literally means arrows; here it means divination by arrows. They
were a form of superstition. Therefore these are haram for us. The shaytan
wants to misguide us and create enmity and hatred among us by these things.
We must avoid them in order to be successful in this life and in the life after

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