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Memoir�44 Soloplay Rules:

by pelein

First of all... excuse my english ;-) And then follow these steps:

Step 1.- Setup the entire scenario normally

Step 2.- Draw for you the number of cards indicated in the game�s rolebook
Step 3.- Draw only ONE card for the AI enemy and place it face down in the table
(so you can�t anticipate its movements)
Step 4.- Start playing normally
Step 5.- When AI�s turn, face up its card, and if it is appropiate for its
situation on the battlefield, follow the indications of the card. If not (i.e., the
AI don�t have any unit on that side), draw another one.
Step 6.- Select ONE BONUS UNIT for the AI player (the unit more dangerous on the
battlefield, if possible)
Step 7.- Try to do your best with your elections and be honest ;-)


IA�s "Their finest hour":

If the scenario indicate that IA must have 6 cards, use 6 dice; if 4 cards, 4 dice,
and so on...

Air Sortie and Air Power:

You can use both Air Sortie AND Air Power. If the scenario indicates that AI player
start with one (or two) Air Sortie, draw this card AND one card that AI may play.
If AI draw an Air Sortie, draw too another card and play it. Air Sortie and Air
Power are BONUS cards for AI player.

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