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Procedure for producing Tritium Gans (H3)

Tritium Gans is a Gans with a high magnetic power. It is a basic Gans for flight and energy
systems. In its state of physicality, Tritium is a Hydrogen isotope of atomic mass 3,
containing two Neutrons and a proton. In the state of Gans, Tritium is a plasma structure that
behaves completely differently and shows no radioactivity, even if its name can mislead us.
What we will achieve through the Tritium Gans process, will manifest in the plasma
interactions only the structural properties of the Tritium atom. Even if the plasma formula is
H3, it means only the plasma mass of this unitary structure. Tritium Gans has a very strong
magnetic plasma character and is used in Keshe space flight technology.

Attention! Tritium, Deuterium or Hydrogen Ganses can be integrated into

plasma processing systems of various diseases with a very high efficiency.
However, we will never use these Ganses in such health applications, unless
we know very well how they work on the body.

Obtaining Tritium Gans involves the construction of a freshly started CO2 reactor
(assembled). It is necessary that the vessel of this reactor be somewhat larger and have glass
walls. For example, we can use a parallelepiped-shaped glass bowl or an aquarium with very
good glued walls with a special carbon-free adhesive. It is good for the inner walls of this
glass vessel to be nano-coated beforehand by the known method, with hot caustic soda. The
distance between the plates in the CO2 reactor is about 14 cm. Inside this reactor, at a
distance of at least 4 cm from the surface of the reactor solution, above the level of the metal
plates is mounted an uncovered glass vessel, which is filled with CH3 Gans. For this purpose,
we can mount some plastic hooks to the inner walls of the box. The vessel must not come
into contact with the reactor water! This inner vessel must be positioned above the level of
the metal plates so that the plasma interactions between the two plates do not directly affect
the processes in the suspended glass vessel. This glass vessel needs to have the widest
opening so that the liquid in it is exposed over the largest possible surface. It should not be
between the two metal plates, but it will be positioned above the level. It is necessary that the
reactor vessel is somewhat higher, so that we can mount the glass vessel inside it.

It is possible to use instead of this vessel a higher-legged glass that rests on the bottom of the
reactor. The cup of the glass should reach above the level of the metal plates.

We then seal the upper part of this CO2 reactor, sealing the reactor space very well from the
atmosphere (for example, we can use a special carbon-free adhesive). The wire between the
metal plates will remain inside this enclosed space.

After about 10-12 days, in the glass vessel at the top of the reactor we will get a yellowish or
yellow blue liquid, which is Tritium Gans.

Between the nano-coated and zinc copper plates is formed a plasma carbon field, that will
absorb as a magnet the carbon field from the Gans of CH3 of the surface glass vessel. The
liquid in the suspended vessel will exhibit the characteristics of the plasma Tritium field H3,
forming the Tritium Gans. This procedure, which draws plasma from a plasma component, is
called plasma reduction. It is possible because of the special properties of Gans materials,
which are actually a condensation, a manifestation of plasma in physicality.
That is why we will not use plastic or polypropylene vessels or carbon-containing adhesives
in the Gans Tritium reactor. The plastic contains in its formula carbon and Hydrogen (the
chemical formula of polypropylene is (C3H6n). They can interfere, feeding the plasma
processes that will take place in the reactor. If we use a plastic box (polypropylene), as
commonly used in Gans reactors, the Gans reactor CO2 field will tend to extract carbon C
from the plastic walls of the reactor after it exhausts the carbon in the air. This will greatly
delay the process of obtaining Tritium Gans. Also, with the extraction of carbon from the
adhesive used, we may have the surprise to find a rapid degradation of the solder used in the
reactor construction.

It should be noted that CH3 Gans will not be completely transformed. A small part of it will
remain in the upper reactor vessel, mixed with Tritium Gans.

Attention! The Gans is stored in hermetically sealed glass vessels. The best
commercially available vessels are glass bottles with glass cap with rubber

The plasma associated with Tritium Gans has a much higher magnetic plasma power than the
CH3 Gans and an extraordinarily high radius of action.

Reactor for producing Tritium Gans.

A procedure by which we can amplify the reduction processes is to use a DC source between
the nano-coated copper plate and the galvanized iron plate.
Procedure for producing Deuterium Gans (H2)

Deuterium is a Hydrogen isotope containing a Neutron and a proton and has atomic mass 2.

Deuterium Gans is considered to be the "base brick" in Keshe space flight technology.

In the universe we can find everywhere magnetic-gravitational field packets with the same
energy as of the proton, the Neutron and the electron, which can be captured to produce
Deuterium. Therefore, it is considered the "fuel of the future". Under certain conditions,
Deuterium Gans can form diamond crystals by drying (by coupling 6 atoms of Deuterium).

This Gans has a neutral character, it can play either a magnetic or a gravitational role,
depending on the system in which it is integrated. Its color is black. Properly made
Deuterium Gans must react to the proximity of a magnet to the vessel in which it is stored.
He has to physically interact with the magnet because he has CH3 Gans as a raw material,
which is made using a galvanized iron plate. That is why we consider that this Gans is made
in the plasma condition of the iron element (or in another expression, it is "in the iron's
plasma power" and will acquire certain plasma properties.) Deuterium Gans is black or

Attention! We will not use Deuterium Gans in medical applications unless

we know very well how it works on the body.

A first method for obtaining Deuterium Gans consists in using a CH3 reactor. Inside, above
the water in the vessel, we introduce, like in the procedure for obtaining Tritium Gans, an
open glass tank with CH3 Gans. We close the reactor hermetically. Plasma processes in the
CH3 reactor form a kind of special "magnet" for both, the Carbon element C and the
Hydrogen element H. Therefore, from the plasma structure of the CH3 Gans, in the smaller
vessel located at the top of the reactor, will be extracted the Carbon and a Hydrogen atom. In
this vessel we will obtain Deuterium H2 in the state of Gans, in the iron's plasma power
bandwidth (because the starting element is the Iron, from which we produced the CH3 Gans).
To accelerate the plasma reduction processes, we can use a DC source connected between the
nano-coated copper and galvanized iron plates in the reactor. Its color will be orange. We can
also re-use the CH3 Gans obtained at the bottom of the reactor to feed later the vessel from its
upper part.

A second method for obtaining Deuterium Gans is the restructuring of the CH2 Gans.
To build the CH2 Gans we will use a CH3 Gans reactor in which we will connect a power
supply between the two metal plates. We will connect the nano-coated copper plate to the (+)
terminal of the power supply and galvanized sheet electrode (-) of the source. The electrical
current used shall not exceed 1.5 V and 50 mA. The obtained CH2 Gans will have a specific
black color. By removing the Carbon in plasma state from the CH2 Gans structure, we will
get Deuterium.

For this we will use a hermetically sealed CO2 reactor. Inside, we place in the upper part an
open vessel with CH2 Gans. The procedure used is similar to that for obtaining Tritium Gans.
CH2 Gans will lose the Carbon from its structure.
The two Hydrogen atoms in the CH2 Gans structure,
form a Deuterium stable structure, by fusion between an electron and a proton.

A third method for obtaining Deuterium Gans is similar to the Tritium Gans procedure, but
this time in the large Gans reactor we will use a zinc plate and a nano-coated zinc, to obtain
zinc oxide Gans. In the glass vessel at the top of the reactor we will not use CH3 Gans, but
simply we will use distilled water, H2O. We will seal the ZnO2 reactor hermetically.
After the Oxygen in the reactor and in the air is exhausted, the distilled water will yield to the
ZnO2 reactor the Oxygen element in its structure. This phenomenon is due to the fact that in
the plasma fields of the reactor, the distilled water is in the plasma state and will behave just
like a H2O Gans. The remaining Hydrogen will form Deuterium Gans, aspect which will be
highlighted by the fact that the distilled water will gradually acquire a black color.

A very interesting application of this reduction method involves the use

of this type of reactor to reduce CO2 Gans. What we will get by
extracting Oxygen from the CO2 Gans will be Gans of Carbon C.

The fourth method involves the use of three dynamic reactors with spherical containers
filled with Tritium H3 Gans. In the plasma interactions between the three reactors, one of the
reactors will produce Hydrogen Gans, the other one Deuterium Gans and the last one Tritium

For Deuterium Gans collection, use a needle syringe. Pull the reactor cap off with the syringe
needle, and collect the Deuterium Gans. Take a capped test tube with a lid. Pull the cap of the
test tube with the syringe needle and inject the Deuterium Gans into this tube. Then seal the
tube cap very well.

Attention! This Gans is stored in hermetically sealed vessels. Contact with

the atmosphere can compromise this Gans because it interacts strongly
with any plasma field in the environment.

Tritium Gans and Deuterium Gans are the most powerful sources of energy in plasma

Deuterium Gans made at the strength of Iron can be restructured with powerful magnets.

1. If we place a quantity of Deuterium Gans between the North Pole of a magnet and the
South Pole of another magnet, we will have a magnetic field circulation between the two
magnets. This process will extract from the Deuterium Gans magnetic plasma fields, from
which part will be lost in the environment. Following this extraction, Deuterium will lose a
Hydrogen atom. We'll get a single Neutron.

2. If we place a certain amount of Deuterium Gans between two North Poles of two magnets,
this process will produce a concentration of energy between the two magnets. This will fuel
Deuterium with magnetic field so that it will gain Neutron and turn into Tritium. We will
gradually get Tritium Gans.
3. If we place a certain amount of Deuterium Gans between two South Poles of two magnets,
it will generate a powerful energy extraction process, after which Deuterium will lose a
Hydrogen atom. We will get a Neutron.

We will see the liquid disappearing from the Deuterium Gans container. This process can be
catalyzed if we first expose the Deuterium Gans container to a rotating magnetic field, which
can be achieved by a simple assembly. Thus, we can use a simple computer fan. On the
blades of this fan we will stick small magnets oriented with the South Pole towards the
outside. We start the fan and expose the Deuterium Gans container to the magnetic field near
this fan.

Similar processes will occur when operating with Hydrogen Gans or Tritium Gans placed
between two magnets.

Thus, a fifth method of producing Deuterium Gans consists in the restructuring of the Tritium
Gans between the two South Poles of two magnets, or between the South Pole and the North
Pole of two magnets.
Procedure for producing Hydrogen Gans (H)

To get Hydrogen Gans, we can start from a certain amount of CH2 Gans, placed in an open
vessel. We will introduce this vessel into a hermetically sealed CH3 Gans reactor. The CH3
reactor will function as a magnet for a Hydrogen atom in the CH2 Gans structure. We will get
Hydrogen Gans. It has a blue color.

It is necessary to keep in mind that a certain quantity of CH2 Gans will remain in the vessel
at the top of the reactor, in the mixture with Hydrogen Gans.

In a dry (solid) state, it is a virtually indestructible material.

Hydrogen Gans has a predominantly gravitational character.

Attention! We will not use Hydrogen Gans in medical applications if we do

not know the way the body works well.

Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium Ganses should always be very well washed by salt to
express their plasma strength. These three Ganses are stored only in glass containers,
otherwise they will gradually return to the structure of the raw material from which they were
obtained (CH3 Gans).

That is why they should be stored in hermetically sealed glass containers. Very practical in
this sense are the glass jars with a rubber cap with glass lining.
Atomic structure of Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium

Procedure for producing Neutron Gans

The difference between a Hydrogen atom and a Deuterium atom, as well as the difference
between a Deuterium atom and a Tritium atom, consists of a single Neutron. This makes it
possible to obtain the plasma of a Neutron by making plasma interactions between these three
Ganses It has a gravitational character.

An example of such a plasma Neutron capture reactor consists in the realization of a

rotational dynamic reactor consisting of three concentric spherical vessels driven in rotation
by a motor. It is indicated that these spherical containers are made of glass. We charge the
largest ball with a certain amount of Tritium Gans in distilled water with a certain salinity.
Inside the ball, we insert another smaller ball with a smaller diameter. We charge this ball
with salted distilled water. Inside this ball we insert a third ball, which we load it with
Deuterium Gans, in salted distilled water. Neutron plasma will be captured in saline water in
the intermediary sphere. Salt water is the best Neutron capture medium because it has the role
of "lowering" plasma to physicality. This capture is in a purely energetic form.

Neutron is the initial fundamental plasma. The Neutron plasma field is at the basis of plasma
technologies for producing any type of material, depending on the condition of the plasma
and the intensity at which the Neutron is created. Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium Ganses,
which is the foundation of Neutron plasma field production, are sufficient to produce any
element in the universe.

All applications of plasma science can be achieved very easy only by the proper use of the
Neutron plasma field.

This material was conceived by the team of knowledge seekers within the
Romanian Keshe Association and was written by Marius Zega based on
informations from M.T.Keshe and personal experiments of the ROKA team.

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