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What comes to your mind when your heard Political Self or Politics? Definitely there’s tendency
we think that it’s about corruption or associated to those politicians that we don’t like. Politics
is “the process by which group of people make decisions”. Like what Aristotle said “man is a
political animal” that’s because we are capable on making decisions. Therefore, politics does
not only exist in governance, it exists everywhere where people make decisions like in your
household every members of your family can make decisions for their selves as well us in
In short, there’s politics everywhere. Whenever you make decisions there’s already politics.
Talking about political self, political self helps in defining the structure and functions 0f the
government in telling and understanding the relationship between the state and the citizens
and describing their rights, freedom and obligation as citizens. It also influenced and modified
by the opinions, comments, and suggestions of other people.
In conclusion, Political self refers to an individual’s sense of identity and beliefs related to
politics and government. In essence, it reflects how a person sees themselves in the context of
politics and how they relate to political issues and system. Therefore, the key to become active
citizen in your community or in your country is you have to engage in respectful and open
conversation with people who have different political views for you to understand their
different perspective.

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