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"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant


Direction: Answer the given question

1. Is the story fiction or non-fiction? Why do you say so?

"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant can be classified as a work of fiction due

to its lack of basis in factual events. The author is responsible for creating both the

characters and the plot. The absence of proof proving the occurrence of a woman called

Mathilde Loisel borrowing a diamond necklace from an acquaintance and then losing it

is noticeable. The story itself is considered as a work of fiction due to its use of

exaggerated and unreal aspects.

2. What types and elements of fiction are used in the story?

It is a short story because it contains precisely 3,091 words. The elements of

fiction are the characters who are Mathilde and his husband. The setting is Paris, and

the plot is about Mathilde's greed, leading her to lose a necklace she borrowed. Also, the

conflict concerns Mathilde's desire as she sees wealth as necessary. The Point of view is

third person, and lastly, the theme is about how dangerous being materialistic can be.

Direction: Make a summary and write interpretation and analysis of the story “The
Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant. A minimum of 300 words is required for the
summary. For the review/analysis, 400-500 words


Mathilde Loisel is a beautiful young woman who is married to a clerk named

Monsieur Loisel. Mathilde is dissatisfied with her life, as she dreams of a better life of

luxury and wealth. One day, they are invited by The Minister of Education and Mme.

Georges Rampouneau at the Ministry, on the evening of Monday January 18th.

Mathilde does not have anything to wear to the ball, so she borrows a diamond

necklace from Madame Loisel.

Mathilde is so excited to wear the necklace to the ball. She feels like a princess

and is the belle of the ball. However, she loses the necklace at the ball. She and her

husband spend the next ten years working to pay off the debt they incurred to buy a
they found a string of diamonds which seemed to be exactly what they were looking

for. It was worth forty thousand francs.

In the end, they discover that the original necklace was only worth a fraction of

what they paid for it. Mathilde learns a valuable lesson about the dangers of

materialism and the importance of being content with what one has.

The story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of wanting what you cannot

have. Mathilde's desire for material possessions leads her to make a foolish mistake that

costs her dearly. She loses the necklace, which she cannot afford to replace, and she and

her husband are forced to live in poverty for ten years.

The story also explores the theme of vanity. Mathilde is vain and obsessed with

her appearance. She believes that she will be more beautiful and desirable if she wears

the diamond necklace. However, the necklace does not make her happy. In fact, it only

leads to her downfall.

The story is a well-crafted tale that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. It

is a reminder that we should be careful what we wish for, and that true happiness does

not come from possessions.


"The Necklace '' by Guy de Maupassant is a short story that delves into themes of social

class, materialism, pride, and the consequence of deceit. The story mainly revolves

around Madame Mathilde Loisel, who is young, pretty, and charming like any other

girl. She is also married to Monsieur Loisel who is a minor official of the ministry of

education. Madame Mathilde Loisel and his husband belong to a lower-middle-class

family. At the beginning of the story, Madame Mathilde is being portrayed as a very

sad and unhappy woman due to poverty. Madame Mathilde is very dissatisfied with

their status in life and yearns for the luxurious life that she's been dreaming of.

However, that kind of luxurious life she's been dreaming of will only lead her into

despair, when her husband hands her an invitation to a high society event, At first she

refuses to go to that event since she already understands their financial situation, Her

husband cheers her up and ends up being convinced. However, she felt insecure about
how she was supposed to go to that high society event when she was missing

something that she needed and that was jewelry. Due to her pride, she ended up

borrowing a luxurious necklace from her friend Madame Forestier. Madame Forestier is

a very wealthy person and a very close friend of Madame Mathilde Loisel. She treated

Madame Mathilde very kindly as she let Madam Mathilde choose whatever jewelry she

liked. So after that, she went to the high society event. She filled with joy and partied

that night, but as soon as she came home the happiness she felt was replaced by her

being anxious, worried and shocked as she lost Madame Forestier's necklace, and it

marked the beginning of her downfall. In a desperate attempt to replace the lost

necklace, she and her husband sink into poverty to buy a new one and it takes sacrifice

for their future to replace it.

Mathilde's borrowed necklace symbolizes the illusion of wealth and status that she so

desperately craves. The necklace itself also describes the trap of materialism and the

destructive consequences of pride, however, she is unaware of it and is blinded by the

outcome of her pride. When the story reaches its climax it then reveals that the necklace

she once lost is a fake, which makes her into a shock and breaks her into pieces as she

remembers her hardship and sacrificing their future trying to repay their debts just to

replace the said necklace.

The story emphasizes the idea that happiness cannot be sought through material

possessions and extravagant status of life but rather through contentment of one's

current situation. As for pride, it is okay to confess especially when you are in a very

tight situation and you might have a good consequence rather than having a bad one

with your pride.

Finally, the story delivers a powerful message about the importance of honesty, self-

acceptance, and the full of pride that can lead to unintended and long long-suffering.

Mathilde's tragic journey serves as a reflection of humans' ambiguous and overvalued

appearances and social status in life.

Guy de Maupassant's "The Necklace" is a classic piece of fiction that delves into issues

of pride, ambition, and the consequences of one's choices. This novella takes place in a

fictitious world and tells the story of Mathilde Loisel, a dissatisfied middle-class

woman, making it apparent that it is a work of fiction.

The story is rich in fictional aspects, which contribute to its enduring appeal and

emotional resonance. To begin, the storyline is the narrative's driving force. It's about a

search to replace a lost necklace and the chain of circumstances that leads to an

unexpected twist. This plot pattern piques the reader's interest and makes them care

about the conclusion.

Characterization is another important aspect of the story's fiction. Mathilde Loisel is a

multifaceted character who changes throughout the story. She is first shown as

dissatisfied with her little life, desiring more. Her change as she confronts the hard truth

of her decisions is important to the thematic complexity of the novel.

Setting is also important in "The Necklace." The story is set in 19th-century France, and

realistic descriptions of the characters' surroundings and societal standards of the time

provide depth and realism to the narrative. This historical backdrop has a significant

impact on the individuals' motivations and actions.

Conflict is a driving force in literature, and it manifests itself in numerous ways

throughout the novel. Mathilde's internal turmoil begins with her discontent and desire

for a more glamorous life. This internal conflict sets the scene for the exterior conflict,

which occurs when she misplaces the borrowed necklace, triggering a chain of events

that spirals out of control. These conflicts propel the story along and keep the reader


Irony is also used as a literary tactic in the novel. The twist ending, in which Mathilde

and her husband risk their lives to replace the necklace, only to realize its true value, is

an excellent example of situational irony. It emphasizes the topic of the story, which is

that looks can be deceiving and that one's perspective of prosperity and pleasure can be


Another aspect used in "The Necklace" is symbolism; the necklace itself represents

riches and social position, which Mathilde so desperately seeks. However, it eventually
becomes a symbol of her demise, conveying the story's deeper message about

materialism's pursuit.

Finally, Guy de Maupassant's "The Necklace" is a work of fiction that employs different

components of the genre to build a gripping narrative. The narrative covers ageless

themes of ambition and the consequences of one's actions through its well-structured

storyline, multifaceted characters, rich setting, conflicts, irony, and symbolism, making

it a great piece of literature that continues to resonate with readers today.

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