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• Respond to each of the questions below.

• Read each question carefully and thoroughly.
• Be descriptive and provide examples, whenever possible
• There are 15 questions to respond to.

• If you use other resources to support your responses (i.e., websites, articles), please be sure to
provide in-text citations and references.
Test Questions:
Question One (4 marks): In your own words, describe the difference between equality and
equity. (2 marks) Use an example within Canada to support and strengthen your response. (2
Equality is giving everyone the same opportunity while equity is giving each person an
opportunity depending on their needs and capabilities (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2020).
Example: Canadian policy on gender equity and gender equality
“Gender equity means being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, measures are often
needed to compensate for historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from
otherwise operating as equals. Equity leads to equality. Canada, G. A. (2017, June 7).
Gender equality means that women and men enjoy the same status and have equal opportunity to
realize their full human rights and potential to contribute to national, political, economic, social
and cultural development, and to benefit from the results. Canada, G. A. (2017, June 7).
Question Two (5 marks) The United Nations Population Fund identified four key issues
(Reproductive Health, Education Empowering, Political Empowering, and Economic
Empowerment) that need to be addressed to improve gender equality globally.
Choose one of the four key issues and explain in your own words, the importance of helping
women based on the key issue you identified. (3 marks) Education Empowering that need to be
addressed to improve gender equality globally. First we have to acknowledge that despite all the
efforts and initiatives of governments around the world many still perceived that women is
inferior to men. It still need to do a lot to be able to materialize all those efforts by different
organizations and governments to uplift the equality teach our students that no one is inferior to
one another and that all of us has equal rights. Provide more skill based trainings for them to be
able to equip with knowledge to battle in the workplace.
Using the same example/key issue, provide two strategies (local or national)
a. Creating laws like Canada Labour Code which benefits women a lot like maternity-
related reassignment and leave
b. Creating the Department for Women and Gender Equality Act (WAGE).
Question Three (5 marks) In your own words, define citizenship. (2 marks) What do you think
are the important responsibilities of a citizen (list 3)? Why did you choose these responsibilities?
(3 marks)
Citizenship means loyalty, it means that you have a legal status to stay in that certain country
who granted you citizenship, which give you freedom to work, study and live there.
3 important responsibilities of a citizen are:

a. Participating in any democratic processes of the country such as voting,

b. Obey the laws and be informed of what is happening in the country through trusted sources.
c. Be a responsible and respectful citizen.
I chose these 3 responsibilities as they are basic responsibilities in which every citizen
should be able to fulfil. If every citizen or most citizen in the country are able to fulfil these
responsibilities, it makes the country able to progress. By participating any democratic
processes, citizens of the country have the responsibility of carefully choosing who should be
ruling in the government so that their concerns can be heard or addressed in the future. To be
able to choose who has the right to have any position in the government, it is the responsibility
of the citizens to be well informed of the practices, beliefs and activities certain parties are
participating in so that citizens do not make the wrong decisions when voting. If wrong
decisions are chosen, conflicts will arise in the country and citizens of the country will
wrongfully pointing fingers at one another for the failure in governing the country.
Always obey the law of the land. As a citizen of a certain country we have to follow all the
prevailing laws in order to have a peaceful and a prosperous community to live in.
Be responsible to your own life, work for your living, uplift your good values that is in
accordance to the values of the country you are staying. Be respectful to everyone and be a good

Question Four (1 mark) The United Nations is an international organization founded in

_______ and is made up of ______ state members. a) 1939, 120 b) 1945, 193 c) 1945, 190 d)
1939, 172
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 and is made up of 193 state
members. a) 1939, 120 b) 1945, 193 c) 1945, 190 d) 1939, 172
Question Five (3 marks). What is one way in which globalization has had a local effect on your
community, either positively or negatively? Be descriptive and use examples to support your
Globalization has some negative effect in the society, it can affect the society in terms of
psychological and economic aspect. Families experienced low employment opportunities
because of outsourcing, discrimination in employment experienced by new immigrants,
increased precarious employment, and high levels of stress and poor mental health; costly and
poor quality housing, especially for new immigrants; and, despite evidence of declining social
protection spending, appreciation for state-provided benefits, notably for new immigrants
arriving as refugees. (Labonté et al., 2015). Because of all of that it can cause depression and
make people goes into unhealthy lifestyle which will eventually cause them to lose their job,
their home and everything they have or make them migrate to another place.

Question Six (3 marks). Which question is better: Walt Disney’s Company’s decision to stop
manufacturing in Bangladesh or Loblaw’s decision to stay in Bangladesh and push for tougher
safety standards? Explain your response and be descriptive.
For me it is better that Walt Disney’s Company’s decision to stop manufacturing in Bangladesh
for a reason that the country does not have all the necessary laws and regulation to help the
company safeguard its product without compromising anyone to it. It is better that way and it
may able to help the Bangladesh government to assess their labor laws and safety precautions
regarding foreign companies investing in their country. Although Loblaw’s decision might be
good for them but then it is hard to implement standards when the government does not even
have laws regarding those matters.

Question Seven (6 marks). In your own words, provide a definition for globalization. (2 marks)
Provide two drawbacks and two benefits of globalization. (4 marks)
Globalization is the smooth flow of products, people, information and technology which help us
having a better life.
Despite that there are also drawbacks of globalization: unnecessary stress among workers, as the
competition arise and they have to think more about work which will lead to unbalance lifestyle
which may lead to depression. It can also may lead to loss of job as some companies are
computerizing their systems and uses robots instead of human manpower and as well as the
outsourcing locals may lose their jobs since companies take their businesses elsewhere a place
with a low cost labor.
There are also many benefits of globalization among us, life becomes easier since we can use
machines to do works for us, and lessen the time we do work which will give us to have a better
work-life-balance. Information becomes easier for us to acquire as most of information are now
available online, we can also just order food or groceries online so we do not have to go outside
and will be having no problem getting our necessity.
Question Eight (4 marks)
Reflect on substance use and naloxone training presentation.
Substance use can either be a good and bad thing. It's a good thing when it comes to helping
someone improve or regulate their physical or mental health. However, when it is being overly
used it leads to a substance abuse which can cause an overdose. If an overdosed person left
unattended it causes them to be at risk which could lead to death. With naloxone training, these
situations of someone who are experiencing an overdose can be saved.
What was the key message of the presentation?
The key message of the presentation is to allow their audiences to be well informed of what signs
to look out for when someone is experiencing an overdose and how they can help to save lives
by being informed on what they should do and how they can help reverse an opioid overdose
with naloxone.
How does the presentation connect with global citizenship?
This presentation is connected with global citizenship as it displays what being a Canadian
citizen is like. It show that Canadians has a sense of responsibility to help their community by
being aware of what is happening around them and how they can help to improve and save lives.
And it shows that everybody in the world, means all nations are concerned with the growing
substance abuse and all government are doing something to help alleviate the problem regarding
this matter by providing support and care to some victims.
Question Nine (3 marks). It is important for developed countries such as Canada to support
developing countries or countries in need. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please
be descriptive and use examples to support your response.
Yes I do agree, we have global issues like global warming and many more, developed countries
are evidently the ones that have generates most why global warming is worsening. The sad thing
is developing countries are the ones that suffers in this phenomena. We have typhoon,
earthquake, landslide and flashfloods and poor countries suffers while rich countries keeps
getting richer by day. It is only necessary that they help developing countries. People from these
poor countries go to those developed country to seek employment to better their life and give
back to their country. And Canada is one of the best destination for workers to come. Even
though it will not be a good one if the developing countries are too dependent, it will take a lot of
time and effort to progress.
Question Ten (2 marks). What does the acronym LICO stand for?
LICO stands for Low-Incomes Cut-Offs. The purpose of LICO is to measure relative poverty by
using income threshold to determine if a household is living with low-income.
What is the purpose of the LICO? (1 mark): The low income cut-offs after tax (LICO-AT)
are income thresholds below which a family will likely devote a larger share of its after-tax
income on the necessities of food, shelter and clothing than the average family.(Government of
Canada, Statistics Canada, 2022)
Based on the 2020 data (after tax), what is the LICO for the following scenario: a family of 3 in
a community with a population between 30,000-99,999? (1 mark).
It means that the family will spend more on its income for their basic necessities like food,
shelter and clothing than most of the population.
Question Eleven (1 mark)

Question Twelve (2 marks) What are 2 examples of initiatives/programs in Canada to help

reduce poverty?
1. To help Canadians have access to housing, the government has invested in new initiatives
that will create over 125,000 new housing units, repair and renew another 300,000 units.
They will also help remove or reduce housing need for as many as 530,000 households.
Homelessness will reduce by 50%.
2. Another initiative is through the “Opportunity For All” strategy which was released in
August 2018. Through this strategy, Canadians will be able to live without hunger and
have sufficient income to meet their basic needs (
Question Thirteen (3 marks) What are 3 things you can do to help reduce the mental health
• Educating myself and others about mental health by correcting misconceptions and negative
remarks by being open to sharing facts and experiences.
• Be supportive of the people around me who are going through their own battles with mental
• Speak out against stigmatization, be vocal and support all the programs in educating the public
about it.

Question Fourteen (2 marks). What is the difference between absolute and relative poverty? (1
mark) What are factors (list 4) that could influence poverty? (1 mark)

Absolute poverty is when an individual is not able to financially support to obtain

commodities to live a sustainable life. Relative poverty is when an individual’s standard of living
is being compared to the economic standards of living within the same surroundings (Admin,
byjus. 2022, November 30)
What are factors (list 4) that could influence poverty? (1 mark)
• Poor education
• Inadequate access to clean water and nutritious food
• Lack of infrastructure
• Lack of access to basic healthcare

Admin, byjus. (2022, November 30). Difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty
with their detailed comparisons. BYJUS. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from

The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2020, August 25). Equity vs. equality and other racial justice
definitions. The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from

Canada, E. and S. D. (2022, April 20). Government of Canada. Retrieved March 3,
2023, from

Canada, G. A. (2017, June 7). Government of Canada. GAC. Retrieved March 4, 2023, from

Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. (2022, March 23). Low income cut-offs (Licos) before
and after tax by community size and family size, in current dollars. Low income cut-offs
(LICOs) before and after tax by community size and family size, in current dollars.
Retrieved March 4, 2023, from

Labonté, R., Cobbett, E., Orsini, M., Spitzer, D., Schrecker, T., & Ruckert, A. (2015, May 12).
Globalization and the health of Canadians: 'having a job is the most important thing' -
globalization and health. BioMed Central. Retrieved March 4, 2023, from

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