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Lesson Plan Template

Gate Certification Lesson Plan

Name/s:Mary Armas

Content / Topic TK Social Studies Block Play TLAD

Objectives Students will dramatize and explain the consequences of real world
problems such as a fire in the community using blocks by creating a
miniature community in groups of three.

Content & GATE GATE standards:

Standards Depth and Complexity:
Language of the Discipline- Students will discuss what firefighters use to put out
a fire and talk about the steps they took to keep everyone safe.
Multiple Perspectives - During the closing circle, students from each group will
talk about how the “fire” at the grocery store would affect their lives and
Impact- Students will consider how the events impacted their lives and jobs.

Novelty and Contexts: Students are acting and playing the part of their groups
occupations. Students begin to understand how their environments can shape
and affect what is happening in the world.

Preschool Learning Foundations

Caring for our World 2.1 Show an interest in a wider range of natural
phenomena, including those outside direct experience (such as
snow for a child living in Southern California), and are more concerned about
caring for the natural world and the positive and negative impacts of people on
the natural world (e.g., recycling, putting trash in trash cans).

Social Roles and occupations 3.1 Exhibit more sophisticated under-

standing of a broader variety of adult roles and occupations, but uncertain
how work relates to income.

Materials and Blocks

Timeline Toy people
Toy Fire Engine
Spray Bottles
Red and Yellow Tissue paper
Grocery Store Items

(purpose is to tap Read aloud: Fire Fire by Gail Gibbons
into interest and
Lesson Plan Template
Gate Certification Lesson Plan
Name/s:Mary Armas
prior knowledge Circle time review Questions:
before they get the What do firefighters do? What do Firefighters use? What do firefighters wear?
content) What is their role in the community?
What do grocery store workers do? What do they have? What do they wear?
What is their role in the community?
What do bankers do? What do they have? What is their part in the community?
What do families do? What do they need?

Instructional Discuss our Block Play rules and safety.

Methods (lesson -
how and what are Prior to block play:
you teaching them) Tape out spaces on floor for adequate spacing
Place students in small groups and give each group a job/Discipline and their
Group 1 Fire Fighters -building fire station
Group 2 Grocery Store Owners and Workers -building and operating a grocery
Group 3 Family- building a home
Group 4 Bank Operator -building a bank

During our block play each group is responsible for using their blueprints and
constructing their communities buildings. We always have at least one family,
two bankers , school, and a grocery store. This allows for the community to have
money to spend and provide food for their families and send kids to school. This
will be the first time we have included the fire station.

During circle time, I will explain the importance of safety in our community. We
will create an anchor chart of how Firefighters keep us safe.

When the students have finished building their structures I will tell them that the
stores are now open and give the signal for families to begin their day first at the
bank. During this time I will be observing how students interact and asking
questions to prompt play. Then I will place our fire at the grocery store and signal
the firefighters with a “siren” sound. The firefighter group must collect their tools
and put out the fire to keep the community safe. The firefighters must work
together with the other family group and grocery store workers to have them
safely exit while they work on putting out the fire.

At the end of block play, we will discuss what happened in the community. I will
remind the students we are thinking like our discipline, and ask the students how
their roles were impacted and how their jobs were affected. I

Assessment Informal assessment: Closing discussion on block play. Assess students during
block play conversations and actions of groups during “fire” scene.
Lesson Plan Template
Gate Certification Lesson Plan
Name/s:Mary Armas

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