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Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Thursday, January 20, 2022 · 5:08 PM

Can't talk now. What's up?
Just had a long conversation with Tim bill's. He was apologetic for the position that company 4
has put us in. He wanted to know if if I thought their station was viable. I told him this was a
conversation that should not be had over the phone.
He did say he was appreciative of my efforts in trying to help them unfortunately it was not acted
On the desk phone ... Did Tim get the email you just sent?
Friday, January 21, 2022 · 11:46 AM
That transmission from Chief four that was static is not a coverage issue (static would not happen
with digital trunked radio) ... this sounds like the issue that Chuck has experienced with remote
fire speaker mics. This needs a follow up.
The other possibility is that is that it was a headset issue connected to a mobile, but I do not
know if they have any of those.
Guessing hes in front royal responding bqck
IF that is the case and his coverage was poor he would be modulated like max headroom ... not
Saturday, January 29, 2022 · 2:14 PM
Chief Williams (4) just asked me to meet with him one day next week. I said ok and h3es
checking with his members on when. Thought just him. FYI
Before or after Tuesday is a big question
I think stall
Yes I thought same thing
Saturday, January 29, 2022 · 9:08 PM
Sean Knick called me and i just saw the emails
I could not tell if he was upset with the county or FH
He's mad in general I think. Boss I've told you in 30 years I've never seen a system in such a dire
situation and they know it, but don't want help. He did say Chair Donehey wanted to k ow if we
could save them. Sending you the ISO email now.
Brad works for ISO
Sunday, January 30, 2022 · 10:22 AM
Spoke with Chair ... we are good
Ok let me k ow if you need anything from me. Does she still want to do a meeting with Sean
Knick and Chief Williams?
She wants to meet with the Williams' before the closed meeting ... I told her (without any
specifics) that after Wed. would be best.

Monday, January 31, 2022 · 12:39 PM

Was my email out of line?
I did not think so. Apparently you ruffled Ms. Spieker. Personalities over everything else will be
the unfortunately demise of the volunteer system. Mr. Frazier just came by for some paperwork
and I had a good conversation with him. I guess the takeaway is think kid gloves for all
Got it boss
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

I thought Engine 4 was out of service. I see on FB that FHVFR states it responded to the
structure fire.
Monday, January 31, 2022 · 4:45 PM
It is back
That was a short hiatus
Monday, January 31, 2022 · 6:55 PM
Haha there is always a back story...
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 · 1:01 PM
Secret is out about Flint Hill inspection. I am receiving texts that there are 2 state EMS vehicles
Are you in a position to call me?
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 · 5:45 PM
Chief Williams has been notified
Just off phone with the chair.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 · 7:19 PM
Sean Knick called and wants an emergency PSC meeting...sheriff has previoulsy suggested such
as well.
3 days notice. There is nothing emergent that the PSC needs to do.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 · 8:36 PM
Sending email with Ron pasmore's revisions
Did you hear from omd
Texting now
Just spoke to Ron. He said this version is more easily digestable and understood
Doug is also ok, he texted
I may take some heat, but am good with it. Do not release without OMD approval.
Waifing, Ron agaim recommended speaking with Delegate and Senator sooner than later
Chair is in Richmond, she can probably get one on one time
You want Chair on this email
OMD approved
Send to me, I'll pass to full board.
I should include the other two EMT'S right
Nevermind, Miles job to notify
I think the Chief should do that. Can you speak with him to tell him you would rather he forward
to them and copy you.
Hes pretty upset Chuck Jackson knows
Who knows who reads the FHVFR email and could have sent it.
Exactly, I confirmed with him the email he wanted me to send this letter to
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 · 10:18 PM
Chair Donehey reached out to assist with a newspaper quote and I've respectfully asked her to
speak with you. I told her I'd be available to meet this weekend when she returned.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 · 5:01 AM
My advice before she contacted you was no comment ... I'll reconsider and connect with her
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 · 7:11 AM

Chuck Jackson just called again and i again told him no comment
Thanks for the notice. Bold of him to call at 7:10 am
About to send email to BOS cc you and Art
Sean Knick called at 6:15
We know that pattern.
Evidently the volunteers are saying I acted outside the association agreement and didn't have the
authority. Off the record of course.
You were the messenger ... The "county" action is by me and the Sheriff and the OMD speaks
for himself.
Oh I know....just the spin
Suggest that you call JB and let him know that Co 4 staff cannot do anything that would require
EMS certification. To that extent they could do what a typical FF could do. Sound correct?
Did something happen
I see his email, to me the language Ron gave is clear
JB does not have the letter ... and that should probably remain to be the case.
I've reached out to the state as I kmow there is more to this email than meets the eye. They asked
that I gave them a few hours to respond back.
Is this email in reference to the physician that wants to join 4?
No ... I think an EMS member with some insight that spoke with VAn.
Contact with our GA legislative assistants completed by Chair Donehey
I will tell VA OEMS
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 · 1:23 PM
Chuck changed his story
I will ask Doug now when he will have his letter done from yesterday
OK ... but I assume that is not a public letter.
There really is no reason for a politician to have the violation letter for an independent 501c3
unless and until it is a public document
From Doug, below Getting there! Just got off phone with Chief Williams - i'll probably be going
to their company meeting tomorrow at 7:30pm
To be clear, OEMS will probably be going to the Company 4 meeting, correct?
Dr. J. might want to do that as well.
Yes Doug from OEMS

Thursday, February 3, 2022 · 11:13 AM

You free to give me a quick call?
Monday, February 7, 2022 · 7:27 AM
Make sure you are available for closed meeting today ... 1) Insurance 2) FHVFR solely limited to
legal advice.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022 · 7:21 AM
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Chief Williams wants to meet Wednesday at 6pm. He has questions about if they turn the
ambulance over, where does the money go. I'm sure other logistic details also, I'll try to circle
with Doug today. Thoughts on Ron Passmore going to Chiefs mtg Thursday.
just made it into the office ... give me a call if you can and we can discuss.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022 · 2:06 PM
Anything further on meeting with Mikey? His father came to the office today looking for an
Response plan ... he had the latest in his hand.
... in his hand from before he came in,
Wednesday, February 9, 2022 · 7:44 PM
Just leaving company for, went well. They will be asking for is asking for staffing. We can chat
more later.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 · 1:00 PM
Spoke with Chief Williams and OEMS. Chief Williams is aking for run reports from 2021 and a
meeting with Dr Jenks. OEMS said he asked numerous questions about reporting, lack of
informarion from previous providers, what they have to do by 2/28 to stay active. OEMS said if
they aren't 100% compliant by 2/28 they are suspended and their license will expire 3/31
OK, thanks
Friday, February 18, 2022 · 7:59 PM
Christine and JB are teaming up against the career staff being at the magostrates office
Christine is trying to get all the volunteers against the county
Everyone is welcome to their opinion. The best option will get implemented in the end.
Any other BOS members there?
Debbie, quiet as a church mouse
It's the Association's meeting ... they can do what they want. A majority of the BOS will do what
they want.
They wanted my opinion and I said that I would not opine from the floor. I've been asked to type
a letter
Company 4 asked for paid staff
They read a letter I have a copy of asking for help
I am
And Chuck is here, but the AC is makong noise
I can cancel my class 2/28-3/4 Sounds busy
I did not notice your insurance question. I'm not sure of answer.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 · 8:57 AM
At what point do we give the board everything on Company 4 and push the decision to them? I'm
forwarding an email now. They truely have no leadership or ability to run an agency responsoble
for life safety and response.
Anything the BOS does should originate with the PSC. I guess that starts tonight

Friday, March 25, 2022 · 5:09 PM

Jenks texted and asked if he should approach now or wait until they come to him
If he is firm that he is not going to sign off, and we would join him, the sooner the better
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Sunday, March 27, 2022 · 11:18 AM

I'm sure Doug will reply tomorrow, but it's my understanding that you must have a signed
authorization to practice list in order to get your EMS license.
Monday, March 28, 2022 · 2:11 PM
Did you see Jenks email?
Monday, March 28, 2022 · 4:06 PM
Twanna just came by with her paperwork. I saw everything except the list of EMS providers
with information supporting their release. She said that Mike was the only released EMT. It was
a good conversation and she said that Mike just reached out to her to let her know that he heard
from Dr. Jenks so she was not sure what she should do when she go here. In general, the
paperwork was neat and orderly. She seemed to understand our hesitation and rationale.
I explained that you just went through the process to start up a new license and that it was not
impossible, and could be accomplished. That process would allow a deep examination of the
companies capabilities. I encouraged her to continue on her path toward EMT Basic certification.
She left with all of her documentation. She did note that she had been up for the last 48-hours ...
we also discussed the Va Beach trip and she told me that she was invited and that she refused
saying they had work to do. Hard to say if that is factual.
Monday, March 28, 2022 · 5:25 PM
They need to help themselves before anybody else will
We also need a MOU from each department for the state. In going to draft one, it's on my front
The services agreement does not suffice?
We need something that allows us (Rapp Fire & Rescue) to transport on their ambulances. This
will be interesting to see who won't sign.
Got it, how is that linked to other policies?
We don't have any others in the county. Since we, the county, don't own a transport unit we need
this. Now, if you want me to ask Mike if he wants us to quickly transfer his unit to the county to
do whats best for the community I will.
I sent you the email from Doug, this is my oversight sorry
I mean, will an MOU require certain policies by the company, like substance use, driving,etc.
100% agree which is why I say it is going to be interesting who signs.
Meaning I'd say yes, dont know how it can't
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 · 7:11 AM
Re Flint Hill ... I want absolutely no talk of using their ambulance for a while. Some will think
that the OMD action is related to the county taking over, and we cannot do anything that makes
that seem to be the case.
If they formally approach the county, that is a different discussion.
This is what i wanted to tell you. JB is telling everybody that we are trying to take four over,
specificslly you and I
JB seems to be the root of all issues with career staff and other things. Hes refusing any change
The future record will show that JB's fear mongering is incorrect.
I suppose any of the other companies could extend their EMS license to a new location in the
county and take over all risk associated with that new location. If JB wants to resolve the issue
he can put his license on the line.
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Exactly, and its his members speaking out

We may need to think about a press release for early April
Wednesday, March 30, 2022 · 9:40 AM
They resuscitated him and got a pulse back
More when i know it, team effort
It sounded like it must have been a team effort. Glad to hear that when it really matters we can
all work together.
Thursday, March 31, 2022 · 5:35 PM
Headed back from Loudon County right now with the buggy. Supervisor Donahue was at the
EMS building and texted me. I just spoke to her and she just wanted to say thank you for
everybody's hard work and getting this up and running. FYI.
Good stuff.
Thursday, May 12, 2022 · 6:46 AM
Chief 4 contradicts himself in the email and truly admits he responded to an EMS call. I don't get
Polzer was a nice touch
He does not understand what is permitted and what is not. Probably the best path forward would
be for us to find a way for VOEMS to share with him directly what he is allowed to do and not
allowed to do.
We should try to avoid putting ourselves in the middle of a state regulation issue.
We did our part by telling him he should not self-dispatch on the record
Already on that. Sean Knick basically said he asmitted guilt in his email
This was a self-dispatch and local issue per the state. We can allow fire only departments to run
EMS calls, but our DERA agreement needs to say that and they have to follow state rules.
Thursday, May 12, 2022 · 9:48 AM
And please share your thoughts on how to deal with 4
Education targeted at all companies clarifying that based on our current DERA, fire only
companies cannot offer assistance to include driving, but that there might be a possibility, if
EMS and Fire only companies desire, to change that. If there are certain minimum requirement
to accommodate that (like EVOC and background checks state that). Companies with the most to
loose right now are those who have EMS certification and allow people who do not meet state
standard to participate in one of their EMS calls.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 · 1:01 PM
Draft agenda is up minus the call data which I can still working on
OK, I'll at least get it FOIA noticed. We can always add other agenda items or information as
needed. Thanks
After you see it and approve we can make it public
I moved the Company 4 item down below Committee member update and added body to Roll
Call and Committee member update.
No worries
Friday, August 5, 2022 · 11:18 AM
Apologies I saw I didn't answer your email yesterday. Josh is still out on injury and nobody
covered the shift today. So yea it helps, but I didn't want a gap in coverage.
I think it is good for you to experience the application of our staff personally. Better able to
understand staff perspective.
And the wrath of Chief 4 this morning
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

I heard him put Company 1 in service while he was on the way to the station. Not a great idea
before full size-up.
Par for course, he's going to get somebody killed or injured.
Monday, August 15, 2022 · 11:56 AM
This is going to turn into a poop show with 7 hiring their own medics. We have a station that lost
their ambulance and now the community doesn't have one. My two cents, that should be where
the money is focused. ^^private convo not public^^
I do not disagree. Company 4 could have hired medics too. The county has not agreed to pay for
them at any station other than Company 9. I cannot recommend funding others until a broader
review is conducted, which we will kick off at the next PSC. That said, the VFRs are
independent businesses and can hire whoever they want whenever they want. Hopefully my note
that suggested that they should not pay the same rate as the county pays unless they have the
same position requirements was well received. I'm not sure what they can afford without county
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 · 2:35 PM
Any word from Company 4 for their FLB submission? Did Richie say that they presented to the
I sent an email to Karen and Mike this morning, no response. I will call Ritchie now.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 · 4:06 PM
Nothing from company for, spoke with Richie. He stated that he does not recall seeing their
paperwork on the second round.
How many years have they been on secret probation?
You should have seen that I posted the FLB agenda with their information missing.
When I first got here in Jan 2018 Frankie was alive, but they still had some issues. It really went
downhill when he passed.
Thursday, August 18, 2022 · 8:39 AM
Co 4 had $1,315 in fuel
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 · 9:50 AM
Can we not technically take and use Flint Hill ambulances? They failed to maintain their licenses
(#57) and are failing (#18). The items on state grant are also out now.

The highlighted portion is about failing to pay a loan, and the county having to take over
payments, that has not happened to my knowledge. No, I do not think we are empowered by state
law or the agreement to take the ambulance.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 · 12:40 PM
Tanker 4 responding with one, to the town with hydrants.
Probably not released on the engine
Anybody can listen to this traffic and heard how disheveled the response is without uniform
Is that Bruce in K4? Speedy recovery?
Couldn't tell
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 · 12:56 PM
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

In case the board asks again, VDEM is doing a brief on the hurricane this Friday afternoon. I'll
pass along the info
OK. I am not getting VDEM notices (which is fine), just know that I rely on you to know
if/when I need to engage.
They switched from Google to Microsoft and it's been a mess. Also you may be getting a call
from Co 5, their treasurer resigned
Received earlier and spoke with Meredith. I will see her tonight. Apparently they found issues
with the earlier report that was submitted (double charges and wrong categories). I would
presume that they should have been picked up by the Chiefs. Between this and the Chiefs not
looking at Company 4 at all, we probably need to stop relying on them and might have to do a
deep dive ourselves (you and me) before the packages go to FLB in the future.
I am not disparaging the Chiefs by any means, but it's a rubber stamp without measure or
If that is their process, they own the results. I will bring up tonight that the Chiefs reviewed the
initial package and apparently did not identify the issues that were found by Co 5 reps.
And 4's issues with finance charges and charges for reimbursement above the original invoice
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 · 10:24 AM
Do you know WiFi connection password for Flint Hill Station? Election folks are there and need
to connect.
I do not sir, I believe it's on the board they have
Is that board in the bay where they have the office set up?
Yes, but that was when Tim ran it
Do you have a phone number for Chief Willams?
Contact card
311 B
BTW, FH WiFi password is: Flint1404
Haha that's easy
Monday, December 19, 2022 · 9:42 AM
Do you want to have the Flint Hill meeting at their station?

Monday, December 19, 2022 · 11:54 AM

Long conversation with Randy Reiland, paper. He's doing a story on 4...will he calling you.
OK - I spoke with MadRapp last week. They obtained a copy of the meeting recording
Monday, December 19, 2022 · 1:37 PM
Interesting news story. I know Steve Miner pretty well. He was county attorney and then county
administrator. He is now married to Brenda Garton, the interim county administrator here just
before I was hired and who is the current interim in Greene County.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 · 11:01 AM

Was that a resuscitation this morning? I heard CPR instructions and a transport.
Have you spoke with Chief Burke after the VFRA meeting last week? Do we know what
discussion occurred about Co. 4 or the pilot program?
The question has been asked, have not heard a response. The call was for a medical emergency,
no CPR was administered
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Friday, December 23, 2022 · 1:35 PM
I see most of the outage has been cleared.
Spoke with Mr. Frazier. He said he was going to chat with Foreback and Chamberlin to seek
ideas. I told him about 27-13
Scott would be a great person to have temporarily fill that
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 · 11:02 AM
Ms. Donehey stopped by this morning. We discussed having three options for PSC:
A) - 27-10
B) 27-13
C) Status Quo, up to Company 4 leadership.
Ok, I've been back and forth all weekend about this...had a long talk to Scott Chamberlin as well.
Trying to lay it out and craft something easy to read, but all the while supporting and nurturing
the volunteer system
She also said she spoke with someone in the room who said that the group did not vote to request
partnership with the county and that her contact basically gave notice that they would not be
continuing on
Rumor on the street is they are Turing it over
But the Williams want to fight
Not what Ms. Donehey's contact said. I imagine that you know who her contact is, but I do not
want to put it in writing
Yes I have to call her today then I'll call you
Want to chat about Sperryville also
I told her that 27-13 seems to be the best path if competent leadership can be found (Board and
Scott agrees. He had an idea I'll share also.
Donehey said that she wanted to extend pilot 6-months. We need to be sure we can handle from
a staffing perspective without pushing staff toward full time hours
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 · 1:36 PM
Is the visitors center open for a 9am meeting tomorrow? Conference call with the mediator from
9am tomorrow is fine.
Has built in zoom capability in that room if that is helpful.
Yea sir, thanks
Sean Knick will be there and maybe Lisa Palmer
If you and Sean are there I cannot join you because of the public safety committee. That's
perfectly fine with me.
Can you join the Google meet and listen?
Art is on his way to my office to talk vol F&R
Oh crap....
Regarding the meeting, I think if you can record it and have me be able to listen afterwards it
would be much cleaner

Gotta strike while the iron his hot. He said they had a rough christmas with his special needs
child and that messed up his overall schedule
Oh no
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Need anything from me? Feel free to call me on speaker if needed.

So a scheduling system for all fire and rescue personnel is about $20k. This is assuming that
everybody is on it. This would be a system within ESO which could be seen by everybody. FYI
Apologies, read the quote wrong. Approx $10-12k
Does everyone mean your department and the six volunteer companies PLUS dispatch?
Yes, it's a uniform system. They can see ALS1400 and we can see them when they schedule, if
they do. Maybe too advanced right now the more I think about it.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 · 4:24 PM
Short answer: Art thinks we cannot lean on any of Chapter 27 if volunteer companies were
organized before it existed. He said that is what was solidified in the Dumfries case. That should
not be confused with our rights to fund or not fund.
So the county cannot cease operation of a failing company? I disagree. The BOS (governing
body) gives them each the ability to provide service.
We can end our agreement with them, which causes them to not be used for firefighting (or
EMS) and not receive any $ from the county. Their corporation would persist with their assets
until such a time as they dissolve and in that case the assets must be directed to a similar non-
profit or the county.

They incorporated in 1954

That's what I meant, their services agreement.
So 1) status quo
2) cease all funding and end the agreement for them to provide services
No number 3
Agree. Art can inform the BOS in closed meeting on Jan 4 and the agenda item about company 4
can be during the night session after they hear from Art in closed meeting
So nothing tomorrow then? Or just cease funding
Is he on board with shutting them down after everything we have?
Wednesday, December 28, 2022 · 7:35 AM
Is it OK to fill Sean in this morning?

Maybe a bag of quick patch asphalt or sledgehammer?

I asked Ricky. He said he was going to use an angle grinder
Need to add the EMS Response Plan to clarify JB's comments

Have they signed yet?

No sir
I added the item
Wednesday, December 28, 2022 · 2:07 PM
Just send revised word document for tonight....edit away
Wednesday, December 28, 2022 · 6:51 PM
Quick call?
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Thursday, December 29, 2022 · 7:56 AM
The more I read that email I just sent you the more I see punctuation errors… feel free to make
I will also personally call Jason, because I am sure he is unaware
Thursday, December 29, 2022 · 9:26 AM
Off the phone with Frazier, please give me a call
Bottom line is that Frazier will support our action if we make Box 405 a dual F11/3 box (after 4).
I told him I would support this and that the problem was that the boxes were too large and our
consultant would be working on a solution.
Friday, December 30, 2022 · 7:41 AM
I'm trying to bend Andy's ear at PATH today to reignite the discussion about them working on a
grant similar to the SAFER program. He was previously interested in the concept.
That would be good to have in our pocket as we enter the strategic planning process

Even if we needed an emergency finding source for 1404 as a temp measure to offset county
expenses. Trying to think of ideas.
Careful getting to far ahead of that and feeding the rumor mill that we are planning a takeover
CO1404 is meeting at 1pm tomorrow as an FYI
Can you do a 12:30/1pm conference call with Don Jackson?
Friday, December 30, 2022 · 10:04 AM
SHould I set 12:30 aside on my calendar?
Yes sir, I will come there
Got it
Monday, Jan 2 · 6:51 PM
Sheri Huff just showed up for FF1
Are there physical requirements?
I guess it will work itself out.
Tuesday, Jan 3 · 9:51 AM
This is like a ball of twine that's u rolling.... Randy Norman, obtaining the golf cart under false
pretense and kicked out of 1409. His wife, Angie Norman is who they pay monthly to clean the
station. Ughhhh you can't make this up
Randy is now a fire officer at 1404
He used to cut grass at the station.

Holy cow… This is like a gypsy ring. We used to investigate.

Supervisor Donehey did ask my opinion on Tim Bills returning this morning. I told her that if
they were to instill officers in the department, they should at a minimum meet Amissville's
requirements. That way we are on the same level and have established standards for leadership in
our county. I believe Tim would be an asset, but it would be a mistake to put him in the chief roll
without any Virginia certifications. Everybody will be watching what happens.
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Auditor is supposed to get back to me about forensic audit tomorrow morning after an internal
meeting today
I agree about officers. He could be in a role on their Board.
Copy, anything else I need to have for tomorrow?
Not that I can think of
Origin of 27-13, without reading the 1950 code, I'm not sure if it was modified to include
"counties" at that time and before FH was chartered in 1954

That is the 1919 code after being recodified from the 1887 code. See the same Warrenton Case
Principal engineer or fire warden would be a fire chief today. Hmmm 1919 Should the board
vote to dissolve, how do we secure our assets and protect any potential taxpayer assets? Warren
actually placed a lock on the fire station at Shenandoah Farms when they did it. Just thinking out
loud. I have leaned forward and am ready to deactivate all radios assigned to 1404.
Best I can tell based on the current code, it was not changed until 1970 after 1919 making me
think we cannot make use of this section.
§ 27-13. Appointment of chief and other officers. In every county, city, or town in which a fire
company is established, there shall be appointed, at such time and in such manner as the
governing body of such county, city, or town may prescribe, a chief and as many other officers
as such governing body may direct.
Code 1919, § 3125; 1970, c. 187; 2008, c. 410; 2015, cc. 502, 503.
Dang it, that was best option I think If we have to use 27.10 how do we preserve the assets and
work to implement a plan to restore service including volunteers?
Combination I mean
Art had some thoughts involving filing something with the court, but I do not think it was
Public safety typically trumps everything and restoration of service seem to fit the bill
Tuesday, Jan 3 · 5:11 PM
how often is ISO rating updated? In other words, if there was a lapse in FH, when might that be
picked up by FH
by ISO
Stand by
Every 5 years and we just did it last year
They will provide a warning and opportunity to rectify the situation. I'm sure we can put stop gap
measures in place. Once we have a better idea of where tomorrow will go we can spitball ideas.
Now, this is not withstanding somebody calling them and making a scene
We are back on for 27-10 and 27-13
Just met with Art Goff and Donehey
Ok soooooo 27-13 is the plan?
Or will we both be surprised tomorrow
Yes. Debbie spoke with Dave Jerrell today.
What about other "officers"?
The plan is no action tomorrow night. Receive recommendation from public safety committee
and then you, me and art develop resolutions to be considered potentially at a special meeting to
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Status quo then at 4
For the moment.
Wednesday, Jan 4 · 5:11 PM
Do we allow them to continue to run calls knowing they aren't under sovereign immunity and
that they are destroying documents?
Thursday, Jan 5 · 2:13 PM
Enjoy that attachment
Where did you get that?
You ask a lot of questions boss

I wonder if all of the people are aware of the role they fill
What is an "operator"
They had elections last year and this is the updated list. It's pretty telling with all the operational
operational Officer vacancies
Operator is somebody that drives the
Fire truck
How is that is different from EVOC?
They may have the knowledge to pump water on a fire, EVOC is simply driving
Got it
Thursday, Jan 5 · 9:09 PM
The Chair asked me about the email you received from Ms. Smith and then realized I was not
copied. Please pass it along.
Stand by I didn't see it earlier
I'll research and provide you background on her
No need to rush.
Better to be thorough than quick.
Friday, Jan 6 · 6:53 AM
Saturday, Jan 7 · 8:38 AM
Just sent an email, when I send it back it will include the Association. Three people yesterday
said 100% no to her helping.
The email needs to be much softer. I think it simply needs to state that the board of supervisors
has not yet decided on a course of direction and that she is a private citizen and can dialogue
with the membership of company 4 to the extent company representatives request. That said, a
coordinated approach with the board of supervisors would likely be more productive.
Well this is exactly what everybody said she was yesterday...a hot mess
This is a little touchy because supervisor Smith recommended her involvement. I'm pretty sure
the majority of the board will not go in that same direction. I did speak with Miss donahey
yesterday afternoon and she said she has a thumbs up from Dave Jarrell and wanted you and him
to meet.
My understanding is that she's been pushed out of a few different companies
Richie is going to tell Christine that she's batshit crazy
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

But Richie is scared of Ron
Have I told you I hate drama Do the right thing!
Richie and Ron have a deep history
Sunday, Jan 8 · 11:32 AM
Also, Sup Donehey is meeting with Chief Brown right now as he wants to offer to manage all
career staff at 4
Monday, Jan 9 · 1:13 PM
Decent conversation with Chair Donehey and Supervisor Frazier by phone today. Seems 27-13
still best path. He had another name from the past that might be good for the Board
Great news
Stephani Atkins has requested information from the state. I'm awaiting an email from VAOEMS.
OK, Donehy is going to follow up with the person.
Are they certified or just good admin and base knowledge
Can't remember first name. Last name Pullen, PI, sounds like former VOEMS employee? Once
certified and with Company 4, not sure about now
He knows me, but I don't think he's in the area is he?
Not sure
Donehey had just spoken with him this morning about some shooting training or something like
Yes, looks like he owns an investigative service company in Flint Hill
He definitely knows the office of EMS rules
Good Board member ... I wonder if he has fire experience as well
I'm sure he probably did, but I don't think he'd go in a fire these days
I spoke with Dr. Hill (he called me after Ricky told him he passed his phone number to me). Dr.
Hill said he would double his efforts to get the OMD cert stuff lined up and would get back to
you at some point. I presume he could not serve on Company 4 Board if he is serving as OMD.
He absolutely could
I think we're close to our five people
And I must say, an amazing group
You can have that conversation with him. He seemed willing to do whatever was necessary.
Dave Jarrell Ken Pullen Elizabeth Bailey Patrick O'Malley Dr. Hill
For the record, Donehey had not yet spoken with Pullen, but it was Frazier's idea

He's solid! By the way...approx 25 complaints to the state from Stephani in prior years
Tuesday, Jan 10 · 8:00 AM
Did you see that I had to change the meeting with Art to tomorrow afternoon? He called and said
he had a new conflict. Can you get me a copy of the revitalization plan and a bullet list of items
you think we can put into a resolution that would form expectations of the county for forward
Yes sir and I will get that to you
Tuesday, Jan 10 · 9:49 AM
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Spoke with Ms. Smith. She just dropped in. No need to schedule the meeting with her. She was
ok to only get the cliff notes, but said beggars can't be choosers and there must be a role. I told
her that I would not want it to affect cooperation with other companies.
Tuesday, Jan 10 · 11:56 AM
Stephani has yet to respond to me
I'd say don't worry about it. The ball is in her court to respond.
Friday, Jan 13 · 7:39 AM
Please work with Dave Jarrell to compile a file of his relevant certifications that can be presented
to the Board during closed meeting on Jan 26. Are you able to validate the certs with VDFP? I
think we need to be able to say that we have due to the forgery issue at company 4
Already have it boss
And will reach out to VDFP
Should have figured as much. Thanks
Is he an EMT?
No sir, but has friends that are
That is fine, if he was I would want you to check creds with VAOEMS.
I will have a CV for him available for you
Friday, Jan 13 · 11:40 AM
Is Stephanie Atkins related to Jack?
Friday, Jan 13 · 12:49 PM
Not that I know
Copy, enjoy your week off. If you need anything let me know.
Friday, Jan 13 · 3:10 PM
do we have an email address for president Williams? Supervisor Smith wanted me to make sure
both the chief and president are aware of the January 26 BOS meeting.
yes, is she still the president?
I think he will have more people there than you think
That is not a bad thing
Debbie said that Pullen was a hard no ... she is looking for others.
Tell her to call Scott Chamberlin
She would need to pitch it as an opportunity to not only help Flint Hill get back on their feet, but
also the system as a whole move forward
another option is her herself if she cannot find a firefighter

Scott has a servants heart
That option shows that she has skin in the game
But would she need to recuse herself from any board votes?
the other issue is that it looks more like a county takeover
Debbie and Dave texted me to ask Scott. He's a hard no also.
He does not have the bandwidth right now
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

OK, we have until the 26th to find others. F&R experience is a big plus, but tell Debbie it is not
Wednesday, Jan 25 · 1:42 PM
Stephanie Atkins just came by Sheriffs Office to get fingerprints for Flint Hill...she was told to
do it online by the dispatchers.
OK, interesting
Not required for a fire company, so new directors do not need to do that immediately, correct?
I did just confirm she is not a member
That's correct.
Thursday, Jan 26 · 9:18 AM
Chiefs meeting tonight moved time to allow people to attend Flint Hill meeting
Elizabeth thinks thinks that Dennis has bios on everybody. Tim Bills only has EVOC certs
Thursday, Jan 26 · 12:06 PM
I spoke with Miss Donehey outside the office, she updated me that we may not have a closed
session. She also inquired about numbers of train providers versus the 2019 survey. I can put that
together for the next public safety committee. If you need anything else for this evening, please
let me know.
Thursday, Jan 26 · 5:54 PM
JB just said I'm trying to chase volunteers out the door.... Ughhhh
All he needs to do is provide an alternative solution. Unfortunately hasn't done that up till now
Frustrating boss
Thursday, Jan 26 · 9:21 PM
Everything is good at company four. Dave said he was going to swing by in the morning and get
a copy of the resolution to take to the bank to freeze the account.
Sounds good. I'll get Chair Donehey to swing by and sign in the morning.
Do you have a list and short bio for each of the five people that I can share with the press?
I will work on that first thing in the morning
Julia asked for it this evening. I told her it would be in the morning. Make sure names were
spelled correctly
Yes sir, will do.
Friday, Jan 27 · 7:01 AM
I would like to take this and drop it into a county press release.
Yes, I have already been in contact with Dave Gerald. He sent me his bio working on the others.
I want to make sure they each have a little bit of input on this and don't want to catch them by
Sounds good
I don't know if I'm allowed to say it, but I was a bit disappointed with the banter back-and-forth
last night
I understand. Tough decisions for any public body. Follow through is the best antidote to doubt.
Friday, Jan 27 · 8:32 AM
Just got off the phone with him, he wants to swing by your office and talk to both of us. Just to
get off on the right foot.
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

That is fine. I'm generally open today. He should consider creating a new email address for the
Friday, Jan 27 · 12:07 PM
Apologies you want me to cut thee bios into one sentence
No need. I'll work with what you send and cut down as needed.
Any more questions about Stephanie
None posed to me
The attachment failed to send, she posted this
She is a winner
So can I respond to this one?
This is not true
And unfortunately it now as visibility almost 6000 people
I'd rather wait until the release is ready to go so it can be pushed at the same time. I need
summaries for O'Malley and Hill

Hugh Hill is a career Emergency Physician and health lawyer. Following over two decades at
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, he now lives in Huntly and has become involved
in multiple Rappahannock County organizations. Dr. Hill served in government working in
health care policy and regulations. His passion for emergency care started in high school, serving
with his local EMS squad in Roanoke VA.
Just emailed you his bio
Will you post this to the county website so I can share the link?
Yes, I can. Once I get a green light.
Tuesday, Jan 31 · 11:06 AM
I am in warren county for the funeral, but will get with Dave when I get back about the states
email. Do not really want Flint Hill to lose that equipment.
Can we as the county accept them from FH and have SVRS take custody of them until a time
that A1404 is back in service?
He's going to say the items have to be "in use". The LP15 could be on my buggy, but the cot
system is mounted into the ambulance. That's a harder lift. My initial thought is to just put their
ambulance under our license. This would satisfy the grant and doesn't prohibit them from
regaining their own EMS license at any point, but satisfies the requirement. Todd is also upset
the county removed 1404 officers .
OK. If licensing the ambulance under the county's name is the only way to resolve this, then I
guess that is what we have to do. I suggest that Company 4 include this in their report to the BOS
at the Feb 6 BOS meeting.
The resolution states that the county BOS will not unreasonably withhold the license, that
implies a "county" decision is to be made ... and the next kick at that can is Feb 6
Let me ask a friend for a "gray area" here
You planning on presenting any documents at the FLB meeting? If so, please share so I can post
to BoardDocs. One of the members is away and will be joining electronically
You tell me boss.
I'm down for more of a Q&A
Your call. I'm fine with an oral update of RCFRD and Q&A about your department. If they want
to ask questions about Co 4, I handle what I can and defer the rest to Co 4
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Sounds good to me. No handout them and I'll just provide the stats of calls. Trying to get a total
cost of fire/rescue for 2022
We could also attach the annual report
Trying to add all Vol Fire rescue, tax incentives and our career
Friday, Feb 3 · 7:43 AM
Also, I don't know if I handled the FLB last like you wanted. Page's questions definitely were not
germane to their mission and I don't want to go down a rabbit hole with them.
It was fine. He is laying groundwork to not fund paid providers at Co 4 because Co 9 is nearby.
He can do whatever he wants
Also, Sheriff received a FOIA from Konnock
I'd like to see it if possible. Also would ask that she fully contemplate the request and provide the
records on day 5
Friday, Feb 3 · 2:11 PM
Dave didn't tell me what was in the email other than he received one from Konnock
Saturday, Feb 4 · 11:25 AM
My response to Julia.... I am unsure which were relieved other than Chief Williams. The BOS
never named a President only a Board of Directors.
I got the Konick stuff and can share later.
Let's not respond to Julia
And ok
Monday, Feb 6 · 7:08 AM
Did not want to text too early. I read supervisor Donehey's email. Would you like me to attend
the meeting today?
Not needed. Do respond to her statistic questions the best you can
If you need anything this evening's mg I'll be back for the hazmat class also. They test this
No evening meeting. Start at 2p and go until we are don. Great progress on FFI. Getting that
class scheduled and locals in it is a huge accomplishment
That's good news
Monday, Feb 6 · 10:04 AM
Flint Hill (former members) is dropping a law suit today or tomorrow FYI. Trying to get more
intel for you.
I am aware. Have info from Whitt and passed it to VACORP. Konick is probably waiting until
he gets the records from the FOIA request he made to me last Tuesday .. meaning it is due to him
He wants the signed resolution. It is actually already posted on the county website with the press
release. I'll let him know that tomorrow.
Let me know if you
Need anything g
Will do
Monday, Feb 6 · 12:57 PM
Dave Jarrell not happy the suit lists his very upset
G. Curry – S Polster (work) Text Messages

Tuesday, Feb 7 · 6:39 PM

Blueberry donut in the morning?
Not needed, but thanks.
I have a call with lawyer at 1pm if you are free
Yes, I'll be by in the morning
Sounds good

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