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Unit 3

Practice 1

1. Man 1 : can I help ypu

Man 2 : How much are these shoes

Man 1 : they are on sell lets see they are 45$

Man 2 : Do you want to try them on?

Man 1 : No thanks

2. Woman : How much is this computer

Man : its on sale for 4099$

Woman : 4099$?

Man : do you wanna buy it?

Woman: that’s okay I just looking

3. man : this ties isn’t bad

Woman : its 36,95$

Man : well maybe I don’t really need a tie, thanks anyway

4 Man : this shorts are nice aren’t they?

Woman : yes and they are only 26,95$ do you want to take them?

Man : Yea I think I will

5 Woman : How much are this earrings

Man : they are only 12,95$

Woman : Nice I will take them

6 man : That camera looks interesting

Woman : its on sale it was 145$ but now its only 125$

Man : hmm I will think about it

Practice 2

1 Woman 1 : can I try on that shirt please?

Woman 2 : This one?

Woman 1 : no not the one with the short sleeves the other one

Woman 2 : here you are

Woman 1 : thanks can this be machine was by the way

Woman 2 : no its silk you should dry clean it its not a good idea to wash it by hand or
machine wash

2 Man : Id like to buy to buy some envelopes

Woman : which ones? This big ones?

Man : no those are too big do you have any smaller one

Woman : how about this?

Man : yes they look like a better size, can it be use for air mail letters?

Woman : no these are meant to regular mail

3 man : can I see that watch please?

Woman : the one with the narrow band?

Man : no the one with the white band , is this a man watch im looking a gift for
my girlfriend

Woman : actually anyone can wear it its not just for a man

Man : hmmm its nice

4 Man : I love that tie

Woman : im not crazy about stripes myself

Man : no no the blue and orange one

Woman : oh I don’t like that either

Man : its kinda fun its for my brother birthday, he likes thing that are little


5 woman : can I see that blouse?

Man : the one without the pockets?

Woman : no the other one

Man : here you are

Woman : whats fabric is this is it cotton?

Man : I think it’s a linen and cotton blend

6 man 1 : I like to get some apples

Man 2 : how about these big ones?

Man 1 : i don’t think they are very sweet the smaller one usually sweeter

Man 2 : okay lets get some of this smaller one

Practice 3
1 man : what do you think about this jacket?

Woman : the style is okay I guess how much is it

Man : its 40$

Woman : wow that’s really cheap what colours those it come in

Man : looks like they have it in black grey red and brown

woman : I like those colours specially the red one try it on

man : okay well how do I look

woman : I don’t know its not exactly your size

man : really do you think I should buy it anyway?

Woman : no don’t get it its too big

2 woman : how about this lamp ?

Man : its unsual

Woman : you mean you don’t like the style?

Man : not really and look at the price 160$?

Woman : is that bad?

Man : sounds pretty expensive to me

Woman : what about the colour

Man : the colour is perfect its goes perfectly with everything in the room and the
size is just right too but its very expensive

Woman : we could put it on credit card?

Man : that’s true I guess lets just buy it and go home

3 woman 1 : I have to get my sister a birthday present what do you think about this

Woman2 :its really cute I love the style

Woman 1 : its only comes with black or brown band tho

Woman2 : yea I prefer some brighter colours browns is so so how much is it

Woman1 : 69,95$

Woman2 : its okay I guess

Woman 1 : what about the size

Woman 2 : its great sure love it just get it

Woman 1 : okay

4 woman : look at this sofa what do you think?

Man : uuh I not sure I like the style its too hairy

Woman : is it comfortable try it

Man : hmmm its really comfortable and I like to have something this size all our
old sofa is too small this size is perfect

Woman : what do you think about the colour

Man : well green isn’t my favorite colour but its better than that awful brown one
we have now its okay I guess

Woman : how much is it

Man : oh no its 999$ that’s really too expensive we cant afford it right now

Woman : I know why don’t we wait till next month till midyear sale it might be
cheaper then

man : hey its a good idea

practice 4

1 man : these microwave oven are very popular you wont find them in other store
because their made especially for us we import them from our factory in Mexico their very wellmade
and come with a 3 year guarantee your receipt is your guarantee one great thing its only weight 10
kiloes so you can easily pick one up if you want to move it or clean it, it also have a really special
feature you don’t find in other microwave they display popular recipes on this little screen infront it
has recipes for over 500 easy dishes.

2 woman : this jacket is very strong its made of nylon so its very easy to take care of
its comes in six different colours you don’t need to dry clean it you can just throw in the washing
machine and hang it up to dry and let me show you something really special about it its reverseable
its turn inside out so you can use it either way see the colour inside is different from the colour
outside is that great so you really have two jacket for the price of one.

3 man : this new flat screen tv is very popular nowadays they are not from the
united states they made in south korea they are quite light so you can pick them up and move them
around if you want to and the special things about this tv that you can them on the wall now that’s
something you cant do with any other kind of tv they come in three different size they are more
expensive than a regular tv but they are really convenient and they look great in your house or
apartment .

4 woman : these new watches are very popular with teenager their modern and
made entirely of plastic so they very light each watch come with six different band so you can
change the band to match your clothes and other things they are very strong and their also
waterproof but what is really special is that’s this is not only a watch u can use it to send and receive
email messages.

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