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Q1: From which file does the command `free` takes it's information?

a /proc/freemem

b /proc/meminfo

c /dev/meminfo

d /proc/memfree

e /dev/freemem

f /dev/memfree

Q2: Docker containers and images are included in Plesk Backup and migrated by Plesk

The correct Answer is: None

b False

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f True

Q3: Function which causes retrieval of any kind of data from database is considered as?

a User friendly signature

b Interface or Signature

c Conceptual signature

d None

e None

f Logical signature

Q4: Which command can be used to rename a file/directory??

a rm

b rename

The correct Answer is: None

d mv

The correct Answer is: None

f cp

Q5: Which licensing authority is responsible for WordPress??

a MIT license



d None

e None

f GPLv2 (GNU General Public License)

Q6: How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method??

a None

b None

c $_GET.QueryString

d $_GET[];

e Request.Form;

f Request.QueryString;

Q7: The Service Type _____________ works only if your cluster is setup to work with a cloud

The correct Answer is: None

b NodePort
c ClusterIP

d LoadBalancer

The correct Answer is: None

f ExternalName

Q8: What number is the first key of a PHP’s numerical array??


b None



e -1

f None

Q9: Choose the correct HTML element to define emphasized text?

a <i>

b None

c <em>

d <it>

e None

f <italic>

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