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AC5 – CNN Collection

Questions 1-13: Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: Which of the following activities does NOT strengthen your health?
A. Eating organic food
B. Drinking enough water
C. Exercising
D. Staying up late
Question 2: ____ is a common white substance that is found in sea water and in the ground, and is used especially to add
flavor to food or to preserve food.
A. Sand B. Sugar C. Salt D. Wheat
Question 3: ____ is a food item that has had some industrial or chemical treatment in order to cook it, preserve it or
improve its taste or appearance.
A. A processed food B. A dairy product C. An organic product D. A farming product
Question 4: It is the phenomenon where the Moon is partially or fully covered in darkness because Earth is blocking the
light from the Sun. A long time ago, people called it "the Moon eaten by the bear" or "blood Moon".
A. Lunar eclipse B. Solar eclipse C. Rainbow D. Tornado
Question 5: The younger or older sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your uncle is called your
A. mother B. aunt C. grandmother D. niece
Question 6: A giraffe's tongue is one of the longest tongues in the world. With its 21-inch (53.34 cm) tongue, a giraffe can
clean ____. own ears.
A. his B. her C. your D. its
Question 7: What is the OPPOSITE of the word "heať" in the following paragraph.
The Eiffel Tower in France can grow up to 6 inches (15.24 cm) during the summer! How? The Eiffel Tower is made out of
the metal iron. The heat from the hot summer days causes the iron to expand making the tower stretch up to 6 inches.
A. warmth B. coldness C. wind D. frost
Question 8: The member states of ____ are Viet Nam, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Lao PDR, Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
A. ASEAN B. the EU C. NATO D. G7
Question 9: Quokkas are the happiest animal in the world due to their cute cheeky grins. They ___ by Willem de
Vlamingh in 1696. At that time, he mistook quokkas for large rats.
A. was discovered B. discover C. were discovered D. discovering animals on the
Question 10: Pigs are one of the ____ animals on the planet. They are, in reality, even ____ than dogs!
A. smartest/smarter B. smart/smarter C. smarter/smartest D. smartest/more smart
Question 11: ____ is an animal that eats only plants. For example: cows, sheep, elephants, squirrels, etc.
A. A reptile B. A carnivore C. An omnivore D. A herbivore
Question 12: How can we recognize Anopheles mosquitoes, which are known as the primary vector of the malaria?
A. They have short legs, and have stripes on their bodies.
B. They have a big body and long legs, and have white and black stripes on their wings.
C. They're small with short legs, and have no stripes on their bodies.
D. They're big with short striped legs and large wings.
Question 13: To avoid bad effects on our health, which one of the following activities should be avoided after we have
A. Talk to friends. B. Listen to music. C. Play sports. D. Watch TV.
Questions 14-16: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 14: Can you recommend a good English book?
A. Give "Grammar in Use" a try.
B. I'm studying English, too.
C. There are many books to learn English.
D. Don't worry. You will pass the English exam.
Question 15: I have a slight fever. Do we have any aspirin?
A. The teacher is coming. B. I feel okay. C. Let me check. D. Let's play a game.
Question 16: Minh: Have you finished the research about bats?
Hang: Not yet.
Minh: I have some interesting information to share with you. Bats cannot walk as the bones in their leg are extremely thin.
Hang: Wow, where did you get this information?
Minh: __________
A. I don't know. B. Yesterday. C. Because I love bats. D. On the internet.
Questions 17 - 20 refer to the following passage.
Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds that are highly adapted to life in the water. Their distinct tuxedo-like appearance is
called countershading, a form of camouflage that helps keep them safe in the water. Penguins do have wing-bones,
though they are flipper-like and extremely suited to swimming. Penguins are found almost exclusively in the southern
hemisphere, where they catch their food underwater and raise their young on land.
Staples: Krill, fish, and squid
In general, penguins closer to the equator eat more fish and penguins closer to Antarctica eat more squid and krill.
AC5 – CNN Collection
The penguin species with the highest population is the Macaroni penguin with 11,654,000 pairs. The species with the
lowest population is the endangered Galapagos penguin with between 6,000-15,000 individuals.
Penguins can be found on every continent in the Southern Hemisphere from the tropical Galapagos Islands (the
Galapagos penguin) located near South America to Antarctica (the emperor penguin).
Penguins can spend up to 75% of their lives in the water. They do all of their hunting in the water. Their prey can be found
within 60 feet of the surface, so penguins have no need to swim in deep water. They catch prey in their beaks and
swallow them whole as they swim. Some species only leave the water for molting and breeding.
Penguins are social birds. Many species feed, swim, and nest in groups. During the breeding season, some species form
large groups, or "rookeries", that include thousands of penguins. Each penguin has a distinct call, allowing individuals to
find their mate and their chicks even in large groups.
Mating Season: Varies depending on the species, though most breed during the spring and summer
Incubation: Varies from 1 month to 66 days depending on the species
Number of offspring: King and emperor penguins lay one egg. All other species of penguin lay two eggs.
Question 17: What are NOT the main kinds of food of penguins?
A. Grass B. Fish C. Krill D. Squid
Question 18: The penguin species with the lowest population is...
A. the King penguin.
B. the Galapagos penguin.
C. the Emperor penguin.
D. the Macaroni penguin.
Question 19: Where can penguins be found?
A. In the Antarctica.
B. On Galapagos Islands.
C. In South America.
D. In the Southern Hemisphere.
Question 20: Why DON'T penguins have to swim in deep water to catch prey?
A. They cannot dive.
B. Their prey lives near the surface.
C. They spend most of their lives in water.
D. The water is too cold.
Questions 21- 24: Match the information (21-24) with the name of the famous person (A-D)
Question 21: He invented the light bulb.
Question 22: He is the first person to set foot on the Moon. He said "That's one small step for [a] man,
one giant leap for mankind"?
Question 23: He is most famous for being the first African American president of the United States.
Question 24: He is known to the world as the ambitious computer programmer who became a famous
entrepreneur, one of the richest people in the world, and founder of the software company Microsoft.
A. Bill Gates B. Barack Obama C. Neil Armstrong D. Thomas Edison

Question 25: Write a short paragraph (50-100 words) to describe your favorite season of the year.


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