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Lesson Plan

School: Sc. Gimnaziala Viorel Horj Draganesti

Class: 6th
Date: 5th of March 20
Name: Georgeta Julieta Amalia Florea
Number of students: 12
Title of the lesson: Past Tense Simple– Revision
Time: 50 minutes

 Lesson competences:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use Past Tense for Regular verbs
- Use Past Tense for Irregular verbs
- Recognize the verbs in a video
- Consolidate and use correctly Past tense simple in sentences and dialogues
- Translate some sentences using Past Tense

 Materials:
- Video projector
- CD player
- Worksheets
- List of irregular verbs
- Power Point Presentation
- Flipchart

 Types of interaction: -Teacher-whole class

-Teacher- Student
- Student- Student
 Class management: - whole class
- individually
- pairwork
 Lesson stages:

 Activity 1: Warm up
Aim: Introducing students in the atmosphere of the English class.
Procedure: Teacher greets and asks for the absents. The pupil on duty tells the
absents. Then teacher suggests a little game based on a tongue twister and asks
students to repeat faster and faster two of the tongue twisters written on a flipchart
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’

 Activity 2: Check up the homework

Aim: Be aware of the importance of doing the homework
Procedure: Teacher asks the students to open their notebooks and show the
homework. The teacher checks the homework and marks it. The students show
their notebooks.
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’

 Activity 3: Lead-in
Aim: Remember the information given on Past Tense
Procedure: Teacher asks students at what tense were the verbs in the homework
and announces the students that they are going to revise Past Tense. Then she asks
how they form the affirmative, the negative and the interrogative past tense.
Students are asked to watch and listen to a video , identify the verbs in the past
tense and circle the verbs in the worksheets received from their teacher. They can
check their answers by watching the second part of the video.
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’

 Activity 4: Practicing
Aim: Use Past Tense in exercises
Procedure: Teacher gives students a worksheet. Students, in pairs, have to fill in
with the past form of the verbs in brackets (affirmative form). In the second
exercise they have to watch a power point presentation and fill in the gaps again
with the right questions and answers (interrogative and negative form). Teacher
corrects the students. Students write the second exercise in their notebooks.
Interaction: T-S, S-S
Estimated time: 20’

 Activity 5: Reading and Speaking

Aim: Choose the right verb from the box and repeat the verbs
Procedure: Teacher gives students colourful handouts .Students have to choose
the right verb from the box to complete the sentences. They can check their
answers by listening to the CD player and repeat the whole text .
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 15’

 Activity 6: Giving the homework

Aim: Translate some sentences
Procedure: Teacher tells the students to do the last exercise on the worksheet at
home and marks the students that were active. Students write down their
Interaction: T-S
Estimated time: 5’

Translate into English:

1. Am mâncat îngheţată.
2. Am fost la cumpărături.
3. Mi-am cumpărat o rochie.
4. M-am jucat fotbal.
5. Am vizitat muzeul.

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