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The researchers were able to provide some answers to the most crucial questions

about the area of folk healing practice by drawing on the participants' first-hand accounts.

By acquiring primary information from in-depth interviews, this study was successful in

achieving its objective of fostering a deeper understanding of the Ud-udong as a healing

practice among locales.

The study dived into each participant's experiences, which provides a wide range

of fresh information because each person's experience is distinct from the others',

independent of background. Human experiences have great power and are occasionally

even more persuasive than numerical statistics. The interviews can also be changed in

real time to accommodate more material because they are not constrained to a single set

of questions. The new information that was acquired can then be used to change the

research's focus and framework, giving the data flexibility and robustness. A deeper

comprehension of the participants' lived experience was acquired with each new question.

From these experiences, three issues emerged.

A.a. Belief associated with healing materials and procedures

Ilocanos are natural believers. The key informants easily believed on what

is really available resulting to patronizing the natural healing method. Traditional

healing is frequently used in conjunction with mainstream treatment, according to

studies. Its widespread usage and accessibility are the biggest drivers of self-

The key informants seemed to be self-medicating individuals appear to

rely more on complementary and alternative therapies than their prescription

drug-using peers. They believe that because these are considered natural

medicines, their safety is assured. It is concerning how easy it is to obtain

alternative medications and how comfortable it is to do so without a valid

prescription from a doctor.

A.b Experiences in utilizing the materials involved in the healing practice

The rebirth of public interest in traditional healing is ascribed to a number

of claims on the efficacy of drugs derived from natural materials, plants or herbs.

The current trend is to go "natural." It's likely that the public's evolving attitude of

natural methods and herbal plants has resulted in its use for both therapeutic and

preventative purposes.

Furthermore, the key-informants claimed that Ud-udong as a traditional

healing practice have been used for centuries in the majority of civilizations as

effective treatments for a wide range of diseases and maladies, as well as for their


Participants stated that they had prior experiences with these traditional

healing practice which cured their constant fever when they were younger.

However, when asked regarding how they approached their health when faced

with other diseases, they said that it depends on the illness, adding that they will

take medicine if it is already serious. Upon further probing, they stated that when

they were young, their mothers would let them take medicine for a fever or flu,
but when it comes to severe headaches and high fever, the Ud-udong came in.

Fortunately, they felt comfortable upon practicing the traditional healing practice.

A.c Reason for utilizing folk medicine

At the moment, going "natural" is the trendy thing. It's possible that the

usage of herbal plants for both treatment and prevention has resulted from the

public's changing perception of them. The participants concluded that they

practice traditional healing because of the accessibility and availability of such

procedure and process. Customers believe that traditional healing and folk

medicine is successful at resolving health issues. The purchase of such goods is

ascribed to contentment with earlier experiences, mistrust of the current

healthcare system, adherence to and belief in family tradition, and a desire to

enhance current western medicine treatments.

Given these expanding worries, it is clear that there is a dearth of

knowledge and scientific advancements in the area of traditional healing. The

genuine desire to close the gap and the goal of this study to act as a crucial

cornerstone that will open the door to a deeper and more meaningful

understanding of traditional healing and folk medicine remain unwavering in the

face of all of these obstacles and the urgency with which these issues need to be

addressed right away.

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